"Why you let your kids look nappy?"

Oh goodness I hate when people put those kind of regulations on children. They do it to my kids too.

I think they are so cute with their little brown fluffiness. The extent of their hair care is washing, conditioning, moisturizing, and detangling.

Their hair is clean it gets washed 2 or 3 times a week sometimes more depending on what they're doing outside, its not matted, you can actually comb through it very easily but I think people are so turned off by the volume of it.

It looks presentable to me.

I like it though. They are just children. Let them be kids!
O she keeps a relaxer under her sink! I remember when I was a child, EVERY TIME I went over there I was immediately taken to the kitchen and TWO SUPER BOX PERMS were applied to my head. No wonder my hair was a tragedy growing up. Imagine going to someone's house for Sunday dinner and instead you're getting a touch-up at the kitchen table. :nono:

Well, this explains why she is bold enough to do what she did on Thanksgiving. Apparently, it's not the first time. I would watch those girls. One day they're liable to come home with relaxed hair that their mother didn't approve.
:nono: She just had to open her big mouth. Now those babies think their hair isn't good enough.

Who the hell does she think she is, the Nap Whisperer?! Taking charge of people's heads left and right. Someone needs to put a stop to her antics and quick before she ruins any more heads of hair.

I feel their pain. I grew up around the nappy mafia. As a small child, I grew up around negativity about natural hair, it caused me so much confusion and shame about my natural hair. I still have problems with it this day.:ohwell: I hope one day to conquer the feelings of negativity and one day be natural. I still have a lot to learn, first.:yep:
Great Auntie was extra that day. It reminds me of one day I stopped by my MIL house for a visit, and I'd done a braid out on my oldest daughter. She has very healthy waist length hair (at the time it was but length). It was beautiful...well MIL says "Your mommy didn't have time to comb your hair today"? I just smiled and said, "She decided to she wanted to look fabulous today, and I decided she should"! Clearly her hair was styled (she had a very pretty ribbon tied in the front).

Older generation just don't "get it". But even still, they should not be allowed to insult our babies (or us for that matter

Actually some do get it. My mom has been natural for over 10 years now and she will read anyone the riot act if u even think about calling her hair or anyone elses hair nappy. My parents were over and my little dd hair wasn't combed and my Dad said "hey nappy head" and my mother ripped him a new one. She doesn't play when it comes to natural hair and believe u me, in the beginning she caught a lot of flack for going natural.