Aquarius Men

Most likely an Aquarius/dating an Aquarius/daughter of an Aquarius

Of all the threads where signs are mentioned, why s it THIS one that is called "stupid"

LOL Please.
I'm an Aquarius woman and proud of it. But I heard a lot of ppl say not to trust Aquarius guys. Enough of them have said that they were sneaky, and played head games enough for me to believe that may be a characteristic a lot of Aquarius men possess.
I'm an Aquarius and usually end up attracted to Aquarius men. My husband is an Aquarius. I'm not into astrology and therefore don't know much about it, but the descriptions that I've read are so exact to the behavior. I think in the end, I'm drawn to Aquarius men because they tend to be smart, great conversationalists, and they are never dull, for better or worse.

I have a question. Are traits the same for men and women who share the same sign? Although my husband and I are the same sign, we can be very dissimilar.
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Most likely an Aquarius/dating an Aquarius/daughter of an Aquarius

Of all the threads where signs are mentioned, why s it THIS one that is called "stupid"

LOL Please.

I think all of them are stupid. All twelve generalizations.

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I've never had the best relationships/ dating experiences with Aquarius men. They tend to be extremely aloof. I admit I'm aloof too, but they take it to a whole different level. They don't communicate well. They get bird with new things quickly. They don't seem to be good for long term commitments, and I'm not talking about relationships. The ones I've known have been quick to get involved heavily in different activities and then their participation tapers off.

Suffice it to say that I'm not a fan of Aquarius men.
my bf is an aquarius we've been dating for about 6months
im a scorpio

so far its pretty interesting,he's but in a good way i guess. He always has something on his mind its like there are thoughts racing at 100mph in his head. in the beginning he was VERY secretive and he would never open up to me at all like i would have to push/force things out of him and he hated that but now he's really open with me he tells me everything(or at least i think he does lol). He says that i "get" him and he likes that and he loves how our conversations are never boring.
he always displays his feelings towards me, he'll always say how much he likes me and he'll send me a random text during the day saying i miss you and he always suprises me with things and he remembers EVERY single detail about me.
as far as sex,it hasnt happened yet because im a very emotional person (iguess its the scorpio in me lol) and i think sex is a veery serious step and i dont want to have sex with someone and become emotionally attatched if the relationship isnt gonna go anywhere but i think it'll happen real next week soon lol
ElegantPearl17 well, we work but the hardest thing is his nonchalant attitude. I know its in his nature so I try to be easy. He is a sweetheart tho and really revolves everything around me so we work lol. We have been married for 5 years and the first two were touch and go though lol.
I can vouch for the aloofness and nonchalant attitude. My honey is an Aquarius and I'm a Sag. Definitely have deep conversations and he seems to get things before I do and he leads me to the water lol. We connect on every level but his communication lacks when it comes to important matters that concern our relationship, he'll talk for Days about other things if I let him. He's opened up to me about a few things but overall there is still a wall there. Idk if this is just exclusive to him or not but he is not trusting of many people so its hard for me when he doesn't let me in.
I am an Aquarius dating a Taurus male <-- (bull headed, stubborn, clingy but it works) very different signs but somehow it has worked for many years.

About myself...pretty much agree with everything here.

-Independent, aloof, non-nonchalant, indecisive as heck! Love is expressed easier non-verbally;

-Takes a lot to pry apart, does not like to express feelings, keeps feelings inside

-Not a big "hugger" nor affectionate to anyone besides their SO

-Thinks about things a million times a day, day dreams very often

-VERY loyal and will do anything to make the relationship work

-Loves to have conversations about any subject

-Has a tendency to hold grudges


-Likes and needs to be alone sometimes, needs space. Does not like to feel pressured.

-Likes to be pursued and not develop a relationship too soon (may be characteristic of "playing games" along with their indecisiveness). Once they commit they stay loyal and faithful

-Wants people to understand them even though they do not easily communicate

-Sometimes I consider myself sneaky/tricky
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I'm a Taurus... My ex is an Aquarius, a Bipolar one at that. So take that emotional bit and multiply em by 10 on each end of the scale. :look: I don't have anything bad to say about him persay, because I've noticed this in all aquarians I meet and My sister. They have this notion that they are always right about EVERYTHING. No one else is ever right, only them. Even if they realize they are wrong, they will still argue that they are right. Other then that annoying little factor they are good people. Now, As a couple, He and I won't work. As friends we're the best of em. Still talk everyday and hang out with each other on the regular. I still love him, he still loves me, we just realize we can't be together. :yep:
I'm a Taurus... My ex is an Aquarius, a Bipolar one at that. So take that emotional bit and multiply em by 10 on each end of the scale. :look: I don't have anything bad to say about him persay, because I've noticed this in all aquarians I meet and My sister. They have this notion that they are always right about EVERYTHING. No one else is ever right, only them. Even if they realize they are wrong, they will still argue that they are right. Other then that annoying little factor they are good people. Now, As a couple, He and I won't work. As friends we're the best of em. Still talk everyday and hang out with each other on the regular. I still love him, he still loves me, we just realize we can't be together. :yep:

I've made a conscience effort to admit when I'm wrong or concede to another person's POV. Now, it comes much easier than it did. But generally, you're right about us :$
Interesting ,wow ,it's actually very true .I overlooked aquarians ,i actually met only one and yeah pretty great guy but a bit cold and not exactly what i define spontaneous .
I m a Sag rising in Cancer and always attract Cancers ,Scorpios and Taurus. Yeah the most difficult ones,I mean if you can figure out Cancer men you re on a smooth ride with the rest of them .lol .My rising in Cancer is a pretty strong influence .
I think Leos and Aquarians are opposite signs. From what I've heard, this means bomb sexual attraction, but completely and wholly incompatible in making a long-term relationship work. :nono:

my S/O is leo.... you leos can hold a grudge.... dios mio.... leos don't get over stuff very easily

that's me.... If I messed up I'll fess up and face the music.... but get over it quick becuase I get over things and be on to the next very quickly. I love deep, I love strong but I can switch on and off in a minute.

Don't say S/O is leo and we going through a phase now so I don't wanna hear/read that.

Aquarians are very loyal when we wanna be, we have huge egos but are fun to be around. I also agree that we can be sneaky. Oh and we can be a lil crazy.

My ex was also aquarian and he had a blast, we're both spontaneous, the sex was AWESOME..... but we're both detached, both sneaky, both get tired/bored with people easily....The highs were super high, the lows were rock bottom. There wasno middle ground. We are now great friends.

I married my Leo. We get a long great but when we have issues it's horrible. We're both head strong. He always wants things his way and I believe I'm always right. When he gets mad I wonder why he's getting so worked up because I'm usually on chill.

COMPULSIVE liar and whore. will commit but will cheat. EXTREMELY secretive. dreamers with no ability to make it happen unless of course your oprah.
definitely disagree
as an aquarius woman, let me just say if you arent another air sign, leave him alone. Aquarians are notorious for being head over heels in love,and then 2 seconds later be like " i hate you why are you here" i do it all the time i know.. we are pretty nice, but we will never find all that we are looking for. It is hard because we are super blunt, and if you have hurt feelings we usually look at you like :perplexed: get over it
lets see
- good in bed
-very loyal
- interesting
- caring and attentive
- very intelligent
- we adapt well to different situations and will never embarrass you in public
- not so much jealous, but we are strange with this.
Negatives( get readylol)

- indicisive
-extremely blunt
- easily hurt( and this is something that come out of no where, we hide it well too)
- procrastinator
- unrealistic with expectations
- holds grudges.. not for a long time
- if you get on our bad side, there is no coming back from that...
- most aquarians have little ticks that bother them. most of the time they are things that are sooo insignificant but they still bother them. things like bad grammar, or poor hygiene will bother them too no avail.
- unreasonable standards.. we usually dont live up to them either

i think that's all, with the aquarius the good usually out weighs the bad.. we are the sign that is like the eternal loner, we really lack the brain to heart connection that will get a life long companion. If you want him long term, you need to get inside his head an figure out who he is under what you see. the sneakiness of aquarius usually prevents them from showing who they really are. Be prepared to spend the first few dates in bed...

tis all

on point
So I'm eyeing this Aquarian guy....he's a tattoo artist. COVERED in tats but he's just so damn adorable. But based on my research, I feel like it might be a waste:

I've read:
-they are selfish in bed
-They are slow to commit
-they like their space...meaning they can disappear for days without contact

The negatives are based on some Scorpio-Aquarius compatibility stuff I've read. A lot of the comments were mixed :laugh: In general, the Scorpio-Aquarius couples that actually worked really have to focus on communication.

I've been stalking his IG for a day or two, and I came across this post from a year ago:
"I'm 26, no kids, no ex-wives, no baggage, I'm a licensed tattoo artist, I have my own place, why am I still single"...and one girl responded "because you never called back." Hmm.

Another post from 2 weeks ago:
"I get no attention like a white crayon, single life sucks"

I do wonder why he is single, he's a cutie and he seems nice. I wonder if he's picky or something I dunno. I completely understand needing the space, I cant stand a clingy dude. But in the same breath, even though I am not looking for something incredibly serious, I won't be second fiddle to NO ONE.
-they are selfish in bed

Wrong! :D

i notice that they do like their space..but not disappearing for days, more like a couple of hours to do their own thing.

I don't know.. sometimes this astrology stuff seems spot on and other times it misses stuff by a mile.
I've read:
-they are selfish in bed
-They are slow to commit
-they like their space...meaning they can disappear for days without contact


Dh is mos def not selfish in bed, he asked me to marry him super fast (I had to slow him down) and I literally couldn't get rid of him once I gave him some so I would say no to all of the above.
No to the selfish in bed bit just no

Space is vital we cannot function when we need space and people hound us. Space could mean being in the same room/house but doing your own thing or a few hours/days apart.
Why do Aquarius men sound so closely related to the Pisces men. The Pisces me is fun to be around, has a lot of friends and has great sexual chemistry and so on. I have never dated an Aquarius but I will tell you that being an Aries woman who was with a Pisces men was pure HELL! So I will have to really stay away from an Aquarius! LOL!

I wonder how Aquarius and Pisces get alone, since their traits are so closely related. Seems like a match made in heaven!
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