Aquarius Men

I'm married to an Aquarius. We have been together for 7 years now. I'm a Scorpio and all of the little astrology books say that this is a match made in hell but it has worked for us..Here is my take on Aquarian men:

-very sociable and they love people
-GREAT in bed
-FUN to be around
-very smart
-not the best at following thru on things
-give you your space
-caring but not big on displaying feelings

Married to an Aquarian man 18 years. I agree 100% w/ your take on Aquarian men. :drunk:
this is the only thing I disagree with

Every aquarian I know, myself included, are very affectionate and big on displaying affection.

I disagree. But I've heard there are two types of Aquarius - one is more extroverted and the other is introverted. Personally, I'm not affectionate at all. Giving hugs to anyone but my little brother feels weird. My father is also an Aquarius and he was not affectionate or great at displaying affection. We're both very detached.
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I am a capricorn married to an aquarius.

My list includes:

-great in bed
-does his own thing
-can be defensive
I'm an Aquarius but I have never dated an Aquarius before. I have a close guy friend in my life who is also an Aquarius. I think we are similar in so many ways that it's ridiculous, but I never let on to letting him know just "how" similar I think we are :look:...he's claimed to be in love with me for a long time now. We don't really talk about it anymore, because I always have seen him as just a friend, and there were some traits I thought would be hard for us to work through if we were to try to be in a relationship.

We can go monthsss without talking to each other and pick up the phone like nothing ever happened...and it's cool. Because we are both Aquarians I think he understands alot of things about me that most other people don't. I had actually come around to entertaining the thought of us actually trying out a relationship last year, and around the same time I was having that thought he found out he was gonna be a father....:nono:....but I guess everything happens for a reason...

I have always been kinda scared to get close to him in that way because of how "intense" things could possibly get...and I've always been scared of losing him as a friend.

Off topic a little: I'll never time he politely asked me to "hook up" with him...and was serious about it! He had to ask me like 3 times cuz I thought he was joking, but he was dead serious! :blush: He basically told me that if he couldn't "get me" emotionally, then he would try to get me sexually....his thought process was that things would be so good between us in bed that I would be hooked if he could just get one night with me....LOL!

ETA: I know this thread is about Aquarian men, but as an Aquarian woman some of the traits I feel I possess are:

-Slow to love but when I do fall, I fall HARD and am very loyal
-Definitely not all that good at following through on things
-Not very affectionate :blush:
-Definitely do get bored easily with people
-I feel that I have a very high knack for reading people
-I'm laid back and philosophical
-I'm not analytical

^Some of these traits can be attributed to me being an INFP, I'm sure....

ETA: Another trait I have...once I am done with a guy, I am "done". There is no back and forth...once I say it's over, you may likely never see or hear from me in life again.
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The ones I've dated were very cheap, talkative about the stuff they wanted to talk about, and had the tendency to over analyze the things I did. Like if I didn't call for a while, they would translate it as me not liking them anymore. :ohwell:

What I gathered from my experience was that they like to teach. They could go on and on....and on about whatever subject they were into at the time, and they liked it when I also showed interest (which I did) and was willing to learn from them.

Neither one of them liked to talk about their feelings either.
I disagree. But I've heard there are two types of Aquarius - one is more extroverted and the other is introverted. Personally, I'm not affectionate at all. Giving hugs to anyone but my little brother feels weird. My father is also an Aquarius and he was not affectionate or great at displaying affection. We're both very detached.

There are three types - according to what part of the month they were born. That goes for every sign.

But they also differ slightly according to what year, and whole bunch of astrological influences that were in affect on the day they were born.
Any Aquarians dating an fellow Aquarian or have dated one?

Me - I am Aquarius and my last serious bf was one. Never had so much fun in my life,never been so into someone in my life but also never been so hurt. In other words when it was good it was really really good but when it was bad it was baaad.

I think two Aquarians are both quite firey together and I personally feel that I would be much better off with a man who is much more calm and chilled out than I am as I think that would compliment me much better.

We also both over analyzed each other trying to figure the other one out first which drove us both crazy.

As my ex said to me one of the reasons we didn't work out was becasue "we can't both be the boss" and we both wanted to be - he was spot on there!!
I'm an Aquarius, my experience dating another Aquarius was interesting to say the least. We get along really well, have the same open minded, carefree attitude towards life, which makes for some great conversations. We rarely argue. He gives great advice and I love his intelligence. We both know we can say some crazy,off the wall ish and the other wont bat an eyelash.

Then again he's a liar and a whore. He needs to be always having fun and entertained. I know its because he's scared to commit and likes his freedom and so do I, which is why I've put up with him as long as I have. He'll disappear for 2 weeks then re appear out of no where like everything is fine and dandy. I really dont care anymore. That leaves me time to have my fun and date other people he doesnt know about. I like not being obligated to call him or consider his feelings and spending my time with friends. Well these days that goes for any man really.

Overall it's never going to go anywhere between us even though I think there is a lot of love for each other. We are too much the same, too detached and too selfish to have a meaningful relationship. He's in his mid 30's and has had only 1 serious relationship in his whole life. I'm almost in my mid 20's and have only been with someone 1yr which was really 6 months too long. We might get married one day when we're really old and no one else wants us anymore. :rofl:
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I haven't been in a serious relationship with one but my uncle and my son are Aquarius'. From my experience they tend to be know it all's. Difficult, if you say one thing to them they don't agree with there is no middle ground they will not meet you half way.If you say the sky is blue they will say its azzure ! All in all I think they mean well , but they are much too tedious for me to be in a relationship with. :lachen:

Yeah, and Scorpio men, make sure you strap up twice... :rolleyes:
I'm an Aquarius, my experience dating another Aquarius was interesting to say the least. We get along really well, have the same open minded, carefree attitude towards life, which makes for some great conversations. We rarely argue. He gives great advice and I love his intelligence. We both know we can say some crazy,off the wall ish and the other wont bat an eyelash.

Then again he's a liar and a whore. He needs to be always having fun and entertained. I know its because he's scared to commit and likes his freedom and so do I, which is why I've put up with him as long as I have. He'll disappear for 2 weeks then re appear out of no where like everything is fine and dandy. I really dont care anymore. That leaves me time to have my fun and date other people he doesnt know about. I like not being obligated to call him or consider his feelings and spending my time with friends. Well these days that goes for any man really.

Overall it's never going to go anywhere between us even though I think there is a lot of love for each other. We are too much the same, too detached and too selfish to have a meaningful relationship. He's in his mid 30's and has had only 1 serious relationship in his whole life. I'm almost in my mid 20's and have only been with someone 1yr which was really 6 months too long. We might get married one day when we're really old and no one else wants us anymore. :rofl:

COMPULSIVE liar and whore. will commit but will cheat. EXTREMELY secretive. dreamers with no ability to make it happen unless of course your oprah.
Any tauruses dating or have dated an aquarius?

I am a taurus and my dh is an aquarius. Definitely challenging times but I think our differences are what keeps us going. I agree with the post about aquarius wanting someone to "get" them. My husband always says I dont "get" him when we have disagreements. Our relationship has gotten better over the years and overall I would say we are happily married but the challenges definitely seem to be an product of our signs -- I am ambitious and a go getter -- he's reserved and an observer -- I like luxury and nice things, he's happy with the simple life and more down to earth -- I am conservative and proper he is more unorthodox and likes to try new things -- the list goes on and on. I also am very open and like to talk about everything where he likes to keep his biz to himself and like others have said this alot of times is intrepreted as sneaky (and sometimes he is just sneaky but I am too!). However I think if you allow aquariuses to have their space and just do "you" it will work out if they truly are in love with you.
I didn't expect to be back in this thread so soon...:nono:

Soooooo, the aquarius man I encountered is:

  • Charming - I swear Casanova could take tips from this dude
  • Sincere
  • Honest, yet conniving - Didn't know people could be 100% truthful & still up to no good. He's also very straightforward
  • Persistent
  • Entertaining
  • Affectionate - He wears his emotions on his sleeve as well
  • Thrill seeking - He seems to be one who chases excitement
  • Intense - He constantly has passion in his eyes

I need to steer clear of this guy; he's both magnetic & toxic. I pray I hop off this ride before I get whiplash. :wallbash:
I haven't dated an Aquarius

I have. I'm a Leo. Started off great, he was sincere and honest, sweet, called me almost every day. Then, he turned into the devil- he found out he could date/have just about anyone he wanted (he was popular) and started gettin greedy. He still calls me the best girlfriend he ever had.

Pros- good lover, honest, sweet, popular (with men and women-everybody liked him), charming, good friend

Cons- Sneaky, Not good at communicating his feelings, greedy, a little arrogant, talker but not a doer
Everything in this post is dead on with my BF except the sneaky trait. My bf is not sneaky he is rather straight forward no bullsh*t type of person. We will have been together 4 years on new years day 2010! Just thought I would add that.
I'm leo.

a few more things I remember they love to reminesc(?), day dream and plan things. I am spontaneous it really throws them off but they love it and they like I mean both of the Aq. I was with loved my sense of humor. so being funny wins.
Aquarius men are definitely expressive about almost anything that they feel..they wear their hearts on their could be excitement, love, whatever...however, they are not good with putting their feelings into WORDS..that is my experience..they also have a tendency to shut down and not talk when they are upset..they really need their space during that time..
as an aquarius woman, let me just say if you arent another air sign, leave him alone. Aquarians are notorious for being head over heels in love,and then 2 seconds later be like " i hate you why are you here" i do it all the time i know.. we are pretty nice, but we will never find all that we are looking for. It is hard because we are super blunt, and if you have hurt feelings we usually look at you like :perplexed: get over it
lets see
- good in bed
-very loyal
- interesting
- caring and attentive
- very intelligent
- we adapt well to different situations and will never embarrass you in public
- not so much jealous, but we are strange with this.
Negatives( get readylol)

- indicisive
-extremely blunt
- easily hurt( and this is something that come out of no where, we hide it well too)
- procrastinator
- unrealistic with expectations
- holds grudges.. not for a long time
- if you get on our bad side, there is no coming back from that...
- most aquarians have little ticks that bother them. most of the time they are things that are sooo insignificant but they still bother them. things like bad grammar, or poor hygiene will bother them too no avail.
- unreasonable standards.. we usually dont live up to them either

i think that's all, with the aquarius the good usually out weighs the bad.. we are the sign that is like the eternal loner, we really lack the brain to heart connection that will get a life long companion. If you want him long term, you need to get inside his head an figure out who he is under what you see. the sneakiness of aquarius usually prevents them from showing who they really are. Be prepared to spend the first few dates in bed...

tis all
as an aquarius woman, let me just say if you arent another air sign, leave him alone. Aquarians are notorious for being head over heels in love,and then 2 seconds later be like " i hate you why are you here" i do it all the time i know.. we are pretty nice, but we will never find all that we are looking for. It is hard because we are super blunt, and if you have hurt feelings we usually look at you like :perplexed: get over it
lets see
- good in bed
-very loyal
- interesting
- caring and attentive
- very intelligent
- we adapt well to different situations and will never embarrass you in public
- not so much jealous, but we are strange with this.
Negatives( get readylol)

- indicisive
-extremely blunt
- easily hurt( and this is something that come out of no where, we hide it well too)
- procrastinator
- unrealistic with expectations
- holds grudges.. not for a long time
- if you get on our bad side, there is no coming back from that...
- most aquarians have little ticks that bother them. most of the time they are things that are sooo insignificant but they still bother them. things like bad grammar, or poor hygiene will bother them too no avail.
- unreasonable standards.. we usually dont live up to them either

i think that's all, with the aquarius the good usually out weighs the bad.. we are the sign that is like the eternal loner, we really lack the brain to heart connection that will get a life long companion. If you want him long term, you need to get inside his head an figure out who he is under what you see. the sneakiness of aquarius usually prevents them from showing who they really are. Be prepared to spend the first few dates in bed...

tis all

LOL!! This is an aquarius to a T!!! Leos and Aquarius make a horrible love connection. I had an Aquarius and he was exactly how you describe, the saving grace was that the sex was killer!!!!!!!! Otherwise he was too indifferent, one minute he loved me soooo much, the next he doesn't call me all day and when I complain he doesn't understand why I'm trippin'
as an aquarius woman, let me just say if you arent another air sign, leave him alone. Aquarians are notorious for being head over heels in love,and then 2 seconds later be like " i hate you why are you here" i do it all the time i know.. we are pretty nice, but we will never find all that we are looking for. It is hard because we are super blunt, and if you have hurt feelings we usually look at you like :perplexed: get over it
lets see
- good in bed
-very loyal
- interesting
- caring and attentive
- very intelligent
- we adapt well to different situations and will never embarrass you in public
- not so much jealous, but we are strange with this.
Negatives( get readylol)

- indicisive
-extremely blunt
- easily hurt( and this is something that come out of no where, we hide it well too)
- procrastinator
- unrealistic with expectations
- holds grudges.. not for a long time
- if you get on our bad side, there is no coming back from that...
- most aquarians have little ticks that bother them. most of the time they are things that are sooo insignificant but they still bother them. things like bad grammar, or poor hygiene will bother them too no avail.
- unreasonable standards.. we usually dont live up to them either

i think that's all, with the aquarius the good usually out weighs the bad.. we are the sign that is like the eternal loner, we really lack the brain to heart connection that will get a life long companion. If you want him long term, you need to get inside his head an figure out who he is under what you see. the sneakiness of aquarius usually prevents them from showing who they really are. Be prepared to spend the first few dates in bed...

tis all

Shhh, don't tell 'em all our secrets! j/k

Okay, so I'm an Aquarius that dated another Aquarius and wow . . . that was one of the most complicated relationships I ever had. It was like dating myself - not fun! What made it worse was we were both only children. Not a good combination.
My ex-bf was an Aquarius. I'm an Aquarius too.

We did a lot of things together and spent a lot of time together. He was fun, charming, caring, comfortable to be around, and spontaneous. However, he was a habitual liar and didn't have much going for himself which I don't think has anything to do with him being an Aquarius.

That was 3 years ago. Now, I'm in a relationship with a Capricorn.... :spinning:
LOL!! This is an aquarius to a T!!! Leos and Aquarius make a horrible love connection. I had an Aquarius and he was exactly how you describe, the saving grace was that the sex was killer!!!!!!!! Otherwise he was too indifferent, one minute he loved me soooo much, the next he doesn't call me all day and when I complain he doesn't understand why I'm trippin'

Don't say that!:sad: Im in a relationship right now with one

ETA- It ended yesterday night. oh well
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Don't say that!:sad: Im in a relationship right now with one
Girl i was in a Leo Aquarius situation.. It ended swiftly because they just cannot get along
Shhh, don't tell 'em all our secrets! j/k

Okay, so I'm an Aquarius that dated another Aquarius and wow . . . that was one of the most complicated relationships I ever had. It was like dating myself - not fun! What made it worse was we were both only children. Not a good combination.

Lol i just want people to better understand us... You know we are too secretive to give it all away. i also tried that combo and it didnt work too well. I got bored with him quickly

LOL!! This is an aquarius to a T!!! Leos and Aquarius make a horrible love connection. I had an Aquarius and he was exactly how you describe, the saving grace was that the sex was killer!!!!!!!! Otherwise he was too indifferent, one minute he loved me soooo much, the next he doesn't call me all day and when I complain he doesn't understand why I'm trippin'
Lol that is all what happened to us too... we are good for this and we will not change..

Thats another thing, is we are stubborn for what we feel. even if we are wrong, you can't tell us any different. It has to make sense to us.
as an aquarius woman, let me just say if you arent another air sign, leave him alone. Aquarians are notorious for being head over heels in love,and then 2 seconds later be like " i hate you why are you here" i do it all the time i know.. we are pretty nice, but we will never find all that we are looking for. It is hard because we are super blunt, and if you have hurt feelings we usually look at you like :perplexed: get over it
lets see
- good in bed
-very loyal
- interesting
- caring and attentive
- very intelligent
- we adapt well to different situations and will never embarrass you in public
- not so much jealous, but we are strange with this.
Negatives( get readylol)

- indicisive
-extremely blunt
- easily hurt( and this is something that come out of no where, we hide it well too)
- procrastinator
- unrealistic with expectations
- holds grudges.. not for a long time
- if you get on our bad side, there is no coming back from that...
- most aquarians have little ticks that bother them. most of the time they are things that are sooo insignificant but they still bother them. things like bad grammar, or poor hygiene will bother them too no avail.
- unreasonable standards.. we usually dont live up to them either

i think that's all, with the aquarius the good usually out weighs the bad.. we are the sign that is like the eternal loner, we really lack the brain to heart connection that will get a life long companion. If you want him long term, you need to get inside his head an figure out who he is under what you see. the sneakiness of aquarius usually prevents them from showing who they really are. Be prepared to spend the first few dates in bed...

tis all

Im an aquarius and you describe me down to a t... Ive dated an aquarius and it seem like we were more friends then lovers. It was a strange relationship. An aquarius should never date an Leo. Im married to a Scorpio and he drives me crazy.......
Well, the guy I recently broke up with is an Aquarius. Most of what was said in this thread is true (or I saw it in him). We were together for 3 yrs.
I'm a Libra and I think I've read that Libra and Aquarius usually make good matches.
Don't say that!:sad: Im in a relationship right now with one

Let me give you a hug boo, you are in for it!!! It could work but somebody is going to have to compromise and it's not going to be the Aquarius.

I was just talking to my ex yesterday and I told him about why we had issues, i.e. you shut me out, you would get distant with me when you were working, you never just let me know I was on your mind. His response was that's not me, it wasn't anything against you, I loved you and was in love with you but I get like that sometimes :perplexed...And you are the only girl I dated that had issues with it, he was with a Sagitarrius before me and a Libra after me, though they aren't together now but I do know they were better matches than he and I. I don't know how they dealt with him as long as they did.
Well, the guy I recently broke up with is an Aquarius. Most of what was said in this thread is true (or I saw it in him). We were together for 3 yrs.
I'm a Libra and I think I've read that Libra and Aquarius usually make good matches.

Libras make really good friends, they are understanding and loyal sometimes to a detriment, but I can see how that connection could work.
I'm an Aquarius but I have never dated an Aquarius before. I have a close guy friend in my life who is also an Aquarius. I think we are similar in so many ways that it's ridiculous, but I never let on to letting him know just "how" similar I think we are :look:...he's claimed to be in love with me for a long time now. We don't really talk about it anymore, because I always have seen him as just a friend, and there were some traits I thought would be hard for us to work through if we were to try to be in a relationship.

We can go monthsss without talking to each other and pick up the phone like nothing ever happened...and it's cool. Because we are both Aquarians I think he understands alot of things about me that most other people don't. I had actually come around to entertaining the thought of us actually trying out a relationship last year, and around the same time I was having that thought he found out he was gonna be a father....:nono:....but I guess everything happens for a reason...

I have always been kinda scared to get close to him in that way because of how "intense" things could possibly get...and I've always been scared of losing him as a friend.

Off topic a little: I'll never time he politely asked me to "hook up" with him...and was serious about it! He had to ask me like 3 times cuz I thought he was joking, but he was dead serious! :blush: He basically told me that if he couldn't "get me" emotionally, then he would try to get me sexually....his thought process was that things would be so good between us in bed that I would be hooked if he could just get one night with me....LOL!

ETA: I know this thread is about Aquarian men, but as an Aquarian woman some of the traits I feel I possess are:

-Slow to love but when I do fall, I fall HARD and am very loyal
-Definitely not all that good at following through on things
-Not very affectionate :blush:
-Definitely do get bored easily with people
-I feel that I have a very high knack for reading people
-I'm laid back and philosophical
-I'm not analytical

^Some of these traits can be attributed to me being an INFP, I'm sure....

ETA: Another trait I have...once I am done with a guy, I am "done". There is no back and forth...once I say it's over, you may likely never see or hear from me in life again.
Girl you just described me to a T (except for the affectionate part...I'm very affectionate with DD and my men)
I'm an Aquarius and an INFP as well:yep: