Aquarius Men

syze6 They have similarities IMO. Dating a Pisces was the most emotionally irritating experience of my life. And I did it twice with the same guy. I've heard that Aquarius men pull that "forget you I don't need you in my life" crap....then turn around a few days later and talk to you like your old buddies. Like that big fight never happened :laugh: That's what my Pisces ex did.

I can't say if that's true for all Pisces men because I honestly think my ex was mentally disturbed. I hope this Aquarius dude isn't crazy.
Dh is mos def not selfish in bed, he asked me to marry him super fast (I had to slow him down) and I literally couldn't get rid of him once I gave him some so I would say no to all of the above.

Yes, yes and yes. Spot on.

I'm an Aquarius and so is FH. This has been an interesting and entertaining thread. Some of yall are on point with your descriptions of us.
LOL, i'm an aries that dated a pisces/aquarius cusp man... and i'm pretty dating lucifer himself would have been a more pleasant experience.

I've also been with an aquarius, and we were more compatible, in theory.. but he was also really emotional yet cold, and i found no happy medium for him. he was either super clingy or super distant. couldn't do it.
I'm an Aquarius :) :wave:

I tell ppl up front I'm weird and absolutely insane. I love to have fun but will shut down on everybody in a heartbeat if something ain't right.

I love ppl but I much rather stay to myself. Me and my dog often have our own parties. Lol :look: im mistaken for being super outgoing but I am a real introvert.

Under this quirkiness is a wealth of intelligence which ppl often are unaware of bc of my free spirit/idgaf/carefree vibe. I come off as "ditzy" in person... I guess. Its irritating bc I don't try to.

Im super intuitive. I also inadvertently have a tendency to offend ppl or saying the wrong thing. So if I don't know what to say I just keep to myself in my own mental bubble which still pisses ppl off. I apologize an awful lot and I'm trying to stop that.
Keep it fresh and sexy, to keep them interested...


On everything! Im literally about to end a 2 yr relationship bc he's too comfortable and I'm bored!:nono:

My mind has to be stimulated at all times. In fact if I'm not interested within the first 5 min of a conversation I'm on to the next one. I always need to be learning something new, doing something different. Everyday has to be different.

One thing about us is that we're usually very loyal, very forgiving, very honest... We're like cats lol!

And yes SUPER emotional and passionate! Rarely a gray area when it comes to emotions lol!

But this Capricorn tho...:nono:

Anywhoo...I digress lol
Why do Aquarius men sound so closely related to the Pisces men. The Pisces me is fun to be around, has a lot of friends and has great sexual chemistry and so on. I have never dated an Aquarius but I will tell you that being an Aries woman who was with a Pisces men was pure HELL! So I will have to really stay away from an Aquarius! LOL!

I wonder how Aquarius and Pisces get alone, since their traits are so closely related. Seems like a match made in heaven!

I once tried to date a Pisces.

That was a joke.
I'm an Aquarius and the only man to ever get under my skin in a lasting way was also an Aquarius.

From my experience with him as well as the reactions I get from men I think an Aquarius must be some combination of intoxicating and infuriating.
I'm an Aquarius and the only man to ever get under my skin in a lasting way was also an Aquarius.

From my experience with him as well as the reactions I get from men I think an Aquarius must be some combination of intoxicating and infuriating.

Girl...:yep: Dude's birthday is even the day after mine.

Things between us were so intense- emotionally and physically. I've never experienced anything like it before, and haven't since. But things didn't work out, and getting him out of my system has been challenging. It's only been about 4 months, but I can see it taking up to a year. :ohwell:

I've also dealt with the infuriating Aquarius, we stayed having issues.
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On everything! Im literally about to end a 2 yr relationship bc he's too comfortable and I'm bored!:nono:

My mind has to be stimulated at all times. In fact if I'm not interested within the first 5 min of a conversation I'm on to the next one. I always need to be learning something new, doing something different. Everyday has to be different.

One thing about us is that we're usually very loyal, very forgiving, very honest... We're like cats lol!

And yes SUPER emotional and passionate! Rarely a gray area when it comes to emotions lol!

But this Capricorn tho...:nono:

Anywhoo...I digress lol

I'm an aquarius and can def relate to the bolded. My next partner needs to be able to keep me engaged intellectually/mentally somehow. I honestly didn't know how much of a turn on that was for me until I met this guy briefly and after speaking to him early on he said he was able to tell that I needed that and that all the aquarian women he's dated were the same. He said you have to get in their minds, keep them engaged, that's how you keep them attracted. He was right when I really thought about it. Nonetheless, I was very much into him mentally and he's one person I would have enjoyed spending a lot of time with and just talking to him. I've never felt that way about another man as yet. I'm usually not that interested even if they are attractive.

I also rarely if ever have gray areas with my emotions too lol. I either like something/someone or I don't --- or I'm indifferent, which lends itself to me not like it/person. This is why the concept of a mate potentially growing on me will not work for me.
Girl...:yep: Dude's birthday is even the day after mine.

Things between us were so intense- emotionally and physically. I've never experienced anything like it before, and haven't since. But things didn't work out, and getting him out of my system has been challenging. It's only been about 4 months, but I can see it taking up to a year. :ohwell:

I understand. If we don't stay far away from each other we will fall in and out of love with each other, and to be honest, in and out of hate with each other a thousand times. There was never any middle ground.

One thing I've noticed with us as opposed to people who aren't Aquarius is that we seem more...contradictory? Most people are who they are. Like you can meet a gregarious person and reasonably expect that when you see them again the next day they will still be that gregarious person. It's not like that with us. I can say I'm passionate and I can say I'm cold and somehow they are both 100% true. Same with depressed/happy-go-lucky or shy/social or confident/insecure.

I've been accused many times of being deceptive when in reality my truth changes.
I understand. If we don't stay far away from each other we will fall in and out of love with each other, and to be honest, in and out of hate with each other a thousand times. There was never any middle ground. One thing I've noticed with us as opposed to people who aren't Aquarius is that we seem more...contradictory? Most people are who they are. Like you can meet a gregarious person and reasonably expect that when you see them again the next day they will still be that gregarious person. It's not like that with us. I can say I'm passionate and I can say I'm cold and somehow they are both 100% true. Same with depressed/happy-go-lucky or shy/social or confident/insecure. I've been accused many times of being deceptive when in reality my truth changes.

Big cosign
Why do Aquarius men sound so closely related to the Pisces men. The Pisces me is fun to be around, has a lot of friends and has great sexual chemistry and so on. I have never dated an Aquarius but I will tell you that being an Aries woman who was with a Pisces men was pure HELL! So I will have to really stay away from an Aquarius! LOL!

I wonder how Aquarius and Pisces get alone, since their traits are so closely related. Seems like a match made in heaven!

Pisceans in my opinion are to needy emotionally and require too much attention and coddling. My mom is one and if she wasn't, I wouldn't want to be around her. One of my close friends is piscean as well and we're only friends because she wouldn't stop stalking me. I'm a loner, they need people around them all the time. So annoying.
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Pisceans in my opinion are to needy emotionally and require too much attention and coddling. My mom is one and I'd she wasn't I would want to be around her. One of my close friends is piscean as well and we're only friends because she wouldn't stop stalking me. I'm a loner, they need people around them all the time. So annoying.

My sister is a Pisces and I don't think we'll ever be close. She is soooooo attention seeking. She will compromise her integrity just to be noticed. She has all these people that hang on to her every word and it's like I'm in an alternate universe and am the only one who can "see" Her. When people tell me something she says, I give them a blank stare like "Really? You haven't figured out she is full of it yet?"

I don't know much about pisces traits, but if that's how they are I'd rather be alone because I'm not at all the person to feed ones need for attention. Yuck.
I have a good buddy that is Aquarius. He is so smart. We have the best conversations. We have never been intimate. He is teasing me and tempting me. I am so curious but don't want ruin our friendship. He says he gets so much from me because we connect mentally.
I have a good buddy that is Aquarius. He is so smart. We have the best conversations. We have never been intimate. He is teasing me and tempting me. I am so curious but don't want ruin our friendship. He says he gets so much from me because we connect mentally.

Keep it that me....we make much better friends:lol::lol:
Ok he was the most intense crush ever . Crazy,talked to him self ,contraddicted him self all the time,aloof,nice,cold,hot,cold.
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I have dated 2 Aquarius men with different backgrounds and ages and I regret them both! I tried with the 2nd one years later thinking maybe it was a coincidence but nope...they suck IMO! They are sneaky, weak, impulsive and they suck
I have dated 2 Aquarius men with different backgrounds and ages and I regret them both! I tried with the 2nd one years later thinking maybe it was a coincidence but nope...they suck IMO! They are sneaky, weak, impulsive and they suck

Sneaky in what way.Are they cheaters? Is that what everyone means by sneaky?
Sneaky in what way.Are they cheaters? Is that what everyone means by sneaky?

By sneaky I mean we were together for over a year and living together and he was entertaining his ex wife and I had No idea because they are so good at it! He told me I was insecure and crazy to think there was anything going on and I almost believed him (thank goodness for women's intuition) Needless to say we broke up and they are now married with a baby on the way. Smh so much time wasted on them
My SO is an aquarius and I notice he does need his alone/me time which is fine cuz I need mine too. But sneaky? No. some of the negative traits described here can be said for leo men, at least IME.