APL by Dec 2010!!!

I'm scared! But I'm in!

What are you doing for growth

Moisturize and seal nightly
Sleep with satin scarf
Increase water intake, Exercise more
Protective styling
Stick with one product line.
What are you not going to do
No trim till Feb. (Already getting scraggly though!) Twice a year.
Wash my hair more than once a week. (Trying to stay out of it as much as I have in the past.)
What length are you now?
Not sure. See pic.

Don't be scared, we're going to get that elusive APL for the year 2010!!! :grin:
I would like to participate.

What are you doing for growth (wash, condition, protective styles)
What are you not going to do (relax, over heat)
What length are you now? (neck length)
im in...

What are you doing for growth : water, vitamins, braids, scalp mass and growth oils and up my moisture.

What are you not going to do : no manipulation, cutting,

What length are you now? neck length
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I'm in! :grin:

What are you doing for growth?
nothing/low manipulation

What are you not going to do?
over style, over manipulate

What length are you now?
shoulder lengthish
  • What are you doing for growth
  • Protective Stlying, MN, Braids,DCing
  • What are you not going to do
  • Getting lazy,cutting
  • What length are you now?
  • Just past shoulder
  • What are you doing for growth
I will continue to co wash daily and shampoo once every two weeks. I will consistantly dc every week. I will wear hair in twistouts, braidouts or funky updo. I will give my scalp nightly massages and oil my ends with organic coconut oil. I also plan to henna once a month. I also will continue to use wild growth oil..my hair loves it :D
  • What are you not going to do
I am not going use products with cones unless they are water soluble and my hair is ok with it. I will not touch the scissors!!!
  • What length are you now?
My hair is shoulder length with layers


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Yay! I'm in :yep:

What are you doing for growth?
A whole year's worth of protective styling (mainly, if not, exclusively wigs!), deep conditioning at least once per week, overall low manipulation, using up my growth aids

What are you not going to do?
Get anymore weaves, cornrow my hair really tight, fall off the bandwagon...

What length are you now?
Ranges from chin to collar bone length from front to back

HHG, ladies!
Am i too late?

What are you doing for growth
Protective styles
Stretching my relaxers
More cowashing and protecting my ends

What are you not going to do

Relax often
Use heat
Rip a comb/brush through my hair

What length are you now?

I am a little below shoulder length
I PM'd you.

* What are you doing for growth:
2010 Braid Challenge, twisting for growth, moisturizing

* What are you not going to do
not going to use excessive heat or wear my hair loose

* What length are you now?
neck length, pic in siggy
Dang, I can't remember if I answered these questions or not, but here it goes:

1. What are you doing for growth? Weekly Washing and deep conditioning. Ayruveda(sp?) chlorella and MSM

2. What will you NOT do? No cutting!!! PS only! Wigs and did I say PS?

3. What length are you now?--Hair is currently in layers. Few pieces are chin length, SL, and the longest is almost APl....please don't ask, I had a stylist butcher my hair and I'm still pissed....
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I'm a newbie (about 2 weeks into taking my hair seriously). This is my first post....

What are you doing for growth ?
-Taking daily women's multivitamin, biotin, just ordered MSM and will probably play around with some other supplements.
-DCing atleast weekly
-Finding a regimine and staple products that work best for me (praying for no setbacks in the process)
-Rollersetting and using protective styles more
-Silk scarfing at night and around my coats until its time to put the winter stuff away

What are you not going to do?
Cut...for a while I thought this was the key to hair growth, but scissor happy stylists proved me wrong. I'll doing all the trimming/dusting around these parts

What length are you now?

I'm growing out an assymetric cut (that I'll miss greatly, but ready to have my length back):yep: I think I'm shoulder length in the front and neck length in the back.


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What are you doing for growth
-Wearing low mani hair styles
-Shampoo/DC every 3 days (once a week in full protective styles)
-Spiked my leave-in sprays with sulfur
-Drinking more water, exercising frequently, eating healthier

What are you not going to do
-Wear wash n go's
-Use ANY chemicals (Relaxer-free is easy but this no coloring thing is a doozy)
-Overmanipulate my hair (i'm only combing/picking on wash days now and I haven't used a brush since before my BC)

What length are you now?
NL striving to be at least grazing APL by the end of 2010
Newbie here!:grin: After 2months of lurking I subscribed just to join this challenge!:yep:

What are you doing for growth
-Bunning and rollersets
-Shampoo/DC/Megatek 2x's/week
-Drink more water

What are you not going to do
-Apply direct heat
-Cut (only dustings)

What length are you now?


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I want in on this challenge. I am still in search of what I want to do with my hair this year. I did the crown and glory for 2009, but want to do something different like rollersets and updos.
I hope it is not too late to start this challenge.

What are you doing for growth?
Deep Conditioning weekly
Sticking to a routine/products
Taking Vitamins
Drinking plenty of water
Lots of twisting (my hair loves it)

What are you not doing?

Current Length
Shoulder in the back
Chin in the front

I also PM'd you.
This week has been good.
I got a curlformer set and I wore it for 4 days w/o combing, just fluffed daily.
I also DCed 2 times this week it was nice.
I have been moisturizing and sealing 2x/day too. IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!
starting pic is in siggy...
Today I co washed with VO5 champagne kiss and sealed with shea butter and massaged my scalp with Hairveda Cocasta Shikakai hair oil. Oh and my hair is in braids too. They still look neat but I'm going to have to redo my sides soon :/
This week has been good.
I got a curlformer set and I wore it for 4 days w/o combing, just fluffed daily.
I also DCed 2 times this week it was nice.
I have been moisturizing and sealing 2x/day too. IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!

Ms B Haven - I just checked out your fotki - your hair is so pretty.. You've made amazing progress.. Heres to APL early in the new year:grin:
I did bantu knots for a day and took them out yesterday to pick up my boyfriend from the airport. One side was really cute, the other side a mess, so my hair ended in a messy bun. I'm bout to wash and DC...hopefully I won't be in tangle city too long.

My MSM arrived today. But after realizing that my daily multi vitamin and biotin were breaking me out, I'm scared to crack it open...
I'm in! And this is my first challenge at that...feels great lol

What are you doing for growth?
- use little to no heat, air drying as much as possible
- always seal wet hair with coconut oil
- do braid outs and twist outs (and when long enough, buns)
- wash 1-2 times a week (winter) / 3-4 times a week (spring and summer)

What are you not going to do?
- straighten more than 1 a month max
- get scissor happy (only light dusting as needed)

What length are you now?
layered hair, bottom layer between neck and shoulder length

Starting Pic:
Want to do back, pony and side comparison shots throughout challenge (to track layers - may grow them out...undecided)




hey girl. looove your hair. I moved from nyc to VA!!! :yawn:
Would like to join.

What are you doing for growth
- 3 month pony challenge; DC Challenge, moisturizing daily & satin cap at night

What are you not doing
- not cutting - no curling irons

What length are you now
- shoulder length

Starting Pic
- taken today


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How did I miss this thread?! Well, since I didn't make it this year I am in for 2010!

What are you doing for growth? Chlorella, MSM, Omega 3-6-9, OCT, clove oil, head massages, protective styling, DCing 1-2 times a week, ayurveda, and topical sulfur

What are you not going to do? Braids, weaves, anything that involves manipulation or pulling on my hair line

What length are you now? Collar Bone length

Starting pic attached.


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Going to put an actual attachment as my starting pic rather than my siggy as my siggy will probably change. Sorry it's a bit dark.


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  • What are you doing for growth
I am doing Weaves as a protective style. Weaves with be installed every 6 to 8 weeks with little no time of in between. At 6 months will take down and assess and dust ends. Wash once a week with any shampoo in my stash (pantene, mane and tail, olive oil, keracare).
DC once a week with a mix of Hawaiin silky protein conditioner, ORS mayonaise conditioner, pantene intense moisturizing conditioner.
Air dry hair with Foam wrap applied. Flat iron hairs that are out (edges)with ORS moisturizer lotion if using straight hair, use moisturizer/activator for wet and wavy hair.

Hair underneath will have the same regimen for shampoo and conditioner as above. But will use ORS anti-itch scalp oil, Sulfur 8 medicated scalp soution, profective scalp restoration deep down relief and templ restoration topical spray, will use ORS jojoba oil or soy oil as needed and with the braiding of install and on scalp where hair is left out as needed. I will also take a womens ultra or mega vitamin as well.

  • What are you not going to do
Stress about it as stress has always cause hair set backs with me!!!!
  • What length are you now?
Right at to just above shoulder length!


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I'd like to join. I had a minor setback this year with a scissor-happy stylist that made me miss APL this year but I'd like to reach APL in 2010.

What are you doing for growth? MSM, MegaTek, Boundlesss Tresses, head massages, protective styling,co-wash daily in the warmer months, DCing 1-2 times a week, ayurveda and balancing moisture/protein

What are you not going to do?
Cut my hair, I'll dust or SnD as needed

What length are you now? Below shoulder length

I'll post a starting pic soon!