APL 2012 Challenge

I have little broken hairs too... always have had little broken hairs no matter how much I moisturized. But anytime I use a product with protein, my hair feels hard after the wash process and I really dont think it helps with keeping breakage at bay.

TBH, I'm stumped. :perplexed

I had breakage too. Like when I pulled on my hair or finger combed it, little - medium length pieces would come out. I simply cut my ends off and all the breakage stopped. I was denying I needed a trim because I decided to regularly dusting my ends... however, I guess I should have started dusting before the splits started. Oh well... its back to square one for me but I'm losing a lot less hair!
DanceOnTheSkylines looks like ur already there :yep:
Post a beginning picture:

My hair is so soft and my NG is so mangeable. Also I haven't moisturized in about 3 days because of finals and moving out of my dorm room. However my hair is still really soft. This hairveda is the TRUTH!

If my hair keeps up like this, I can stretch until september (6 months) and ideally my hair would be APL after the relaxer... hey a girl can dream can't she! :rolleyes:
Nice growth @SimJam! Is that your go to daily style in these pictures? or do you have other hair styles you wear to reach APL?

Thats the last phase of my go to style. Im usually in twists from Sunday to wednesday then pull them out thursday - saturday

once in a while I may do twistouts for the whole week or use Kinky Curly Curling Custard for a wash and go and keep it for the week.

Iv found recently that my ends get dryer (even if I moisturize every day) when they are in loose twists (if I put the twists up into a bun or french roll kinda updo they are OK)

so Ive been wearing more "outs" twist/bantu knot - along with taking hair vits and using hair trigger, and its been working so far

I also trimmed my ends last night
My sisters gonna dye my hair on the 25th. I hope my hair don't fall out, cause I just dyed it like late last month. But not feeling this color. I have fine hair and it makes it look finer I want a burgundy or auburn. Hope I don't have a setback! Wish me luck!

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My sisters gonna dye my hair on the 25th. I hope my hair don't fall out, cause I just dyed it like late last month. But not feeling this color. I have fine hair and it makes it look finer I want a burgundy or auburn. Hope I don't have a setback! Wish me luck!

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Good Luck @pookaloo83! I still haven't mustered up the courage to dye my hair yet I sure like seeing everyone's results here on the thread!

Depending on the exact day of your last hair color you should be ok with the next hair dye. Here's an article with Oscar Blandi - the stylist behind Sephora - recommending haircolor once a month or every 45 days based on the regrowth of our hair
I remember the reggie I had in high school when I growing my hair from a TWA to "longish" hair before relaxing. It was weekly wash and instant condition and then air dry and braid into cornrows. I was thinking how much length I would have if I tried that reggie for a whole year.

If only I could go out with straight back corn rows, my hair will have no choice but to retain length. :grin:
NaturalfienD said:
Girl, I am taking that regimen! Your hair was too dope ... okay, maybe I can give the blow out one more try. When it comes out well coolsista-paris, I will definitely let you know. Thank you boonop ;)

great. show me the pics! i did not need to moisturize again on the same day. even the next day.

i try not using.high heat. i did sometimes but i finish every section with cool blow. the ends are always done with low heat or cool blow.
Hi Ladies. Just peeping in. Bought some shampoo today since mine was shipped with everything else last week. Gonna wash, detangle, and DC this evening after work.
NikkiQ said:
Hi Ladies. Just peeping in. Bought some shampoo today since mine was shipped with everything else last week. Gonna wash, detangle, and DC this evening after work.

How you gonna casually tell us you bought poo then not tell which one??? We like specifics;)
Dont worry I promise not to go buy it. Lol unless you tell us that you love it:)
The nape may be APL, but the rest of my hair. Including, but not limited to, the sides, the crown, the front, or the rest of the back. I want to even my length out before pursuing BSL.

you are going to be MBL, maybe WL by the time you reach full APL! i say claim it! you have earned it! i have natural layers too and it will take almost 2 years for my front and sides to reach APL.
livinthevida said:
LOL @shortdub78! My aunt has a new ipad and she loves that thing! With all the pictures this weekend we passed it around like it was dessert :lol:

Good luck on that exam @TheNDofUO!

@NikkiQ I second Angela4769 you and @faithVA are doing a great job moderating this thread. @faithVA is right you are going nowhere so please come back ----> BIG SMILE <-----

Very nice layers @coolsista-paris! Your hair is nice and full in this picture what heat serum did you put in?

thank you for the compliment. nice to hear that for the fine hair i have. hard to maintain....
i use fantasia ic heat serum (its that pink bottle)
faithVA said:
That's cute. Looks like you could just bump the ends and have a hairy style.

thanks. i played around with it ane yes.. ideas came to my mind. ill try that in summer. this fine hair.is drama sometimes
you are going to be MBL, maybe WL by the time you reach full APL! i say claim it! you have earned it! i have natural layers too and it will take almost 2 years for my front and sides to reach APL.
I'm claiming it but just not moving on to my next goal till my sides make it to APL. They're only about an inch away, so by july I should be there =] I did the same thing with CBL and SL. But all the same, thank you for the support and encouragement
lamaria211 said:
How you gonna casually tell us you bought poo then not tell which one??? We like specifics;)
Dont worry I promise not to go buy it. Lol unless you tell us that you love it:)

Lol it's only V05 shampoo. Nothing fancy. It was on sale so I grabbed it. Sitting with some DC on my hair now.

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NikkiQ said:
Lol it's only V05 shampoo. Nothing fancy. It was on sale so I grabbed it. Sitting with some DC on my hair now.

Sent by me from my Android phone.Boom

hey sweet nikkiq! just saying hi. hope your fine its been long.
My temples SUCK!!! Any suggestions?

How? Losing hair??? Rough?? If losing hair JBCO massaged into the scalp. That is what helps me.

@Angela4769 I've heard massaging with sulphur oil really helps. Maybe you can try that. I also suffer from weak edges so maybe I am not the right person to advice.

@Angela4769 @Livinthediva got amazing results with coconut oil, @jprayze is doing some fantastic things with MN. My own observations, would be to wear your edges fuzzy and comfortable instead of slicked.

@Angela4769 all of the ladies here have great recommendations! & @Seamonster is right I had amazing results by using Organic Coconut Oil (OCO) to improve thinning hair at the top of my head. Here is a link to my 90 Day Results posted April 28, 2012!

There's also good results at African Tresses' Blog here. She outlines step by step all the things she used and what worked for her in just 8 weeks to improve her edges
[USER=103105 said:
coolsista-paris[/USER];15946107]thanks. i played around with it ane yes.. ideas came to my mind. ill try that in summer. this fine hair.is drama sometimes

a hairy style? :lol: I need to slow down in my typing. Glad you knew what I meant.
@Angela4769 @Livinthediva got amazing results with coconut oil, @jprayze is doing some fantastic things with MN. My own observations, would be to wear your edges fuzzy and comfortable instead of slicked.

Thanks. I've been using coconut oil on my ends every day for the past couple of months. I'll look up MN.

I never "slick" my edges. I guess it looks that way because they're so short. I think that happened as a result of breakage from my last few touch ups. That's one of the reasons that I ended up on LHCF...looking for ways to patch up my ex-stylist's mistakes.

Thanks for your suggestions!
How? Losing hair??? Rough?? If losing hair JBCO massaged into the scalp. That is what helps me.

My edges have always been a little sparse, but after the past couple of touch ups, I noticed that they are almost gone. My ex-stylist was leaving the relaxer on too long, and me like a dummy sat there and let her.

Thanks for the suggestion!
In bed. Just moisturized my twists. I feel like taking then out, but I'm still holding on.

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