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OT: Hey Delight! Welcome back!

DelightfulFlame said:I personally think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and have a right to voice that opinion.
I think that there really isn't a beef...some people are just more sensitive than others.
I think it is unrealistic to expect everyone in a thread to agree or sing kum-ba-ya.
I was I'm back to a relaxer. There is talk about mindsets...but the reality is that you don't know a person's mindset. I loved my natural hair. I love my hair now. Being around natural folks taught me that everyone natural is not the same. Some folks act like gatekeepers of all things nappy. They are not. Alot of assumptions are made that are not true. There are some ignorant nappy headed folks just like there are ignorant relaxed, texturized, white, black, chinese, etc.
To each his own. Do you. Learn. Love. Live.