APL by Dec 2010!!!

Yup! I'm relaxing on the 17th!! However, I may get my hair cut:nono: It has no shape right now and I want to start a soft U Shape. Not sure if I should cut now or after I reach my goal.
Cream, do you think you are APL now? I don't think I am.

You and me both, I'm pretty sure I need to trim also, but not because my ends are bad but more for aesthetic purposes. I love the soft u shape too although I'm planning on at least trying to surpass APL and then trimming back to it. The back of my hair is more or less grazing it...
You and me both, I'm pretty sure I need to trim also, but not because my ends are bad but more for aesthetic purposes. I love the soft u shape too although I'm planning on at least trying to surpass APL and then trimming back to it. The back of my hair is more or less grazing it...

Yes, I was going to trim for the same reason. I can't tell if I'm even grazing APL. My new growth is so puffy that I'm neck lenght right now. I may go ahead and trim now and hopefully still make APL by December. Decisions...decisions.
Cream Tee and Salsarisma, I'm with you girls. Relaxing on the 11th (next wk) after a 30 week stretch. Last relaxer I was neck length, so I'm really excited to see what this year holds.

just trimmed my ends...but the middle section i had to CUT...i guess from me putting so much pressure at that spot on my head broke my ends in half smh...you can barely see it since the other stands cover it but the section is about as short as my pinky, I should still make it to apl by december (I hope)
just trimmed my ends...but the middle section i had to CUT...i guess from me putting so much pressure at that spot on my head broke my ends in half smh...you can barely see it since the other stands cover it but the section is about as short as my pinky, I should still make it to apl by december (I hope)

Was this from bunning?
^^ i did buns, but basically just pinned my hair up in the same spot with just a chop stick like thing...I didnt know it was breaking it off...I dont see how though. Only bun I would do is the southern tease shrugs*
^^ That's interesting. I try to inspect my hair often to catch any problem spots because I bun often or pin my hair around or near the same area. So far I haven't had problems but I do try to stay on top of my protein/moisture game which I think has helped.
^^ I'm not sure what happened there smh, it's always moisturized..maybe it's the way I wrap my hair then, I always do that lil dumb part in the middle of my head, well it parts itself there
I haven't updated or checked in, in a while. I straightened my hair on Friday for the first time in a month cause I got bored. That quickly went away after being pushed in a pool on Sunday. I have like 5 strands touching apl and the rest is about 1/2 inch away. I'm 8 1/2 weeks post. My new growth is thicker than usual so I will be relaxing on Saturday yay. I'll take some pics and post them.
Ok I guess I need to update my progress....Since I had a small set-back (which I posted about) Here are some pics I took today for my fotki, just to show that I am making progress (I have to keep telling myself this so I don't give up) Anyway, that piece in the middle that I told you I had to cut down to pinky size, you can barely tell it in these pics but trust it's there. Any tips on getting thicker hair? This is the reason I'm going natural, hair it to thin! anyway enough blabbering. here are the updates (it wont let me resize)

Idk if I will make APL by December now :sad:




Just A Short Rant:

Can I just say that I HATE shrinkage?! I recently trimmed about an inch or so off which put me right above APL. Well let's combine that with 8 weeks of new growth and now my hair looks like I'm only 2-3 inches past SL. On me, SL to APL is about 5.5 inches (so where the heck did my hair go? shrinkage!). I'm really getting nervous. I keep telling myself that my hair hasn't broken off but when I look at my air dried hair in the mirror I just feel that something is wrong. I'm trying to stay away from direct heat since I haven't used it in nearly 8 months but one of two things will probably happen soon: 1. I flat iron my hair 2. I relax before August. I don't want either option but I need some type of confirmation. Rant over.
Ijanei it looks like you can still make it to APL this year depending on your growth rate!! I hope you make it!

chasturner SHRINKAGE S U C K S!!!! I hate it too... don't worry... I try to convince myself that it's shrinkage by remembering that rarely see breakage so that means that it's all gotta still be there!
Just A Short Rant:

Can I just say that I HATE shrinkage?! I recently trimmed about an inch or so off which put me right above APL. Well let's combine that with 8 weeks of new growth and now my hair looks like I'm only 2-3 inches past SL. On me, SL to APL is about 5.5 inches (so where the heck did my hair go? shrinkage!). I'm really getting nervous. I keep telling myself that my hair hasn't broken off but when I look at my air dried hair in the mirror I just feel that something is wrong. I'm trying to stay away from direct heat since I haven't used it in nearly 8 months but one of two things will probably happen soon: 1. I flat iron my hair 2. I relax before August. I don't want either option but I need some type of confirmation. Rant over.

Lol! Sorry to laugh at you girl, but I feel your pain. Your message actually made me feel better about my shrinkage. My hair only comes to the bottom of my neck with my 25 week post relaxer hair!!

So trust that your hair is fine!!!
I am really aiming for APL by Dec. I've been wearing wigs consistently since Jan. My current length is in my siggy. I look to be grazing SL. I am currently 18 week into a 24 week stretch. I hope I get fabulous results. Ill be back in July with a length update.
Hi ladies, just an update. I straightened the back of my hair to trim the ends and I was really surprised with how long it was. Not quite APL, but it's getting there. However, I cut about 1 inch off (give/take a bit), but this was my first time really trimming since my BC. So I'm still expecting to make APL by Dec. 2010. (fingers crossed)
Ijanei it looks like you can still make it to APL this year depending on your growth rate!! I hope you make it!

chasturner SHRINKAGE S U C K S!!!! I hate it too... don't worry... I try to convince myself that it's shrinkage by remembering that rarely see breakage so that means that it's all gotta still be there!

I started seeing hair, although only a couple of strands, here and there and freaked out. Believe me when I tell you that I checked EVERY strand of hair to see if it was breakage. Good news for me: only shed hair!

Lol! Sorry to laugh at you girl, but I feel your pain. Your message actually made me feel better about my shrinkage. My hair only comes to the bottom of my neck with my 25 week post relaxer hair!!

So trust that your hair is fine!!!

Girl, that's how I know I can't stretch beyond my normal 16-18 weeks. If I could stretch to 25 weeks and beyond and my hair was NL due to shrinkage, I would need to be institutionalized!!!!
^^Lol!! I have my moments of uncertainty...but I'm down to the wire now. 7 more days to go. The results of my relaxer will determine if I do one more 26 week stretch to December or not.
I got a relaxer today. I'm not apl yet but I should be by my next relaxer. Here are a few comparison pics. They are from Feb, Apr, and today.



Hi ladies! Just checking in.

Today was my first day washing my hair on my own since my relaxer last week. And I was very pleased with how my hair came out. :grin:

I kept my regimen relatively simple:

  • CON shampoo
  • Pantene Beautiful Lengths conditioner
  • DC with Lekair Cholesterol
  • Sealed with essential oils and Salerm 21 silk protein (this mainly on my ends) before blowdrying.
After I blowdried I pinned my hair up with a barrett. :yep:

I will continue with pinning my hair up and wearing my PS (wigs) to retain length. This will be my first attempt at stretching my relaxer. I want to go at least 9-12 weeks so we'll see!

Thanks everyone for your updates and pics, they are very encouraging!
Hi ladies, got my relaxer Friday. Nothing impressive :( She had to trim off the split ends which left me wishing I hadn't relaxed at all. All the same, I am pleased that there is more hair on my head than I had last year. Will post pics soon.
Did a mini-chop last Sunday, which set me back about 1.5 - 2". Last time I length-checked three weeks ago, I was 1" from APL, so now, I'll probably be around 2 - 2.5" from there when I do my length check next week. I was hoping to reach APL by labor day, but it looks like I'm not going to get there until November maybe... it's cool though - I'll still reach the December goal! :)
i missed the first quarter but i'll post a pic on june 30th.
What are you doing for growth?
vitamins (b-complex, grapeseed extract, E, multi-vitamin), DC and co wash every week. moisture/protein balance. low manipulation.
What are you not going to do?
use my flat iron. i must part with it sadly. and stop getting trims from salons it always ends up in devastation for me.
What length are you now?
shoulder length
My hair seems to be getting a little ratty/tangling at the ends so i think I may need another trim. I usually only trim my hair twice a year and my last trim was in Feb. I think its because I was putting my hair into buns under my wig instead of braiding it. I really don't want to because this will set me further away from APL, I may try to just get them dusted.

Touched up today. Still not APL but just in touching distance now. I won't be doing a six month stretch again because I don't think I gained enough to warrant the work involved. I'll be going back to relaxing every 3/4 months.
