Your Ideal "polished" Woman Would....

I thought the first definition is a woman who has a man that "keeps her", regardless of her looks.

Or are you thinking about a woman who is well put together? <----THIS ONE!/QUOTE]

Going with THIS definition, I think a woman who is well put together makes the best of what she has physically. Her body is in the best shape as SHE can get, her hair is healthy and in a style/cut that works for her. Her clothes fit well and look good on her. She is gracious, courteous, kind and generous and makes ANYONE who comes into her sphere feel comfortable and welcomed.

For example, there is an older couple in my life. He is from a wealthy family. She comes from a family where both her mother and father were part of the French aristocracy. These people have castles [chateaus] in their family. She is a powerful woman who by no means demonstrates or has a subservient demeanor. Yet, when I come to their home, she makes me feel like I want for nothing and she makes me feel so important when I am there. She waits upon me hand and foot.

Continuing with the above definition, for me it's being as authentic as possible [not necessarily 'keeping it real' as in speaking without thinking]. It's being comfortable with who I am, accepting myself and loving myself. There is no need for super revealing clothes, too much make-up or loud gaudy behavior. This type of woman has no need for attention from those who are external to her. She is so confident and comfortable with herself and she is so deeply ensconced in already having what she needs, that she can focus on others. When you focus on others and the interest is genuine, that is graciousness, to me.

For me, it's keeping my physical body as beautiful and as healthy as possible. Health issues can destroy your physical appearance instantly, in a few days and/ or weeks. It's ensuring that I am as financially stable as I can be, because money worries can eat away your beauty quickly, over time, too. In a addition, I work very hard to protect MYSELF. I try to keep unkind, abusive and inauthentic men and women, at a distance. My picture of my ideal 'kept self' is getting a bi-weekly 2 hour massage, eating organic natural food, having an allowance or passive income that is guaranteed for me for life that is sufficient to sustain me and for international travel and the things I want, within reason. Lastly, having a paid off home in which I am comfortable and happy that serves as my sanctuary when I am there.

Regarding sex, I think if a man or significant other cares for you, the person will teach you what the person likes and how to do it if you don't know what to do or what you are doing. can do circus flips and roll in ball and bite your own back to a man's amazement, but if both people are not committed to the relationship, even when a partner has 'phenomenal skills', sex [only] never holds either person in a relationship for the long haul.
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Going with THIS definition, I think a woman who is well put together makes the best of what she has physically. Her body is in the best shape as SHE can get, her hair is healthy and in a style/cut that works for her. Her clothes fit well and look good on her. She is gracious, courteous, kind and generous and makes ANYONE who comes into her sphere feel comfortable and welcomed.

For example, there is an older couple in my life. He is from a wealthy family. She comes from a family where both her mother and father were part of the French aristocracy. These people have castles [chateaus] in their family. She is a powerful woman who by no means demonstrates or has a subservient demeanor. Yet, when I come to their home, she makes me feel like I want for nothing and she makes me feel so important when I am there. She waits upon me hand and foot.

Continuing with the above definition, for me it's being as authentic as possible [not necessarily 'keeping it real' as in speaking without thinking]. It's being comfortable with who I am, accepting myself and loving myself. There is no need for super revealing clothes, too much make-up or loud gaudy behavior. This type of woman has no need for attention from those who are external to her. She is so confident and comfortable with herself and she is so deeply ensconced in already having what she needs, that she can focus on others. When you focus on others and the interest is genuine, that is graciousness, to me.

For me, it's keeping my physical body as beautiful and as healthy as possible. Health issues can destroy your physical appearance instantly, in a few days and/ or weeks. It's ensuring that I am as financially stable as I can be, because money worries can eat away your beauty quickly, over time, too. In a addition, I work very hard to protect MYSELF. I try to keep unkind, abusive and inauthentic men and women, at a distance. My picture of my ideal 'kept self' is getting a bi-weekly 2 hour massage, eating organic natural food, having an allowance or passive income that is guaranteed for me for life that is sufficient to sustain me and for international travel and the things I want, within reason. Lastly, having a paid off home in which I am comfortable and happy that serves as my sanctuary when I am there.

Regarding sex, I think if a man or significant other cares for you, the person will teach you what the person likes and how to do it if you don't know what to do or what you are doing. can do circus flips and roll in ball and bite your own back to a man's amazement, but if both people are not committed to the relationship, even when a partner has 'phenomenal skills', sex [only] never holds either person in a relationship for the long haul.
Very well put!! :clap:

That's exactly how I feel. Only, I don't have that passive income stream to sustain me for life lol.
The rest is nearly there...
You are waaaaaay too kind. :grin:

I like to dress nice because it makes me feel good and I perform better in every area of life. You dress very nice too!! You makeup is always just right… never caked on, you dress to accentuate your curves, and you have a bubbly personality. No wonder you snagged that super sweet engineer! :grin:

I love your reply, and its soooo true that when I look good I feel good. Today I'm taking myself for a nice haircut and then shopping for new earrings and a few cute dresses. I've been feeling a lil blah lately and this is the kick in the tail that will get me back on track.
For visuals read town and country and vogue. You can tell from the ads and the subject matter of the articles what well heeled women care about and aspire to. I've always found town and Country in particular to be aspirational for me.

A woman who has the privilege to care for her looks and plan her leisure time is naturally rather care free. What I've also gained from my wealthy friends, happy housewives and through observation is that people always come first. Meaning, the outward image they choose to project is confident and secure and therefore all that matters to them when in your presence or out in public is your comfort and everyone having a pleasant time.

I know my definition merges other conversations around the forum but I think a lot of what we aspire to does start with the decisions we make in who we marry and when we choose to have children. My thoughts on feminity have evolved beyond wearing dresses and manicures to no matter what, starting out comfortable in your own skin and happy/content with your life situation - good and bad. Starting from there you can easily and authentically project a sense of serenity that is magnetic to men and women.

Katherine Hepburn in her wide leg pants is a symbol of femininity and class, as is Jane Goodall. I think Katherine was mainly a mistress and Jane played with monkeys. All that to say being kept is a state of mind and it starts with how you've kept yourself. Forgive people so you're not bitter holding that weight, find something you love, love others without expectations, be deliberate about the company you keep and where you live, keep your promises, treat your body like the magical gift it is. Stay humble- its daddy's money. Daddy is God, your earthly father or your husband. If you can consistently do these things everyone in your life will bend over backwards to "keep" you.
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Forgive people so you're not bitter holding that weight, find something you love, love others without expectations, be deliberate about the company you keep and where you live, keep your promises, treat your body like the magical gift it is. Stay humble- its daddy's money. Daddy is God, your earthly father or your husband. If you can consistently do these things everyone in your life will bend over backwards to "keep" you.

My wise this one too
I've been making an effort to just talk more feminine. I'm natural really excited happy and kinda pressured when I talk. The last two days I've made it a point to be deliberate with my speech and make every word count while talking very girly. I must say my interactions have been a lot more laid back and pleasant. I'm going to keep this up and report back on this exercise.
I've been making an effort to just talk more feminine. I'm natural really excited happy and kinda pressured when I talk. The last two days I've made it a point to be deliberate with my speech and make every word count while talking very girly. I must say my interactions have been a lot more laid back and pleasant. I'm going to keep this up and report back on this exercise.
What do you mean by talking more feminine or girly?
I've been making an effort to just talk more feminine. I'm natural really excited happy and kinda pressured when I talk. The last two days I've made it a point to be deliberate with my speech and make every word count while talking very girly. I must say my interactions have been a lot more laid back and pleasant. I'm going to keep this up and report back on this exercise.

Ditto. Some sales guy literally called me Princess yesterday as I was turning down his sales pitch. I'm super grown so princess was like huh? Lol. But, generally the world is so much more pleasant towards me when I use this voice--to the tune of getting things I shouldn't have gotten.

I love social engineering too. Noticing people's behaviors towards me when I change my behaviors is fascinating to me. I guess it's a little manipulative too, but it makes me happy to speak in such a manner.
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I think she means some people tend to associate speaking in that kind of voice with being an airhead.



Eta: Are we trying to be trophy wives and/or woo men or please other women?
No shade was intended by my comment. I never viewed Marilyn Monroe's demeanor as aspirational. I personally would rather emulate Michelle Obama but I respect that we all make different choices.

You asked about feminine voice dear.

And, good for you! I love her too, it seems she's now batting for trophy wife status!
I feel like changing your voice is difficult and might be counter intuitive. Wouldn't it be easier to find a man who thinks your natural voice and pattern of speech is like silk?

Marilyn Monroe, the famous example of changing up speech, actually experienced tragic events leading up to her death. She was really abused. It worked for her films and persona but it obviously didn't really work for her.
I feel like changing your voice is difficult and might be counter intuitive. Wouldn't it be easier to find a man who thinks your natural voice and pattern of speech is like silk?

Marilyn Monroe, the famous example of changing up speech, actually experienced tragic events leading up to her death. She was really abused. It worked for her films and persona but it obviously didn't really work for her.
I think you just have to be deliberate. I have a very sexy voice when I am calm and relaxed. But in my normal course of the day my voice is more masculine and harsh. I believe it's because of my job (I'm disciplining children all day). But when I make an effort I can think about my actions and become more feminine.

Just like when I think about my actions I can also sit more feminine and not with my legs all gapped open and choose not to use profanity around elders and etc.
I guess this is a case by case basis. Some of the stuff mentioned in that post makes my skin crawl and I feel like it's doing too much. Its like women are expected to be something other than human to make a man feel like he he deserves praise for doing basic sh**.

"Acknowledge him with a kiss and smile as soon as he comes home. (Nothing wrong with this, but what if you get home after him? Will he do the same?)

"Stop doing what you are doing for 3-5 minutes and show your admiration and appreciation of him being a man and going to work to offer you a stress free lifestyle." (Really? GTFOH) I can see taking the time to talk with your spouse and ask him how his day was and make small talk and have dinner together, but this seems like you are putting him on some throne. Husbands should cook and do house chores too. I sometimes work sometimes 50-60 hours a week, I would tell my spouse to have several seats if this is what he expected from me everyday and I'm working just as hard as him. I'm assuming this was written for stay at home wives.

As someone who gets up and goes to work everyday also, I don't expect praise for that. Why are we praising men for being responsible adults? Isn't that a part of being a grown up? I agree you should keep your looks up to par, stay healthy and exercise, that goes without saying. Keeping your hair looking nice isn't that hard with all the weave and wig choices nowadays for those who chose to wear them. But us natural hair folks who choose not to wear weaves have our challenges. However, everyone does not chose to wear dresses and skirts everyday. You can still look feminine and pretty with pants, Michelle Obama looks amazing in pants and she always looks feminine. Public behavior I consider to be part of home training, something you should have learned as a child. Everyone should behave themselves in public, not just women.
I saw this and it reminded me of this thread.

I'm going to try to get on my ps&qs as I know I don't take care of myself like I should.
Today I'm going to make sure I shape my nails and I'm putting my gel polosh back on. Im also going to braid my hair down and wear wigs until I get my hair back in shape
I like the word polished :drunk: Thank you for posting this link too