Are You a "Kept" woman........


Well-Known Member
and if you are what is your M.O? :lachen: ......I have been pondering this lately (as I'm getting ready to go to work :lol: ) how it would feel to be taken care of, not have to worry about anything! But at the same time I wouldn't be comfortable as a Kept woman, knowing how the opposite sex can be wishy washy. If I had it like that I would take advantage of it and get a degree (anyway) so I could take care of myself. Your thoughts......
By kept do you mean not having to work, or not having to do anything? Some people look at SAHM's as being kept women, but when I think of being kept I think of nannies, maids, chefs, etc. Now that, I would take in a heartbeat! (Minus the nanny of course!)
Well, I don't work, but I don't know if I'd say I'm a kept woman. I take care of my dd and most of the housework, plus I pay all the bills and do all the budgeting and whatnot.

Some people look at SAHM's as being kept women, but when I think of being kept I think of nannies, maids, chefs, etc.

I think that's my definition too!
lauren450 said:
Well, I don't work, but I don't know if I'd say I'm a kept woman. I take care of my dd and most of the housework, plus I pay all the bills and do all the budgeting and whatnot.

This is exactly what I do. We should start a club....but who would have time for the meetings :lol:
breezy said:
By kept do you mean not having to work, or not having to do anything? Some people look at SAHM's as being kept women, but when I think of being kept I think of nannies, maids, chefs, etc. Now that, I would take in a heartbeat! (Minus the nanny of course!)

Yes that is what I mean! :)
Don't get me wrong I would love to have these things (well some of them), but I would also pride myself in having my 'own' (meaning education, finances, etc.) But I wouldn't be craz enough to turn it down either! :lol:
amr501 said:
Yes that is what I mean! :)
Don't get me wrong I would love to have these things (well some of them), but I would also pride myself in having my 'own' (meaning education, finances, etc.) But I wouldn't be craz enough to turn it down either! :lol:

No, I'm not kept. No nannies, no cooks. I do get help with housekeeping though. I have a degree and worked outside the home in the past. I love my life. I have freedom, I feel respected and loved by my husband and children, I have my own excellent credit, access to the money I need. I have time to meet friends for lunch and workout at the gym. I take classes now and then. I go on field trips with my children, help out in the classroom from time to time, take my kids to all of their extra-curricular activities, help them with homework and most days I cook (or buy) dinner (sometimes hubby cooks or buys dinner). I love grocery shopping on Tuesday mornings. I like that if one of my children gets sick I can run up to the school and bring them home with no hassles. I wouldn't trade places with anyone in the world.
hopeful said:
No, I'm not kept. No nannies, no cooks. I do get help with housekeeping though. I have a degree and worked outside the home in the past. I love my life. I have freedom, I feel respected and loved by my husband and children, I have my own excellent credit, access to the money I need. I have time to meet friends for lunch and workout at the gym. I take classes now and then. I go on field trips with my children, help out in the classroom from time to time, take my kids to all of their extra-curricular activities, help them with homework and most days I cook (or buy) dinner (sometimes hubby cooks or buys dinner). I love grocery shopping on Tuesday mornings. I like that if one of my children gets sick I can run up to the school and bring them home with no hassles. I wouldn't trade places with anyone in the world.

See, this is why I don't think I'll ever work fulltime.
IF I could have a maid, cook, chef, driver, and I will take the nanny shoot sometimes I have an emergency and can't just jump up and run out w/out getting 3 little pple ready and that is when I will use my nanny. Along w/when I'm cooking on an important call and the kids don't understand they can't climb up my leg right now, :grin: I'll take it all degree or not, as long as you have a man that is not wishy washy then you don't have to worry about that. :lol:
I too thought a kept woman was someone on the side (an affair).

I've been a house wife for my entire marriage (the past 3 years)...however, I finished a degree at the same time...and college was just like having a fulltime job and part-time job:eek:
A few years back my mom had a friend who was a kept woman. She was in a relationship with a guy and when her job started interfereing with her time with him he asked her to quit. She did and he supported her for several years. She also made sure that all of the gifts and property he gave her were in her name and had him set up an investment portfolio so that she'd be secure once the relationship ended. Worked for her!
breezy said:
See, this is why I don't think I'll ever work fulltime.

See I would have to hurt somebody if I could not go get my baby. Yesterday the nurse called cause my little one fell and scraped her self up pretty badly. She put her on the phone and I was like do you want me to come get you? She said no mommy, I'm okay. But it felt so good to know that I could be there in 10 minutes.
Yes that is what I mean!
Don't get me wrong I would love to have these things (well some of them), but I would also pride myself in having my 'own' (meaning education, finances, etc.) But I wouldn't be craz enough to turn it down either!

In that case, no, I'm definitely not one, and wouldn't want to be one. I take pride in the fact that I take care of my home, family, and myself. If I had people to do everything for me, I'd be bored out of my skull.
No I am not. I'm trying to figure out how to become one though:lachen:

Totally agree that SAHMng is a full-time job in itself. My mother was one she barely had a free minute, btwn picking up kids, taking us to our various destinations, and cleaning and cooking she was on the go all day.
hopeful said:
See I would have to hurt somebody if I could not go get my baby. Yesterday the nurse called cause my little one fell and scraped her self up pretty badly. She put her on the phone and I was like do you want me to come get you? She said no mommy, I'm okay. But it felt so good to know that I could be there in 10 minutes.

See, I have a problem with this. I'll be back in school to get my degree next year, and I'd like to work, but I know that many people frown upon working parents getting preferential treatment at work b/c of their kids. I don't think I wanna deal with that mess. If my baby is sick or hurt I want to be at home with them, not having to arrange alternative care. Sigh....the lifelong dilemma that is being a mother :(
lauren450 said:
In that case, no, I'm definitely not one, and wouldn't want to be one. I take pride in the fact that I take care of my home, family, and myself. If I had people to do everything for me, I'd be bored out of my skull.

I agree with you Lauren, that's part of my joy. I don't want somebody else washing my or my family's clothes or cooking and preparing our dinner. And I love the time when I pick the kids up from school and I am the first one to hear about what they learned or about the new friend they made.
hopeful said:
I agree with you Lauren, that's part of my joy. I don't want somebody else washing my or my family's clothes or cooking and preparing our dinner. And I love the time when I pick the kids up from school and I am the first one to hear about what they learned or about the new friend they made.

That is so sweet. I can't wait until my babies are school-aged!
breezy said:
See, I have a problem with this. I'll be back in school to get my degree next year, and I'd like to work, but I know that many people frown upon working parents getting preferential treatment at work b/c of their kids. I don't think I wanna deal with that mess. If my baby is sick or hurt I want to be at home with them, not having to arrange alternative care. Sigh....the lifelong dilemma that is being a mother :(

Well get your degree first and just see. You may be able to find a job that is flexible. You are still very young. I worked the first seven years of my marriage. I had my first daughter after 5 years of marriage so I worked the first two years of her life, then it just got too stressful and I was fortunate that I didn't "need" to work, plus I had so many other interests as well. If you know you need and want flexibility and are honest with yourself and your employer you may be able to get just what you desire or you may be able to work part-time or even have your own business. Anything is possible. Like I said, finish your degree first, then pursue what your heart desires.
hopeful said:
Well get your degree first and just see. You may be able to find a job that is flexible. You are still very young. I worked the first seven years of my marriage. I had my first daughter after 5 years of marriage so I worked the first two years of her life, then it just got too stressful and I was fortunate that I didn't "need" to work, plus I had so many other interests as well. If you know you need and want flexibility and are honest with yourself and your employer you may be able to get just what you desire or you may be able to work part-time or even have your own business. Anything is possible. Like I said, finish your degree first, then pursue what your heart desires.

Thanks Hopeful! I love reading your posts!

Breezy walks off mumbling to herself "Degree first...Degree first!"
lauren450 said:
That is so sweet. I can't wait until my babies are school-aged!

Yes! LOL to have school-aged children...People be like so you going back to work now? I'm like are you crazy? Rush back to work, be stressed out, lol lose my freedom, can't be there for the kids when I want? Nope, I'm like you do you. Eventually, probably in a couple years I may work part-time or start a business (lol or not) but for now I am loving having school-aged children. There's field trips and homework and Brownies etc. I loved the baby and toddler stage, but I love this stage every bit as much!:grin:
"Kept" women are not married to the men that are "keeping" them.

A "kept" woman is a woman that has a romantic or sexual relationship with a man that she is not married to and in return he supports her.

Camilla Parker Bowles was a "kept" woman for many years until Prince Charles married her. He paid for her private secretaries, drivers, security, etc.
I am not one and with the way men are today I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with being one personally. I could see it more so if I had kids. But to each is own.
When I was a freshman in college (17), I dated an older gentleman who wanted to let me stay in a house that he owned and pay all the bills while I went to school. He didn't want a job to interfere with my availability in the evenings. I turned him down. He was nice but my mother warned me against putting myself in a position where I would feel obligated to do anything that I didn't want to do. You know, "Well, if I don't do abc, he might not do xyz and i need him to do xyz"

Unless it's someone that you love or really care about (like a marriage situation), I don't think it would be really worth it. You'd have to have rules and stuff about where you go and who you go out with. Like, most men are not going to take care of you while you hanging with some other man. Am I making sense?

I've known women that worked and were still "kept" so to speak. They banked their money while the men in their lives paid their rent and utilities and whatnot. (and most of the ones I know of had at least two and would often get both to pay for the same bills which meant even more money being banked). One coworker back home needed something done to her car, two of them gave her the money for the repair while the third man fixed it himself for free. I've had family members do it, also. I could say that I've done it, back in the day...let my cellphone get turned off for a day and the one blowing it up started paying the bill.

You tell one of them "I don't mind you coming over to watch the game but all of them extra ESPN channels are HIGH". "I don't mind you coming over for dinner Sunday evenings, let's go to the grocery store".

To me, it almost seems to border on prostitution but that's just my opinion. Please don't be offended.