APL 2012 Challenge

NikkiQ said:
Are you using it to cowash with?

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I don't really co-wash. It's more like a water rinse and mid-week condition. That s how. Used it though. The scent lingered even after my rinse out, leave-in, and sealant.
Showing my soaking wet hair and it's shrinkage.

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pookaloo83, I really like your color! I know you said you weren't too fond of it, but I think it's cute! I'm still too chicken to commit myself to color, so for now I'm just going to enjoy it through ya'll :lol:
Braids out...hair spa day completed...progress pic below:

May-back left side

March-back right side May-back right side

January-back May back

(will ask hubby to get the back because I think my head is tilted forward a bit trying to balance the phone and pull hair, achieve best angle, etc.)
gvin89 said:
Braids out...hair spa day completed...progress pic below:

May-back left side

March-back right side May-back right side

January-back May back

(will ask hubby to get the back because I think my head is tilted forward a bit trying to balance the phone and pull hair, achieve best angle, etc.)

Great progress!! You can definitely see growth

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NikkiQ said:
Great progress!! You can definitely see growth

Sent by me from my Android phone.Boom

Thanks Nik! One thing I can say is that his journey has granted me much patience. I've learned that it's not automatic you have to work for healthy hair. I love the support through this board...probably wouldn't have even pursued naturalness!

Can't wait to see where I will be by Dec.
here's those pics i promised yesterday. both are from early april a blowout/length check.


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  • IMG00258-20120407-1045.jpg
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[USER=346679 said:
Mjon912[/USER];15954057]I've turned into a product junkie...I keep telling myself I'm not buying any more hair products but I just discovered the 'just grow already' blog and man... I want her hair... I ended up checking out the darcy's botanicals website and wound up spending 80$ on hair products...mind you I just dropped close to $150, maybe more, in the last month on products...every time I get something I stash it under my sink real quick so my BF doesn't see...smh

On another note I'm trying to bun until my birthday in sept, I do a messy bun with no elastic just a clip to keep it in place...do you think I will hav damage from the clip being on my ends...I thought this was safer then using an elastic

I see you are in my state. Do I need to come rescue you from yourself? It's time to reign it in girl. Reign it in :yep:
OK....I don't know how to "link" yet...but I do know how to copy and paste :) These are the instructions that I just learned from the other day.

Here you go:

Originally Posted by livinthevida
Welcome @Mjon912!

I have Windows 7 at home yet I believe the steps should be the same in any Web Browser (I use Firefox 11 and Internet Explorer 9). Here are a few instructions:
  1. Click New Reply (see bottom right of page)
  2. Scroll down a little further (see Additional Options)
  3. Select Manage Attachments (under Attach Files)
  4. Select Browse to upload pictures from your Computer
  5. Browse your computer for picture(s) to post
  6. Select Open after selecting picture(s)
  7. Select Upload (picture now appears under Current Attachments)
  8. You can remove the picture by selecting Remove or keep the picture by closing the window (Select Close this window or press the red x)
  9. Enter comments and select Submit Reply
WTG Angela4769! Copy and paste works just as well :grin: LOL!!

Ladies there's one typo here on Step 1, it should read:
1. Click New Reply (see bottom left of page) <----thats left vs right!
Thank you for this @livinthevida ! I started having postpartum shedding 2 months ago and my edges are looking rough! I'm going to try massaging coconut oil tonight and switch to jbco when I have access to it again.
No problema @bibs :rolleyes:

If you can (just like me!) please post before and after pics like African Tresses featured on her blog this way we can all see the many uses of Coconut Oil too :yep:
@Angela4769 check out the MN Challenge (link on my siggy). Some of the ladies in the challenge are just using MN for their edges specifically. It has really accelerated my growth rate since I started back in March!
OMG @jprayze! I just viewed your MN thread and WOW the results in your April 25 - May 14 picture speak volumes! Amazing growth and thickness I'm peeking in on the official length check on June 1 :peek:

Ladies to view her results http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=616801&page=10jump to the post here
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Did a WGO/Lustrasilk AV Cholesterol pre-poo, followed by a straight condition (didn't do a co wash, wanted to see how it would turn out). Hair doesn't feel so slippy today, I forgot what I put in my Molasses conditioner mix (should've read my earlier post, silly me!).

Followed up by M&S with Cantu Moisturizer/Amla + Shea Butter. Hair not so soft after this latest treatment, and I have shrinkage!!!!!

Will try a DC on Friday see if I can't get my hair back to how it's been the last few days.
claud-uk that Molasses conditioner mix sounds yummy! how do you use the mix? and what's in it other than molasses?
I've turned into a product junkie...I keep telling myself I'm not buying any more hair products but I just discovered the 'just grow already' blog and man... I want her hair... I ended up checking out the darcy's botanicals website and wound up spending 80$ on hair products...mind you I just dropped close to $150, maybe more, in the last month on products...every time I get something I stash it under my sink real quick so my BF doesn't see...smh

On another note I'm trying to bun until my birthday in sept, I do a messy bun with no elastic just a clip to keep it in place...do you think I will hav damage from the clip being on my ends...I thought this was safer then using an elastic
Mjon912 what kind of clip? if it has teeth that can snag and pull I say avoid at all costs. If its flat and just a smooth surface this is much better. I use to clip my hair with a barrette (the ones that snap on) yet now I use a bobby pin or two to tuck in :yep:
Braids out...hair spa day completed...progress pic below:

May-back left side

March-back right side May-back right side

January-back May back

(will ask hubby to get the back because I think my head is tilted forward a bit trying to balance the phone and pull hair, achieve best angle, etc.)
Great results @gvin89! I can see a big difference in length and thickness on your ends between January, March, and May! Did you change anything in your reggie to get such good results this time?
livinthevida said:
OMG @jprayze! I just viewed your MN thread and WOW the results in your April 24 - May 14 picture speak volumes! Amazing growth and thickness I'm peeking in on the official length check on June 1 :peek:

Ladies to view her results [URL="http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=15939757&postcount=192"]jump to the post here

I peaked into that challenge earlier and I may be intrigued by this enough to try it for the summer :look:

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Back in fat Celies for the time being. Might get a sew in next week. Who knows.

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I peaked into that challenge earlier and I may be intrigued by this enough to try it for the summer :look:

Sent by me from my Android phone.Boom
Me too @NikkiQ!

@jprayze my only questions are:
1. what happens when you stop using mn? is there like massive shedding, dry scalp, or some awful setback?
2. how long is considered safe enough to use mn? weeks, months, years?
3. anyone out there we know who has used mn for their entire hair growth journey? If Yes! I'd like to hear from them!

I can only speak to Coconut Oil and this stuff works :yep:
I was trying to put myself on a schedule of dusting on the 30th of the month, but the cutting bug hit me again. I did a righteous dusting of the SSK's, and hope I am still able to show some progress at our next length check.

Completely off the subject. Every time my no good ex gets dumped, he wants to holler. Be glad when finally tricks somebody into marrying him. The biggest wedding gift will be from me. I am going to hire Etta James to sing 'At Last' at his wedding.
:rofl: Seamonster! I think its time for a little Me, Myself, & I
checking in! nothing new to report, just need to calm down with my addiction to buying half wigs. It's like I can never find the perfect one. I hate looking "wiggy".
Woke up 30min late today! Ahhhh!!!! Thank God for Celies and wigs or my butt would've been super late to work :lol:
OMG @jprayze! I just viewed your MN thread and WOW the results in your April 25 - May 14 picture speak volumes! Amazing growth and thickness I'm peeking in on the official length check on June 1 :peek:

Ladies to view her results jump to the post here

Me too @NikkiQ!

@jprayze my only questions are:
1. what happens when you stop using mn? is there like massive shedding, dry scalp, or some awful setback?
2. how long is considered safe enough to use mn? weeks, months, years?
3. anyone out there we know who has used mn for their entire hair growth journey? If Yes! I'd like to hear from them!

I can only speak to Coconut Oil and this stuff works :yep:

livinthevida Thanks!

1. I did talk to one person who said when they stopped they retained all they gained by using MN and they had no setbacks or after affects.
2&3. I dont know how long...I tried to go through the original MN thread to get more info on long-term usage. I think I'll create a new thread about that.

I'm a very adventurous person, always trying new things...and right now, my current thoughts is to 'ride the MN' train as long as it lasts, but I would definitely like to know more as well.
TOM and i haven't do anything to my hair and i mean anything. i didn't rinse the conditioner out and i have just been wearing a clip and a scarf. i need to do something soon.
Its been pretty quiet this morning. Where is everyone??

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I'm here...After reading the bunning to WL thread I'm deciding to bun for a year!!! May to May!!! I plan on washing and roller setting every friday and wearing a loose pony on the weekend, then bunning with a clip and no elastic during the week..I'll keep doing my monthly length checks and let my hair down in sept (10th-12th)...dec 1, valentines day and then May!!! Woohoo...wish me luck. I'm hoping to be WL in a yr

FAITHVA...I might have to take you up on that offer... I definitely need to b checked

LIVINGTHEVIDA... Yea I was switching between one of those small metal clips used to roller set with and a long black clip...the black clip has some teeth so I'm going to go ick up some bobby pins and a long clip with no teeth...thanks!!!
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great progress! youll def be there by the end of the year!

Great results @gvin89! I can see a big difference in length and thickness on your ends between January, March, and May! Did you change anything in your reggie to get such good results this time?

Thanks so much! I think I've finally learned how to "listen" to my hair and create a good reggie. The only thing I did in January was join the Castor Oil Challenge and started sealing my ends nightly with castor oil...