New Member
I think its like a majority vs. minorty thing, or "powershift" or something.
I think it's also because people are so proud to be natural, and usually when people go natural they have alot of reasons why they dont like relaxers anymore or decided to stop using them, and they have the "finally natural" "natural and proud" ect. in the siggys. (nothing wrong with that)
When the majority of people were relaxed, it may have been more comfotable for the minority people with natural hair because no-one is saying "relaxed and proud", "natural hair/products are declining yay!" ect.
Also, it may feel like people are leaving your "team" when they go natural. Because even though it may be backwards, most people are relaxed, and this is their first time leaving relaxers.
And i think that if like 90% of the board were natural, and in a couple of years the majorty started relaxnig and were really happy about it, then the same feelings may come up again because relaxed isnt the "normal" anymore, natural is.
ETA---Also wanted to add that natural hair can never be a fad, but relaxers could be a fad thats dying off and that can be something that causes worry.
See... most of this post was on point. but, it's that last dig at the end about relaxers being a "fad" when most of the AA population is relaxed that starts the madness. That comment was completely unnecessary and took away from your, overall, peace and harmony message! These are the kinds of comments that are pissin' folks off!