Aquarius and Sagittarius

Not personally but Susan Miller is almost always on point!!!

This is a juicy, sweet relationship, and it should get even better in time. Both of you share a bright, idealistic view of a world where anything is possible. You are concerned with social issues, new technology, and planning for the future, and your lover is oriented toward learning and the educational process. Sagittarius' role is to take the knowledge of mankind and make sense out of it. You are sure to have some lively debates with a Sagittarius! If you disagree, neither of you gets overly upset; you both respect individuality. Generally, you are the more fixed in your ways, while your Sagittarius is much more flexible -- boding well for your future together.

Sagittarius need to travel and you like your time alone too, so you may agree to take separate vacations at times. Careful: Out of sight could mean out of mind. Neither of you finds commitment appealing, so you might date casually for a long time before you decide to tie the knot. You'll both need assurance that you won't be sacrificing your independence.

Sexually, you are a near-perfect match. But hopefully, your Sagittarius partner won't be as honest about the less-than-ideal stuff in bed as he or she will invariably be about what's great ("Well, I've had better." Ugh!). Your lover is a fire sign and you are air, and therefore highly compatible, but the Sagittarius directness can be hard to take for any sign. They can be surprised at the taken-aback reactions to their open commentary. Your Sagittarius will respond that you wanted to know, didn't you, and will let you know exactly how he or she feels. The honesty-to-a-fault of Sagittarius takes getting used to. But you and your Sagittarius aren't the types to let your emotions run riot or hold grudges, so somehow you'll work things out.

Two signs apart in the zodiac form a "sextile," which is considered an opportunity aspect in astrology. This means your lover will help create opportunities for you to do things of value. Specifically, your Sagittarius lights up your house of friendship and social causes, so he or she could be a strong helpmate in an altruistic quest of yours. Certainly, your Sagittarius will bring you plenty of new contacts and a close friend or two. He or she may also urge you to become a member of certain organizations that ultimately turn out to be good for you.

Neither of you is domestic, so if you can hire help for weekly maintenance, do it early in your relationship. Someone has to be minding the store, and with your schedules, it can't be you or your partner! So if you are in love with a Sagittarius, press forward, Aquarius. You've got a good match here.
Sagittarius men are drawn to me and I find them to be very attractive but I can not deal with them in a relationship. The men are too needy emotionally and draining, I find they seem to want to often take on the "woman" role and be pursued, not me at all.
Most horoscopes predict great things but I never stick around with them as I stop caring after a point. They can be very sensitive and it just never works.
I do find them to be quite sexy :look::grin:
Sagittarius men are drawn to me and I find them to be very attractive but I can not deal with them in a relationship. The men are too needy emotionally and draining, I find they seem to want to often take on the "woman" role and be pursued, not me at all.
Most horoscopes predict great things but I never stick around with them as I stop caring after a point. They can be very sensitive and it just never works.
I do find them to be quite sexy :look::grin:

^What is your sign? Are you Aquarius?
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Jewell said it right... 4 guys i dated in a row were all born 11/28, weird. They are passsionate, i can talk to all of them for hours and sit and say nothing ... but they all seemed to want me to chase and ... thats just not my style. I look like i dont like em enough and we just dissolve... they are just like that dude you can always call, alwyas around, and you wonder why nothing happens, and so does he.- Im aquarius
Anyone like to share insight on their Aquarian + Saggittarian relationships?

Wow yeah..Im an Aquarius and I more than always attract Saggitarian men. I'm aloof and they LOVE the chase but they don't like to commit.:ohwell: I've had the worst experience with them. Good luck :ohwell:
My most recent ex was a Sagittarius and I do believe he liked the chase. I have been reading up on them lately and I'm not really big into astrology or anything, but I recently met another Sag and already he seems to fit the description pretty well (also seems to enjoy the chase).

My ex, however, didn't seem to fit the description as much because he wasn't really into conversation much at all so we didn't talk much about issues that I liked to talk about. He "was" sensitive, but he was not "honest to a fault"--he did indeed know how to sugarcoat things so he always said things in a way as to not hurt my feelings.

I definitely think he was "okay" with me being aloof/detached (which I most definitely am)...but would have liked for me to be more emotional. Wow, that's kinda crazy there are so many of us that actually are a little on the unemotional side as Aquarians, like it say. I feel like I need to work on that part of myself though; I think it hurts my relationships. But how do you go about being more emotional...? Hmm.
Hubby is a Sag. I am an Aq. He's my soul mate. I don't know if that has anything to do with astrology, but everything instantly clicked with us once we gave each other a chance.
Hubby is a Sag. I am an Aq. He's my soul mate. I don't know if that has anything to do with astrology, but everything instantly clicked with us once we gave each other a chance.

I really think the bolded is they key. After a while I feel we are playing a game of chess and I jump out :look:
How did you guys get to that point? Did someone have to give in first, make the first move? I wonder because I have had strong attactions to Sags in the past, there is always a great deal of chemistry.
I really think the bolded is they key. After a while I feel we are playing a game of chess and I jump out :look:
How did you guys get to that point? Did someone have to give in first, make the first move? I wonder because I have had strong attactions to Sags in the past, there is always a great deal of chemistry.

Yes, you are right. The chemistry is SO there but the chase at the beginning starts out good but then how do you make it stop :look:...I mean, I don't give in and they dont either so it never works out for me. :ohwell:
Sagittarius men are drawn to me and I find them to be very attractive but I can not deal with them in a relationship. The men are too needy emotionally and draining, I find they seem to want to often take on the "woman" role and be pursued, not me at all.
Most horoscopes predict great things but I never stick around with them as I stop caring after a point.
They can be very sensitive and it just never works.
I do find them to be quite sexy :look::grin:

Yep that sounds like the guy I was trying to do the fwb thing w/ but now I think he might be bi..but thats a whole other issue...:lol:

He even made a comment once like "I'm kinda like a girl in the sense I wanna get to know somebody before i do anything" I was like...

:whyme:um hello, when I sent you the txt at 12am pretty much saying "come give me your crayon" what did you think was going to happen when you got over here fool? I was so pissed.

I they think just like playing games and like you said I am not the one to be calling you and chasing you around because you wanna act like a lil beyotch. Especially if I dont really wanna be w/ you in the 1st place. He was FIONE though..le sigh.

Although one of exs was a Sag and we really got along well. But he did chase me for like a 1yr before we got together because I only saw him as a friend, so idk..
Italiano said:
Wow yeah..Im an Aquarius and I more than always attract Saggitarian men. I'm aloof and they LOVE the chase but they don't like to commit.:ohwell: I've had the worst experience with them. Good luck :ohwell:

This in a nutshell. They love a chase but hard to pin down. I said this in a previous post that my heart was broken by a sag. I am in a much better place now.
Aquarians are detached,cold and aloof which may intrigue the Sag at first but in the long run we lose interest as we like people with the same level of energy .
The compatibility is low ,I find them draining and not passionate enough for me although they can be quite intellectually stimulating . They often have superficial relationships with people .
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Aquarians are detached,cold and aloof which may intrigue the Sag at first but in the long run we lose interest as we like people with the same level of energy . The compatibility is low ,I find them draining and not passionate enough for me although they can be quite intellectually stimulating . They often have superficial relationships with people .

Who loses interest the Aq or Saj?
Who's draining? Aq or Saj?
Sorry, I'm just learning how to read :)
Aquarians are detached,cold and aloof which may intrigue the Sag at first but in the long run we lose interest as we like people with the same level of energy .
The compatibility is low ,I find them draining and not passionate enough for me although they can be quite intellectually stimulating . They often have superficial relationships with people .

See, this is why I don't take astrology seriously. :lol:

I'm an Aquarius and I would bet my life that if you asked someone to describe me, the last thing they would say is that I'm cold, detached or aloof. I'm very much the opposite, and have been told so by different people.
See, this is why I don't take astrology seriously. :lol:

I'm an Aquarius and I would bet my life that if you asked someone to describe me, the last thing they would say is that I'm cold, detached or aloof. I'm very much the opposite, and have been told so by different people.

They say there are two types of Aquarians. the more outgoing one and the aloof, reserved one.

I'm definitely aloof, cold and detached. On the other hand my friend's birthday is 3 days after mine and she is the fun, outgoing, life of the party.
My grandparents signs!

They were married for +50 years. They werent an affectionate or romantic couple like my paternal grandparents. For the most part they were both really self-absorbed as individuals and parents.
See, this is why I don't take astrology seriously. :lol:

I'm an Aquarius and I would bet my life that if you asked someone to describe me, the last thing they would say is that I'm cold, detached or aloof. I'm very much the opposite, and have been told so by different people.

Im in No way well versed in this subject but I think your personality, emotions, all that jazz has a lot to do with the planets and stuff.

Example as a gemini female I am supposed to wishy washy, fickle and unfaithful in realtionships because I bore easily. But my venus is in taurus which explains my loyalty to exclusivity and monogamy. Anytime I hear how horrible gemini woman are at maintaining relationships I think of the signs and planets as they are different for each of us under a single sun sign.