Aquarius Men

OMG. I remember feeling like this too with my Aquarian ex-boyfriend. I was head over heels in love with him because of this too. :love:

I have never felt so wanted, so desired, so special than in the arms of my Aquarian. Even after we broke up and there were long periods of time that we didn't see each other, we would come back together and it would feel just like old times. I remember once, after not seeing him for awhile, he casually mentioned something that I liked - and i was astonished that he even remembered because it had been so long ago.

This was a really deep love affair for me. It's been 10 years and I haven't been in love like that since

Girl we could be talking about the same man, because he made me feel the same way.:grin:

Even after re-connecting, he would bring something up that happened like 10 years ago (it's been that long for me too) and I actually started tearing up a little bit just because he was smiling so hard when he was talking about it as if to say it was such a good time in his life when we were together and I hold a special place in his heart too. He'll always be special to me.
My daughter is an Aquarius, she asks the most profound questions and is always in a daze, thinking off in left field somewhere. She's quiet but kids love to be around her.

From my experience with an Aquarius man, they have a gentle spirit. Aquarius men can be unattached but can make you feel like you're the only one he wants to be with at that very moment. They like to have a good time, when they want to do something they just do it.
Aquarius have good fashion sense and they may not talk much but they are always thinking of their next move (which gives you that unattached feeling).

They're loyal and good friends to have.
The one I dated, is the one I always refer to as the one "I let get away" :wallbash: He will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart, always.

Ditto :yep:.
OMG. I remember feeling like this too with my Aquarian ex-boyfriend. I was head over heels in love with him because of this too. :love:

I have never felt so wanted, so desired, so special than in the arms of my Aquarian. Even after we broke up and there were long periods of time that we didn't see each other, we would come back together and it would feel just like old times. I remember once, after not seeing him for awhile, he casually mentioned something that I liked - and i was astonished that he even remembered because it had been so long ago.

This was a really deep love affair for me. It's been 10 years and I haven't been in love like that since.

I got butterflies reading this. I'm not really into astrology like that, but this thread is getting me interested. Girl, same exact situation. It's been 9 years for me and we tend to meet up every 2 to 3 years. I started a thread about "The Relevant Ex" and I was referring to him. He remembers EVERYTHING....well, except for why we broke up. We were young and in love, so I really do think that we will reconnect on a serious note later in life. Well, I'm hoping that we do:blush:.
I dated an Aquarius I loved that man to death!!!! But a leo and an aquarius aren't necessarily the best match. The sex was AMAZING!!! He was down to be my test buddy in alot of things. Our egos were just too big to be together. I wanted attention and he wanted to feel validated. He had an "if you don't ask you will get what you want policy" I was completely the opposite, I have to say what's on my mind. We fussed all the time I liked it he hated it. And we both were too stubborn to admit we were wrong. He's still my boy to this day. Even though I can't talk to him about who he's dating because i will get mad, I will always look at him as mine.
my S/O is leo.... you leos can hold a grudge.... dios mio.... leos don't get over stuff very easily

Oh Lord!!! That's what I'm fearing with my Aquarian. No love has been as intense since him. But Aquarians are not all that good but he knew how to make me forget his faults, temporarily, I'm a leo I don't let sh** slide like that easily, and since he's an aquarius he didn't like to be reminded about what he did wrong nor did he want to humble himself and jump through hoops for me because he f'd up and lost my trust.
that's me.... If I messed up I'll fess up and face the music.... but get over it quick becuase I get over things and be on to the next very quickly. I love deep, I love strong but I can switch on and off in a minute.

I think Leos and Aquarians are opposite signs. From what I've heard, this means bomb sexual attraction, but completely and wholly incompatible in making a long-term relationship work. :nono:
Don't say S/O is leo and we going through a phase now so I don't wanna hear/read that.

Aquarians are very loyal when we wanna be, we have huge egos but are fun to be around. I also agree that we can be sneaky. Oh and we can be a lil crazy.

My ex was also aquarian and he had a blast, we're both spontaneous, the sex was AWESOME..... but we're both detached, both sneaky, both get tired/bored with people easily....The highs were super high, the lows were rock bottom. There wasno middle ground. We are now great friends.
I've never dated one, but I get along w/ all Aquarians. They're just so cool! :yep:
There was this one dude back in high school that I remember; he was just so random :lol: I am too though, so I like that. Again, I'm a Virgo, but I think my Ascendent or something is in Aquarius.

I'm a Virgo too, and dating an Aquarius was difficult at times. I was critical of almost everything and he was nonchalant with a lot of things. I wanted to get things done and done quickly, while he preferred laying back and taking things easy when it came to life decisions. :rolleyes:

I still love him though. He's a good man with a good heart. Oh yeah, and the sexual chemistry was off the chain....:look:

Supposedly though, Virgos and Aquarius don't make a good match. Oh well.
I got butterflies reading this. I'm not really into astrology like that, but this thread is getting me interested. Girl, same exact situation. It's been 9 years for me and we tend to meet up every 2 to 3 years. I started a thread about "The Relevant Ex" and I was referring to him. He remembers EVERYTHING....well, except for why we broke up. We were young and in love, so I really do think that we will reconnect on a serious note later in life. Well, I'm hoping that we do:blush:.

Are you a Libra too?

I miss him so much sometimes. He was my first boyfriend, my first love, my first everything - and dated off and on throughout college. We lost touch when I moved away for grad school about 5 years ago. I really regret that. If I knew how to get in touch with him, I would have, for sure, called him up by now.

Lemme check out this thread that you started. I don't think I've seen it.
I've dated two Aquarius men and right off the bat I feel like I've known them forever, I fourth the great conversationalist and they will do most of the talking but they also listen, I'm a Libra by the way and our sexual chemistry is always off the chain and I always feel like I can be myself with them from the beyotch to the sweet little kitten and he embraces all of it. Very very fun to be around, great at showing affection, they are also arrogant and they are flirts but can remain faithful if you can keep his attention. Show him you won't take his crap and let him chase you a little bit and he'll always stick around. might have a hard time getting rid of him, as was the case with my two. They don't take rejection well at all.

OMG...Your entire post describes my Aquarian's amazing :spinning:
I've never met a man like him :lick:
I'm married to an Aquarius. We have been together for 7 years now. I'm a Scorpio and all of the little astrology books say that this is a match made in hell but it has worked for us..Here is my take on Aquarian men:

-very sociable and they love people
-GREAT in bed
-FUN to be around
-very smart
-not the best at following thru on things
-give you your space
-caring but not big on displaying feelings
I'm married to an Aquarius. We have been together for 7 years now. I'm a Scorpio and all of the little astrology books say that this is a match made in hell but it has worked for us..Here is my take on Aquarian men:

-very sociable and they love people
-GREAT in bed
-FUN to be around
-very smart
-not the best at following thru on things
-give you your space
-caring but not big on displaying feelings

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!! All of those are dead on! :grin:
I'm married to an Aquarius. We have been together for 7 years now. I'm a Scorpio and all of the little astrology books say that this is a match made in hell but it has worked for us..Here is my take on Aquarian men:

-very sociable and they love people
-GREAT in bed
-FUN to be around
-very smart
-not the best at following thru on things
-give you your space
-caring but not big on displaying feelings

Same here, I'm a Scorpio and my wannabe future DH is an Aquarius. I read all the stuff and got discouraged, thanks for giving me hope!
I'm married to an Aquarius. We have been together for 7 years now. I'm a Scorpio and all of the little astrology books say that this is a match made in hell but it has worked for us..Here is my take on Aquarian men:

-very sociable and they love people
-GREAT in bed
-FUN to be around
-very smart
-not the best at following thru on things
-give you your space
-caring but not big on displaying feelings
this is the only thing I disagree with

Every aquarian I know, myself included, are very affectionate and big on displaying affection.
Same here, I'm a Scorpio and my wannabe future DH is an Aquarius. I read all the stuff and got discouraged, thanks for giving me hope!

The key to making it work is understanding that the Scorpio and Aquarius are like night and day..Scorpios are very intense people while Aquarians are light hearted. The biggest adjustment that I had to make was to understand that my Aquarius was not ever going to be as intense about stuff as me or feel the same way about stuff but it doesn't mean that he doesn't care..he just has a different way of showing his feelings. I learned this while dating him. For one thing, Aquarius really balances me out..I definitely could not be in a long term relationship with another Scorpio..way too much intensity!:spinning:
I'm an aquarius but i have never dated an aquarian man. i think someone just like me would get on my nerves. I am a female version of ALOT of the things that have been said. the ego, hate being wrong, bored easily w/ guys (part of why i have never been in a relationship is that i felt i would get bored or cheat), very anaytical (i have a lot of thoughts and its hard to turn my mind off), deeply compassionate and giving but you would never know it bc i have a hard time showing emotion. Guys get frustrated w/me bc I am so chill they will take that to mean that i don't care or don't really like them. I always here things like "You seem to like me but you don't LIKE LIKE me" or "i think u are just using me for s*x", or "i think u will ditch me when u find something more interesting/exciting".
If you want to win an Aquarius man, you need to get inside his head. Most of them are very sneaky, and have a lot going on in their heads. Aquarians are dying for someone to "get it" like they do, and if you do you will win their heart.

But don't be mad if there are communication breaks such as they don't call for a while, or all of a sudden they just stop speaking, it is in their nature.
I'm married to an Aquarius. We have been together for 7 years now. I'm a Scorpio and all of the little astrology books say that this is a match made in hell but it has worked for us..Here is my take on Aquarian men:

-very sociable and they love people
-GREAT in bed
-FUN to be around
-very smart
-not the best at following thru on things
-give you your space
-caring but not big on displaying feelings

My boyfriend of almost 5 yrs is an Aquarius and I'm an Aries.. I agree on a lot of the things you stated, especially that they're not the best at following thru on things. That's one of my pet peeves about him. Between that and him being nonchalant about things and I on the other hand, pulling my hair out, sometimes I wonder.
If you want to win an Aquarius man, you need to get inside his head. Most of them are very sneaky, and have a lot going on in their heads. Aquarians are dying for someone to "get it" like they do, and if you do you will win their heart.

But don't be mad if there are communication breaks such as they don't call for a while, or all of a sudden they just stop speaking, it is in their nature.

The funny thing is, when we were dating, my husband was not the type to stop calling for a few weeks. He called me every day, even when I didn't like him all that much and I told HIM I would call him back..he would just call me back anyway.. LOL. I have heard that about Aquarians though..I guess he is not a typical Aquarius? But on the other hand, I dated an Aquarius a few years before I met my husband and HE was terrible at calling. He was the type that would disappear for a few days or a week and then just pop up and call me as if nothing happened. Now THAT I could not deal with..
My boyfriend of almost 5 yrs is an Aquarius and I'm an Aries.. I agree on a lot of the things you stated, especially that they're not the best at following thru on things. That's one of my pet peeves about him. Between that and him being nonchalant about things and I on the other hand, pulling my hair out, sometimes I wonder.

Ha! This is so funny because I go thru the same thing. My DH does not follow thru on ALOT of things and it's not intentional's either that he forgot or thinks that he has all day to do stuff. I have to constantly remind him to do things or call and follow up..And yes, THAT is my pet peeve about him...Oh and he is nonchalant about everything took me a little bit to figure out that that's just how he is..he cares but stays calm about everything..
my S/O is leo.... you leos can hold a grudge.... dios mio.... leos don't get over stuff very easily

that's me.... If I messed up I'll fess up and face the music.... but get over it quick becuase I get over things and be on to the next very quickly. I love deep, I love strong but I can switch on and off in a minute.

Don't say S/O is leo and we going through a phase now so I don't wanna hear/read that.

Aquarians are very loyal when we wanna be, we have huge egos but are fun to be around. I also agree that we can be sneaky. Oh and we can be a lil crazy.

My ex was also aquarian and he had a blast, we're both spontaneous, the sex was AWESOME..... but we're both detached, both sneaky, both get tired/bored with people easily....The highs were super high, the lows were rock bottom. There wasno middle ground. We are now great friends.

Leos and Aquarians can work, but it does take alot of work and compromise, which is hard for Aquarians and Leos to do. I want my Aquarius back, but I don't know if I could handle it.
Yes, mad fun, great conversationalists, empathetic, egotistical, sees the good in every situation, the people's champ, very sociable, good in bed and hella secretive and sneaky...

Yea, and seldom pays attention to their family because they are busy being ALL OF THE ABOVE to somebody ELSE of course! :mad:
If you want to win an Aquarius man, you need to get inside his head. Most of them are very sneaky, and have a lot going on in their heads. Aquarians are dying for someone to "get it" like they do, and if you do you will win their heart.

But don't be mad if there are communication breaks such as they don't call for a while, or all of a sudden they just stop speaking, it is in their nature.

You just described me to a T!
My father is one....he's a great thinker, very logical, gets tired of friends easily, gets offended easily, very suspicious, fun to be around, tons of friends,everyone loves him.

Same applies to a guy I was just talking to who is an Aquarius also, except he was also bored easily, would switch up on me, and could care less what I had to say at times LOL

Maybe I'm biased, but I love my Aquarian man. However my father is an Aquarian and I am also. I almost had no choice. :grin: However, maybe that why we get each other. I was into the crazy Aquarian world!

Both my men (dad and DH) are sneaky, liars at times, slow to love, but once they do they love hard, DH: good and open to things in the bed, very talkative when he wants to be, loved by all, super stubborn, will do anything for those he cares about, will hold a grudge forever (if you allow it), bark louder than bite but once you've continously upset them super mean temper...