Are you ever accused of "not combing" your hair?

oh i also have to add that if you are a relaxed lady trying braidout or twistouts, you get the 'not combed' comment too. its like folks are allergic to any texture thats not straight or shirly temple curls.
yes, but that's because I wasn't combing it daily (only once a week on wash day). Once my boyfriends started commenting on it, I've tried to slowly incorporate combing again. I'm doing a mini test to see if my retention is the same with gentle combing. My reggie is:
-ONly do this at bedtime
-put a little moisturizer on my ends (any leftovers on my hands get smoothed into the rest of my hair)
-to gently comb with a wide tooth comb. I do it in six sections.
-add a little more moisturizer to the ends and seal with grapeseed oil.
-bun it up or put rollers on the ends.

I've been doing this for two weeks. So far so good. In the morning, there's no need to comb because it's already in place. one of my co-workers...who wears a wig all the time. I wanted to say **** comb your hair! BTW i'm relaxed, but a stretcher!
Yea I have been accused of it. But its true aside from wash days I don't comb it so I can't be offended. Lol.
Yes. My aunt was saying that all this week-end because I told her I only comb my hair once per week, when I wash it. I got the whole "Your hair will grow better if you brush it" and "Combing circulates the blood in your scalp" talk, lol.
Yep all the time...When my hair is twisted or in a puff I don't get that, but when it's in a fro people ask me that all the time.I just K.I.M.
I get accused of not combing my son's hair. He's a type 4 and was growing his hair out and a lot of DH's family complained about it.

When he was attending school one of them even told me if I sent him to school with his hair like that they would probably call social services on me and that I shouldn't let him be around people like that.:sad:

I comb my baby's hair (he's 10) every day but his hair does what it does and it looks fine to me.

I try to be really tolerant but I know that when it comes to the kiddies I can get quite nasty so I stay away from certain members of his family.

Thank goodness my son loves his hair and realizes that it's the other people that have a problem and not him.
I don't like when people say that to me. If you're not the one wearing or doing my hair, why the commentary? I would be the first to know if I haven't combed hair. I don't need/want someone telling me what I did or didn't do.