Apl 2018

You did a fantastic job hosting this challenge, @faithVA !! You really kept this thread alive!

I will be posting a flat ironed pic on or around Christmas, because I want to flat iron it for the holiday and it’ll be my 2 year anniversary of BC.

I really appreciate everyone’s support and I have graduated. I’m now beyond APL.

Can’t wait to see the end of the year hair porn!!:drool:
Thanks @topnotch1010. Congratulations on graduating this challenge. Can't wait to see your hair pics.
I did a mudwash which I haven't done in months. I didn't want to use shampoo again since it is so drying to my hair but I needed to remove the deep conditioner before I applied the henna. For once I didn't take all day in the shower :lol: I have the henna/amla in now and will leave it in for 3 hours. I was supposed to apply it around 5 but procrastinated :nono: Now I will be up until midnight.

I am hoping my results are as good as last time. I was satisfied with the color. It wasn't that drive you crazy red color. If it does work out this will allow me to really improve my regimen.
I blow dried my hair. My hair is finally long enough to bun. But now I have no idea what I want to use to hold the bun. So I just ended up flat twisting it as usual. Maybe when I take it down this weekend I can play around with some hair accessories and see what works.

I'm thinking for 2019 I will continue to stick to flat twist and 2 strands. I won't to keep my hair hidden until I have some nice hang time when I wear it straight. So that might be 2020 or 2021 :lol:
I blow dried my hair. My hair is finally long enough to bun. But now I have no idea what I want to use to hold the bun. So I just ended up flat twisting it as usual. Maybe when I take it down this weekend I can play around with some hair accessories and see what works.

I'm thinking for 2019 I will continue to stick to flat twist and 2 strands. I won't to keep my hair hidden until I have some nice hang time when I wear it straight. So that might be 2020 or 2021 :lol:

Whoohoo!! I feel like the bun mile-stone is life-changing. It's a great fall back when you don't feel like doing much else. I liked donuts, even claw clips for shorter hair since it's way less tension.
Whoohoo!! I feel like the bun mile-stone is life-changing. It's a great fall back when you don't feel like doing much else. I liked donuts, even claw clips for shorter hair since it's way less tension.
How do you use a claw clip with shorter hair?
How do you use a claw clip with shorter hair?

I just pull it back like I'm going to put it in a ponytail, then twist it in my wrist so that it's pulled firmly, and apply the claw clip over the pony and against my head. When I had shorter hair I'd wear it so that it covered my hair, and when I wore it at this length I'd just wrap my hair back down around the side of the clip and then tuck it underneath.

I hope I explained that alright...
I just pull it back like I'm going to put it in a ponytail, then twist it in my wrist so that it's pulled firmly, and apply the claw clip over the pony and against my head. When I had shorter hair I'd wear it so that it covered my hair, and when I wore it at this length I'd just wrap my hair back down around the side of the clip and then tuck it underneath.

I hope I explained that alright...
I will have to try that. Does it keep it firm and keep it from poofing.
So once again, my hair has started webbing. Now I remember why I did that last big cut! Is there anyway to stop webbing other than cutting? This time, it is only on the right side of my hair. I've been trying to s&d the ends but it doesn't seem to get any better. It's just massively dry, chock full of knots and tangled as all get out. The rest of my hair is happy as a clam. :/
So once again, my hair has started webbing. Now I remember why I did that last big cut! Is there anyway to stop webbing other than cutting? This time, it is only on the right side of my hair. I've been trying to s&d the ends but it doesn't seem to get any better. It's just massively dry, chock full of knots and tangled as all get out. The rest of my hair is happy as a clam. :/
Interesting! Does it web at the ends only or also at the roots? Do you think it's related to damaged hair? Or is your hair healthy but is not liking your products/technique?
So once again, my hair has started webbing. Now I remember why I did that last big cut! Is there anyway to stop webbing other than cutting? This time, it is only on the right side of my hair. I've been trying to s&d the ends but it doesn't seem to get any better. It's just massively dry, chock full of knots and tangled as all get out. The rest of my hair is happy as a clam. :/
If it is webbing I would look for splits higher up the shaft. I would also look for broken hairs that are much shorter and that now have splits. they tend to curl backwards and trap hair.

I did a search and destroy each wash day until the section improved. It took a while but it was worth it.
Interesting! Does it web at the ends only or also at the roots? Do you think it's related to damaged hair? Or is your hair healthy but is not liking your products/technique?

It's mainly the ends and then a bit further up. It seems damaged in the fact that it is completely riddled with ssks, but that would be caused by dryness and me treating it badly, thus pointing back to it not liking what I was doing at some point in time. Now that I'm taking better care of it, I notice it a lot more, but it may be too little too late.

If it is webbing I would look for splits higher up the shaft. I would also look for broken hairs that are much shorter and that now have splits. they tend to curl backwards and trap hair.

I did a search and destroy each wash day until the section improved. It took a while but it was worth it.

I have some little splits, or a good sprinkling of them, but mostly ssks - they appear to be shorter hairs too, they end up kind of crumpled up higher in each section, if that makes sense. The hairs all look crinkled, and don't return to their normal hair pattern, although they curl normally when my hair is wet. It's just when they dry that some crippled-looking hairs are noticeable. I'm thinking that's the section I might have accidentally dipped in boiling water back when I was doing box braids....

Anyhow, I've been doing s&d on them. It's really bad now, so yes it'll take awhile, but I'll keep at it and continue babying it.
I want to post my length check pics here and in the bsl thread but my ends are so thin, I'd be told to cut all of my progress off.
Go ahead and post them. Im not going to tell you to cut anything. I only believe in cutting thin ends if they are really damaged. Sometimes the hair just grows out uneven and if you wait it out it will even out. I'm not sure which one is your story.

I will be waiting for the pics
Don’t think I’m gonna straighten for the rest of the year, I don’t think I’ve made APL and I don’t wanna be disappointed :lol:

I am gonna start rollersetting and Bunning to hopefully make it by June 2018. Here’s a hair pic of my southern tease bun from earlier this week after a lazy ponytail rollerset:

@faithVA i used mini claw clips for this one and it’s great for no tension and also finessing people into thinking my hair is nice and thick...creates a nice illusion lol