Aquarius Men

Aquarians are a different breed altogether, anyway. All of the above is true and then some. MonkeyButt and me are both aquarians and our relationship is interesting to say the least.
I'm with an aquarian man and I am a gemini. The chemistry is crazy between us. I still cant believe it some times. We were together and teens and recently reunited. We quickly fell back in love with each other as if it had never even ended.

He is basically most of of the descriptions above.
Dead honest---blunt as hell
very very affectionate and passionate
care free
loved by all
exciting, fun to be around
thinks positive and looks for the best in people
Very happy go lucky
Sees the beauty in everything
Cocky and self confident - I've always attracted to men like this...and female friends.

One thing that bothers me at times is that he is very popular and when he comes around it's like EVERYBODY wants his attention. He can get pulled in so many directions.

I hope it lasts because I have never come across someone who I felt was so perfect for me in every way...flaws and all. I stay baffled by our chemistry.
I'm a scorpio too and I'm interested in a Aquarius man; I don't know about the sex part but you describe him to a T.

We are great together and its like talking to my twin. I don't belive in astrology compatability stuff; because it really depends on the people and if they are willing to make it work.

I'm married to an Aquarius. We have been together for 7 years now. I'm a Scorpio and all of the little astrology books say that this is a match made in hell but it has worked for us..Here is my take on Aquarian men:

-very sociable and they love people
-GREAT in bed
-FUN to be around
-very smart
-not the best at following thru on things
-give you your space
-caring but not big on displaying feelings
never dated one to my knowledge and I don't plan to after these posts lol


another to steer clear of: CANCER MEN

never dated one to my knowledge and I don't plan to after these posts lol


another to steer clear of: CANCER MEN


Yes Cancer men are cancerous. The last Cancer I was with stress me out so much that I gained 70 pounds, was losing my hair and piece of mind. Once we broke up permanently, I lost 50 of those pounds and my hair is growing again and I feel ALIVE!!!

Well it is nice to know that the good outweighs the bad in them. I am dating my first Aquarius male now!
My father is An Aquarius and my current SO is one. My father I didn't really get along with but I contribute that to him being my father and trying not to compare that to my current SO. I wonder how this Aries-Aquarius will work out for me though. So far so good.
I'm with an aquarian man and I am a gemini. The chemistry is crazy between us. I still cant believe it some times. We were together and teens and recently reunited. We quickly fell back in love with each other as if it had never even ended.

He is basically most of of the descriptions above.
Dead honest---blunt as hell
very very affectionate and passionate
care free
loved by all
exciting, fun to be around
thinks positive and looks for the best in people
Very happy go lucky
Sees the beauty in everything
Cocky and self confident - I've always attracted to men like this...and female friends.

One thing that bothers me at times is that he is very popular and when he comes around it's like EVERYBODY wants his attention. He can get pulled in so many directions.

I hope it lasts because I have never come across someone who I felt was so perfect for me in every way...flaws and all. I stay baffled by our chemistry.


Ah, well at least I can laugh at myself...I could start a whole new thread on where this went.
Most of the Aquarius men that I've met have some sort of mental problem, 2 were depressed and one i'm sure was a possible sociopath. Only one was really cool, but what they all had in common was that they were LIARS :whip:

I'm an aquarius/pisces cusp

aquarius and pisces do not mix!!
Most of the Aquarius men that I've met have some sort of mental problem, 2 were depressed and one i'm sure was a possible sociopath. Only one was really cool, but what they all had in common was that they were LIARS :whip:

I'm an aquarius/pisces cusp

aquarius and pisces do not mix!!

Yes, mad fun, great conversationalists, empathetic, egotistical, sees the good in every situation, the people's champ, very sociable, good in bed and hella secretive and sneaky...

I'm an Aquarius and you just described me perfectly. I've tried to date Aquarian men, but it never worked out. They were unpredictable and smug.
as an aquarius woman, let me just say if you arent another air sign, leave him alone. Aquarians are notorious for being head over heels in love,and then 2 seconds later be like " i hate you why are you here" i do it all the time i know.. we are pretty nice, but we will never find all that we are looking for. It is hard because we are super blunt, and if you have hurt feelings we usually look at you like :perplexed: get over it
lets see
- good in bed
-very loyal
- interesting
- caring and attentive
- very intelligent
- we adapt well to different situations and will never embarrass you in public
- not so much jealous, but we are strange with this.
Negatives( get readylol)

- indicisive
-extremely blunt
- easily hurt( and this is something that come out of no where, we hide it well too)
- procrastinator
- unrealistic with expectations
- holds grudges.. not for a long time
- if you get on our bad side, there is no coming back from that...
- most aquarians have little ticks that bother them. most of the time they are things that are sooo insignificant but they still bother them. things like bad grammar, or poor hygiene will bother them too no avail.
- unreasonable standards.. we usually dont live up to them either

i think that's all, with the aquarius the good usually out weighs the bad.. we are the sign that is like the eternal loner, we really lack the brain to heart connection that will get a life long companion. If you want him long term, you need to get inside his head an figure out who he is under what you see. the sneakiness of aquarius usually prevents them from showing who they really are. Be prepared to spend the first few dates in bed...

tis all


woooooow. that's SOOOO me.

it's so me it's scary.

esp w. the unrealistic expectations. i expect everyone to be perfect bc i am :look:

and i can be SO into some1, then suddenly i can't stand them and tell them to go kick rocks, then the next day i'll call them back up like nothing happened. but despite this i'm still very loyal.

i swear it'll be incredibly difficult to find a husband. i have yet to find someone who understands me fully, and i need that, or else it just won't work. but i'm determined to find one.
Aquarius chiming in too :woot: I agree you ladies describing these Aquarian males fits to Aquarian females to a T as well. Wow!
Wow @ Honeybuni's post, I'm an Aquarius and I definitely see myself in most of that description.

I've had relationships with other Aquarians that were the polar opposite of each other. The first one, we were so much alike that we would constantly butt heads. But the 2nd one, our similiarities worked in our favor- we clicked really well from the jump.
DH is an Aquarian. You guys pretty much hit the nail on the head on most of what I read so far. He's not like any other man I've ever met in my life and I'm glad we get to share our lives together. I'm a Cancer and we're polar opposites in many aspects. I feel like he provides balance to me (even when I don't feel like being balanced).
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u guys inspired me. im going out w. an aquarius tonight. we'll see how it goes. im an aquarius too so we'll see how it goes. he seems pretty chill. we're a lot alike. duh. lol. but w.e. im excited
I just had to come in here and say that everytime I see this thread (I've never clicked on it before now) I start singing "This is the age of Aquarius, the age of aquariuuuuus!" a la 40-yr old Virgin movie :lol:

Sorry, it was umm...really...buggin me and I had to umm..say something :look:

Carry on, Aquarius'! :)
:blush:, This thread is sooo me. Especially the "bipolar" part...
I'm the funny, social, party person and then I'm like I need to "retire" from the world and "recharge".:look:
Another thing with Aquarius man or woman, please RESPECT our alone time. It irks me when people ask me "What's wrong, are you ok?". And when I try to explain to others that I just need the time by myself, ppl give me this look :perplexed:. *Sigh*
This thread has been useful, I'm trying to understand an Aquarian man.

me too....i'm dating one right now.... and half the time i want out bc he makes me feel like a crazy woman!!!! grrrrrrr!!!!
calls....texts when he wants to.....bc he's too "busy".....i just don't get it.....but he says he likes me a lot and cares about me so much......ummmm.....yeah okay......i guess????:perplexed
me too....i'm dating one right now.... and half the time i want out bc he makes me feel like a crazy woman!!!! grrrrrrr!!!!
calls....texts when he wants to.....bc he's too "busy".....i just don't get it.....but he says he likes me a lot and cares about me so much......ummmm.....yeah okay......i guess????:perplexed

Aquarius or not, you have all the signs/red flags you need...His words and his actions do not line up.
Dont know about the women but the men? They are way too many odd ideas and they can never stick with one. Hear one unconventional idea and they're all over it even if it doesnt make much sense. Seriously they are the ones most likely to join a cult
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