Apl Challenge 2017

I totally get how you feel. I have those same reservations as well. I'm currently debating with myself about who is going to do my next touch up.
That stylist you dealt with was a jerk. She just lost a customer. The purpose was to earn trust through her treatment and servicing of her new client. She should of suggested a trim, showed you what needed to be cut, and asked what you felt comfortable with. She also should have stated she could trim a small amount, then with additional treatments, cut every 4-6 weeks.
I'm sorry she treated you that way.
You're totally right. There was about a million ways she could have gone about this, but ah well. And I examined my hair and it's just uneven. Which I find a lot of non-lhcf people (lol) call "breakage" or "damage", if the hair isn't all one length. Another client that was in the chair before me had hair a bit longer than APL, but it was all one length....which indicates to me that she likely started her out with a short blunt cut and maintained it through the grow-out. But that's not what I want.

Anywho. Lesson learned. I dont think I'm "anti-stylist" or anything, but I would just have to find someone who is a good fit. Which I'm not in a hurry to do.

Thank you for listening lol. :huggle:
You're totally right. There was about a million ways she could have gone about this, but ah well. And I examined my hair and it's just uneven. Which I find a lot of non-lhcf people (lol) call "breakage" or "damage", if the hair isn't all one length. Another client that was in the chair before me had hair a bit longer than APL, but it was all one length....which indicates to me that she likely started her out with a short blunt cut and maintained it through the grow-out. But that's not what I want.

Anywho. Lesson learned. I dont think I'm "anti-stylist" or anything, but I would just have to find someone who is a good fit. Which I'm not in a hurry to do.

Thank you for listening lol. :hug2:
I'm glad you are still optimistic! Somebody is out there for us! Lol
You're totally right. There was about a million ways she could have gone about this, but ah well. And I examined my hair and it's just uneven. Which I find a lot of non-lhcf people (lol) call "breakage" or "damage", if the hair isn't all one length. Another client that was in the chair before me had hair a bit longer than APL, but it was all one length....which indicates to me that she likely started her out with a short blunt cut and maintained it through the grow-out. But that's not what I want.

Anywho. Lesson learned. I dont think I'm "anti-stylist" or anything, but I would just have to find someone who is a good fit. Which I'm not in a hurry to do.

Thank you for listening lol. :hug2:
I'm with you. I want to find a good fit. I asked one stylist if she could flatiron my hair at 350. I could tell by the pause it threw her off. I scratched her off the list.
:lachen: I wasn't trying to do the thing where you say, "I dont even want to talk about it......" but you're hoping someone asks for details lol. That genuinely was not my intent.

Thanks so much re: my hair!

It was just a rough experience. Her idea of trying to get me to "trust" her was to sh!t on my hair. She was super condescending once she learned I did my own hair. Then, because I paused when she said I needed over 2 inches cut :drunk:, she said, Well I dont really even feel comfortable doing your hair since you dont trust me. o_O But I just met you thoooooo... I dont know you from Adam and I'm supposed to just trust your "vision" for my hair? Girl whet? Smh. There was a bunch more stuff that made me remember why I dont get my hair done. I'm not a kid, or a teenager who doesn't know what I want.

I'm just going to continue to maintain my hair myself, and go to a local Aveda stylist for my trims (with my hair already straightened, etc.)
I was going to suggest Aveda :) LOL love the salons and products

and your hair looks great and healthy!
I agree with the uneven-ness. Who cares?! Especially if you're not wearing pin straight :look:
Wore my flat twist for two weeks. I'm doing my hair this weekend to get some water on my scalp and I need some color.

I washed with Creme of Nature Shampoo. Now I'm DCing with TGIN Deep Conditioner. Since it's so late I will do an overnight DC. I rarely do those because I hate for my head to be wet all night. But it's too late to start on my color. In the morning I will do a mudwash and then apply my color. I will twist it up some kind of way tomorrow and try to get 2 more weeks out of that style.
I get color done on dirty hair. My mother always told me color "takes" better on dirty rather than clean. Have you always done your color on clean hair @faithVA?
Colorado is supposed to be done on dirty hair but my cuticles lie so flat that color won't take at all if I have product on my hair. So I have to completely clean my hair and then combine the color with conditioner to even get it to stick a little bit.

Trust me if I could do it on dirty hair I would. It's taken me over a year to figure out how to make it stick at all.
Now that I have found a healthy hair stylist that I love, I believe that I can reach APL by the end of this year, if not get really close it :yep: I am claiming it.

What length are you now? collar length/shoulder length

Natural/Relaxed/Transitioning? Natural

What's your regimen? Plan to wig it until May or when it gets hot, and then Marley braids using crown and glory method. Follow the K.I.S.S rule. My hair doesn't like being touched or handled too much. It does best in corn rows and medium sized braids.
Plan to use sulfur oil on scalp while wigging it.
Visit stylist 8-10 weeks for light trim/dusting. May baggy my ends while wigging it as well. keep ends moisturized with jerri curl juice :)

What's do you need to do/change to reach APL? leave my hair alone, exercise, keep up with dusting/light trims. Keep ends moisturized.

Goal areas: back, front, sides, crowns.

What's your goal month if any? Just see how long I can get to by December 31 2017
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So here's the rub. If all of my hair grew 1/2" a month I would be APL sometime in the fall. However, that doesn't seem to be the way my hair grows. My nape and bottom section have moved much since all my hair was ear length :look: But my crown and section below my crown have been steadily growing and now some of it actually is the same length as my nape.

So if my crown grows 6 inches it will be at SL. If my nape waits for my crown to catch up, then it looks like I may just be SL at the end of the year. My hair is a little crazy acting :nono:
Still in my yarn twists, moisturizing daily, sealing 1-2 times a week with vatika coconut oil, washing 2x a month, I will be rocking this style for the rest of the year, with breaks in between. I'm trying to focus more on my body less on my hair, these twists allow me to workout, sweat like a pig without my hair looking a mess.
Unpopular Observation - I find that my hair retains SO much better when it's very stretched/straightened vs wash n go's/textured styles.

I did wng's most of last year and braid outs etc, and didn't retain much. But I notice that when I did long stints of stretching my hair, my ends felt so much better.

I think it's due to my hair being closer to the fine end of the spectrum. It can't take being wet too frequently, manipulated too frequently or too much product. Rollerset, flat iron, go about life, and I'll see APL soon. Lol.

On another note, The Mane Choice's heat protection serum may be the GOAT for my hair as far as heat styles. I'll use it a few more times to confirm but so far, outstanding results.
Unpopular Observation - I find that my hair retains SO much better when it's very stretched/straightened vs wash n go's/textured styles.

I did wng's most of last year and braid outs etc, and didn't retain much. But I notice that when I did long stints of stretching my hair, my ends felt so much better.

I think it's due to my hair being closer to the fine end of the spectrum. It can't take being wet too frequently, manipulated too frequently or too much product. Rollerset, flat iron, go about life, and I'll see APL soon. Lol.

On another note, The Mane Choice's heat protection serum may be the GOAT for my hair as far as heat styles. I'll use it a few more times to confirm but so far, outstanding results.
I agree with you on hair being stretched. We'll be unpopular together. LOL I also have very fine strands. either ends of the spectrum do not work for me. too much heat- breakage, protective styles- breakage, but stretched hair or straightened hair awesome. Less shedding, fairy knots and less tangling.
I agree with you on hair being stretched. We'll be unpopular together. LOL I also have very fine strands. either ends of the spectrum do not work for me. too much heat- breakage, protective styles- breakage, but stretched hair or straightened hair awesome. Less shedding, fairy knots and less tangling.
Exaaaactly!!! You totally get it. :lol:
Unpopular Observation - I find that my hair retains SO much better when it's very stretched/straightened vs wash n go's/textured styles.

I did wng's most of last year and braid outs etc, and didn't retain much. But I notice that when I did long stints of stretching my hair, my ends felt so much better.

I think it's due to my hair being closer to the fine end of the spectrum. It can't take being wet too frequently, manipulated too frequently or too much product. Rollerset, flat iron, go about life, and I'll see APL soon. Lol.

On another note, The Mane Choice's heat protection serum may be the GOAT for my hair as far as heat styles. I'll use it a few more times to confirm but so far, outstanding results.
My hair is the same way.
Giving myself a protein treatment (Ors hair mayo) right now. I will shampoo this out, then deep condition with a Moisturizing conditioner. After this, I probably won't use protein again until next month, or get the ORS replenishing conditioner.
Air drying really zaps the moisture out of your hair.. that's why I always have to apply more product afterwards. So it's best to air dry some, then hit it with the blow dryer on cool to seal the moisture that's left in.
I need to find a nice length check shirt that starts at SL. I would like to have it when we do our length checks in April. I'm thinking about taking a popular HSN vit to see if it will give me a boost.

I'm all about rocking buns this entire year. I guess I'm having my own "hide your hair" challenge going on.
I wanna do a New Years bun drop! lol when I had longer hair, I forgot all about that!