Apl Challenge 2017

I believe in Ms. @Chicoro lead hair theory! if they arent split, and just require more moisture I say dont cut. :look:

Even if one does decide to cut or clip those hairs, it is wonderful to know that those newer, longer hairs are to be the "promise" of your future length! My belief is, if one hair can get that long, the possibility exists that the bulk of the hair can get that long, too! We got to pay attention, because just like everything in and on our bodies, hair is always communicating with us. If we "listen" and treat it with love and understanding, it will respond to us beautifully!
Even after the protein treatment and extra babying, my ends still were still frizzy and tangling so I did minute trim. It was seriously only like 1/4 inch in front and sides where the worst ones were. I might start sealing with a heavier cream to keep my ends in shape.
Out of sheer tiredness, I wore a wng puff to work the past two days. My ends can't handle being footloose and fancy-free, so I have to get it together tomorrow morning and go back to my two flat twists, bun etc. But this morning I almost fell asleep while making our breakfast, so I didn't trust myself to pull together anything but a puff.
I made my own oil mix with random oils I had lingering around the house plus a few drops of peppermint EO. I added it to my scalp this morning and it wasn't bad. It was a tiny bit oily so I have to figure out what caused that but it's not horrible. I just added some to different sections of my scalp, massaged and then flat twisted as per usual.

On another note, my husband seems to think that my hair milk is joint property smh. I may have to fight him. :lol:

Also, I've been using products from the Mane Choice line for about 3 weeks or so. I really like the ones I have. I had my eye on a couple other products in her range and I may grab them soon.
I made my own oil mix with random oils I had lingering around the house plus a few drops of peppermint EO. I added it to my scalp this morning and it wasn't bad. It was a tiny bit oily so I have to figure out what caused that but it's not horrible. I just added some to different sections of my scalp, massaged and then flat twisted as per usual.

On another note, my husband seems to think that my hair milk is joint property smh. I may have to fight him. :lol:

Also, I've been using products from the Mane Choice line for about 3 weeks or so. I really like the ones I have. I had my eye on a couple other products in her range and I may grab them soon.

I have learned to hide the good stuff and leave the meh stuff out in the open that way he uses up my stash. LOL

What kinds of oil did you use?
I have learned to hide the good stuff and leave the meh stuff out in the open that way he uses up my stash. LOL

What kinds of oil did you use?
LOL I try to hide things but he "discovers" them smh.

I used EVCO, EVOO, JBCO, A few drops of peppermint EO, Hemp seed oil, jojoba oil and amla oil. Just a little of each. It was just tiny bit greasy to me but nothing horrible. I only made a small batch so when I run out, I'll tweak it.
LOL I try to hide things but he "discovers" them smh.

I used EVCO, EVOO, JBCO, A few drops of peppermint EO, Hemp seed oil, jojoba oil and amla oil. Just a little of each. It was just tiny bit greasy to me but nothing horrible. I only made a small batch so when I run out, I'll tweak it.

One suggestion for you on the oils -- out of all oils you mentioned, they are very heavy except the jojoba. Those are all good base oils. for example when I use castor, I mix it with sweet almond or jojoba to thin it out. Jojoba is awesome on its own as well.
Finally did my hair. I did twists with marley hair, and to my surprise, they came out great. Unfortunately, I didn't buy enough hair so the middle isn't done, but it's a good thing I did the perimeter so it looks finished when it's up in a bun. It took me a long time and I'm not even finished but I think its just a matter of getting the technique down. So tomorrow, I'll buy the rest of the hair and finally finish them. I didn't handle my hair very gently though, so I feel myself being counterproductive and actually losing length. (I bleached and colored some of it red too, so...)

Oh, and my hair has actually grown. I took some pics yesterday and compared them to ones I took a month ago, and I definitely see a difference. A really small one, but still. It's a big deal for me because I felt like my hair had just stalled for years and would never grow.
currently pretreating hair with oils. before cowashing. Using sweet almond, castor and rosehip oils along with clary sage, rosemary and cedarwood EOs. The clary sage is to balance the oil production in the scalp since its been a bit dry after coloring, and the rosemary and cedarwood is for promothing growth.
The plan for today's wash is to pretreat w/ oils, cowash w/ SSI blueberry and while still in the shower, 5 min with Aveda's damage remedy and dc w/ SSI avocado and a couple drops of castor oil for an hour sans heat.
My hair has been feeling and looking very dry since the last color and I was sick all week so I'm skipping shampoo to replace moisture.
Washed and dc'ed with Keracare
Detangle with Design Essentials HCO spray
Used ORS grapeseed spray (sparingly)
Blow dried and curled my hair.
Got some good growth going on!
Hair is cute right now, but I will be putting it up soon.
Don't really like being in the house with my hair sitting on my shoulder.

Still trying to decide on just keeping up with a clear gloss, or coloring my hair black.
I like seeing the bleached strands grow out.
I finished my marley/ kinky/ havana twists or whatever they are, lol (Idk but they're cute), and they aren't tight. My scalp doesn't itch like crazy either, and I didn't even do acv rinse. The hair does itch my neck and back though but that's to be expected.
Been wearing 2 goddess braids the past few weeks. Watching you tube vids to teach myself how to install crotchet braids. I want a straight style and saw some hair called dominican blowout i want to look at in person. Im just so leary of crotchet braids because they look so weird where you part your hair. Like it's just sitting on your head so looking at some of the techniques so i dont look like that

Hopefully all these protective styles will get me some length
I'm redoing the front row of my hair. I wanted to make it to two weeks before I redid the perimeter but I put ecostyler on it, which I shouldn't have. It caused flaking and just nastiness.
But I'm going to try to make them tighter so I won't feel like I need to gel it down. I removed the hair, and washed the gel out. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to redo them.
I went to the salon considering a pixie cut, but got a blowout. The garlic treatments are working and the stylist was so gentle. I only lost a dime size amount of hair. I dare say APB garlic conditioner is better than Alter Ego when it comes to combat shedding
I want to try a stylist. I haven't had my hair done professionally in so many years.... so I want to have someone to see maybe every 3 months or every other month. But everyone is so dang scissor happy, and its soooooo hard finding someone who will LISTEN to me about MY Hair. #firstworldproblems
Went to a stylist. Such a bad experience. Won't even get into the details but I wound up walking out. Sigh. So much for that notion.

This is an updated photo of the current state/length of my hair.
I'm late in joining. I fell off from the last challenge (SL) because I've been in crochets for the past 4-5 months but I've taken them out (for now).

Post the following to join in

What length are you now? Scraping CBL - about 2 1/2 - 3 inches from APL

Natural/Relaxed/Transitioning? Natural

What's your regimen? I cowash about 2-3 days a week & poo with sulfate free poo once a week. I use a regular sulfate shampoo every couple of weeks since I use products. I alternate between a curly puff & bun when not in crochets. I do a protein DC like once every few months as well. Since I cowash so often, my hair stays conditioned & I barely ever have any shedding or breakage since starting this a year ago. I've been watching YouTube for more different styles since my hair has grown. I trim about a half an inch off every 5-6 months or so.

What's do you need to do/change to reach APL? I haven't the slightest idea. I haven't gotten to CBL ever in my life so this is a first for me. I guess I'll keep doing what I've been doing since its working. Going to add in hot oil treatments too.

Goal areas: back, front, sides, crowns. I use to have goal areas but now I just go with the flow.

What's your goal month if any? December 2017

I'll post a starting pic sometime this week.
Now you know you gotta tell us! Lol
I'm so sorry you had a bad experience. Your hair looks really nice.
:lachen: I wasn't trying to do the thing where you say, "I dont even want to talk about it......" but you're hoping someone asks for details lol. That genuinely was not my intent.

Thanks so much re: my hair!

It was just a rough experience. Her idea of trying to get me to "trust" her was to sh!t on my hair. She was super condescending once she learned I did my own hair. Then, because I paused when she said I needed over 2 inches cut :drunk:, she said, Well I dont really even feel comfortable doing your hair since you dont trust me. o_O But I just met you thoooooo... I dont know you from Adam and I'm supposed to just trust your "vision" for my hair? Girl whet? Smh. There was a bunch more stuff that made me remember why I dont get my hair done. I'm not a kid, or a teenager who doesn't know what I want.

I'm just going to continue to maintain my hair myself, and go to a local Aveda stylist for my trims (with my hair already straightened, etc.)
:lachen: I wasn't trying to do the thing where you say, "I dont even want to talk about it......" but you're hoping someone asks for details lol. That genuinely was not my intent.

Thanks so much re: my hair!

It was just a rough experience. Her idea of trying to get me to "trust" her was to sh!t on my hair. She was super condescending once she learned I did my own hair. Then, because I paused when she said I needed over 2 inches cut :drunk:, she said, Well I dont really even feel comfortable doing your hair since you dont trust me. o_O But I just met you thoooooo... I dont know you from Adam and I'm supposed to just trust your "vision" for my hair? Girl whet? Smh. There was a bunch more stuff that made me remember why I dont get my hair done. I'm not a kid, or a teenager who doesn't know what I want.

I'm just going to continue to maintain my hair myself, and go to a local Aveda stylist for my trims (with my hair already straightened, etc.)
I totally get how you feel. I have those same reservations as well. I'm currently debating with myself about who is going to do my next touch up.
That stylist you dealt with was a jerk. She just lost a customer. The purpose was to earn trust through her treatment and servicing of her new client. She should of suggested a trim, showed you what needed to be cut, and asked what you felt comfortable with. She also should have stated she could trim a small amount, then with additional treatments, cut every 4-6 weeks.
I'm sorry she treated you that way.
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