APL 2012 Challenge

^^^Look here ya skinny minnies! Just little people I swear. Between yall and my supervisor, I'm gonna develop a complex :lachen:

I need to go on a diet *while munching on french fries* what??? :look:
Hello All!!!

I hope everyone is doing well ...

Last night, I co-washed with V05 Moisture Milks "Passion Fruit Smoothie" after working out. I really, really need to detangle my hair and retwist because it is long overdue. I am hoping that I can do a detangling session (dry hair, with oil, of course) on Sunday while the hubs is at work. I did something like a length check :look: and in the front, I found that I am two inches away from APL. :spinning: That is awesome for me because I remember when my hair was EL in the front. I did not measure the back at all because I want to be surprised during our next length check. I will be APL by October for sure ... maybe even full APL ... :ohwell:
lamaria211 said:
This is what I get after not detangling for 3 months:( give it to me straight girls how bad is it? It looks pretty bad to me "crying"

I've had worse, this last time.
NikkyQ your beautiful in all the pics u post and trust me not everyone likes being skiiny curves are what make a woman. I think thats y the hubby like me preggo cause I gain a lil weight. I just started working out and I could sure use a buddy for inspiration:)
lamaria211 said:
NikkyQ your beautiful in all the pics u post and trust me not everyone likes being skiiny curves are what make a woman. I think thats y the hubby like me preggo cause I gain a lil weight. I just started working out and I could sure use a buddy for inspiration:)

Same here girl. I got an app on my phone that counts my calories and tells me how much more calories I need in a day to get to a goal. I wanna go back up to 110 I dropped a lot. I was a lil curvy when I was preggo but alot went to my face and I didn't like that part.

Sent from my iPhone 4s
Same here girl. I got an app on my phone that counts my calories and tells me how much more calories I need in a day to get to a goal. I wanna go back up to 110 I dropped a lot. I was a lil curvy when I was preggo but alot went to my face and I didn't like that part.

Sent from my iPhone 4s

OT: My mom's 96 pounds. I bought her a product called Suplimed Substi-Meal. With milk its 667 calories. It's pricey but it helps me put calories on her. And she will drink it even when she doesn't feel like eating.

To the both of you though, I don't remember being less than 130 and I think that was 4th grade :look:

NikkiQ, can we kick skinny folks out along with the almost BSL people? :lol:
OT: My mom's 96 pounds. I bought her a product called Suplimed Substi-Meal. With milk its 667 calories. It's pricey but it helps me put calories on her. And she will drink it even when she doesn't feel like eating.

To the both of you though, I don't remember being less than 130 and I think that was 4th grade :look:

@NikkiQ, can we kick skinny folks out along with the almost BSL people? :lol:

:lachen: "oh you weigh what? BYE BYE!!!" lol
Up until I was 28, I used to gain a pound a year. When I was 17 I was 98lbs the next year 99lbs and so on.... I used to HATE how I look. I felt like a skeleton. It didn't work for me. Plus I was the only Haitian I knew that didn't have a butt (oh the shame, lol) . Now at 5'4 and 138lbs I am somewhat happy. I finally got a little butt, I just have to tone up.

I get to stay right?
Alright guys dont judge me.
I was just giving baby a bath and I almost did what I always do and washed him head to toe with his SM head to toe wash (i looove sm baby products) but I thought y am I washing his hair everytime he has a bath??? So I cowashed it!!!! Dont laugh. I used giovanni SAS after I rinsed a dried him off I put a lil vitamin e oil on my fingertips and rubbed his lil head all over:)
Alright guys dont judge me.
I was just giving baby a bath and I almost did what I always do and washed him head to toe with his SM head to toe wash (i looove sm baby products) but I thought y am I washing his hair everytime he has a bath??? So I cowashed it!!!! Dont laugh. I used giovanni SAS after I rinsed a dried him off I put a lil vitamin e oil on my fingertips and rubbed his lil head all over:)
LOL @lamaria211! Cowashing lil man's hair! Priceless! I bet he is the best looking baby on the block :lol:

No worries either we won't call Child Services on you for neglecting to cowash :lol:
Ladies I have a quick question:
what is the difference between the "baggy method" and me wearing my Conditioning Cap every evening when I workout? is there any difference?

I've looked across other threads here on LHCF and do not see a real difference between the two?? Plus is it safe for me to do this every night? So far I put my cap on when working out and the results are good just want to make sure I don't over do this part :perplexed
Our car was stolen, will update when I get more details :(
Sorry to hear sajjy!

Unfortunately this happened to my Aunt just a month ago in Florida she went into a restaurant came out and her car was gone. Worst part is that there was Valet Parking (WHAT??!!??? is right!!) I hope they find your car or at least catch the thieves who stole it!
I changed up my products and regimen

1. Started back using terressentials for cleansing every other week (mixed with rhassoul clay)

2. changed twisting product (now use "no hold" products to twist - HV whipped gellee and shea moisture deep treatment mask or curling smoothie)

I was using ecostyler and I think even that was drying out my ends - My problem is very dry and bushy ends that knot up, then i end up popping them off :ohwell:

3. Changed PS styles - more "outs" and puffs. When my hair is in twists for more than a couple days my ends seem to get more tangly (which leads to breakage) so i only keep loose twists in for one or two days then wear a twistout / puffs for the rest of the week.

4. Mist ends with aloe vera juice every night, then re moisturize with Leave in - helps to keep the bushy ends in check

5. Make sure to sleep with my bonnet on
Thanks SimJam!

I can't remember the exact YouTuber I watched on how to pin curls at night to protect the ends of our hair yet here's another good one on YouTube. Her video is How to Keep Your Hair Healthy: Nightly Maintenance and covers everything from using satin rollers, cotton pillowcases, and setting a pin curl for nightly maintenance - so easy to do!
:yep: :lol:

Someone came to my house and said may I speak to your mother? :look: I said I'm the home owner and a mother, wife, she said I'm sooo sorry! You look 12!

Sent from my iPhone 4s
Hilarious @pookaloo83 :lachen: at least you are not carded everytime you want to pick up strawberry wine coolers at a local supermarket :lol: Good thing I exercise more now than ever its curved my appetite to treat myself to a cool drink!

^^^Look here ya skinny minnies! Just little people I swear. Between yall and my supervisor, I'm gonna develop a complex :lachen:

I need to go on a diet *while munching on french fries* what??? :look:

@NikkiQ put down those fries :lick: have you seen the movie SuperSize Me? I will never ever forget the scene at the end of the movie where he places a set of McDonald's fries in a jar for over 4 weeks with a video camera on the jar to watch how it fails to decay. I think it finally started to fuzz and change color but it kind of retained its original color and shape. His point was "If this happens to McDonald's fries in a jar imagine what happens to the fries when they are sitting in your stomach?" :nono:
Only one more week till my 2 year HHJ anniversary! Wow, time flies by. :spinning: Didn't make it to APL in that amount of time but with all the setbacks I've had within this year I'm happy with where my hair is length and health-wise.

Ladies I have a quick question:
what is the difference between the "baggy method" and me wearing my Conditioning Cap every evening when I workout? is there any difference?

I've looked across other threads here on LHCF and do not see a real difference between the two?? Plus is it safe for me to do this every night? So far I put my cap on when working out and the results are good just want to make sure I don't over do this part :perplexed
Sounds the same to me, that's doing a whole head baggy or deep conditioning.
@NikkyQ your beautiful in all the pics u post and trust me not everyone likes being skiiny curves are what make a woman. I think thats y the hubby like me preggo cause I gain a lil weight. I just started working out and I could sure use a buddy for inspiration:)

Same here girl. I got an app on my phone that counts my calories and tells me how much more calories I need in a day to get to a goal. I wanna go back up to 110 I dropped a lot. I was a lil curvy when I was preggo but alot went to my face and I didn't like that part.

Sent from my iPhone 4s

Ladies I'm here to say you can do it! :strong:

Getting fit and staying fit are easy to do once you make it part of your lifestyle. WALK! JOG! KEEP YOUR BODY MOVING EVERYDAY!

Before you know it 1 week will past then 30 Days and you are quickly well on your way. This experience comes from someone like me who was 286lbs in October 2010 (my highest weight ever!). I am now 62 lbs down and on my way to lose another 30 by July this will bring me finally under 200lbs which I have not been since Junior year of Undergrad :spinning: I think once I reach under 200 I will finally be brave enough to post pictures!

With my demanding work schedule I am out by 7:00 a.m. most days and home by 6:00 p.m. so keeping with a consistent schedule works really well for me :yep:
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Phaer said:
Up until I was 28, I used to gain a pound a year. When I was 17 I was 98lbs the next year 99lbs and so on.... I used to HATE how I look. I felt like a skeleton. It didn't work for me. Plus I was the only Haitian I knew that didn't have a butt (oh the shame, lol) . Now at 5'4 and 138lbs I am somewhat happy. I finally got a little butt, I just have to tone up.

I get to stay right?

i used to best soooo skinny. even my grandma kept telling me.to eat ...my aunt said i.had no butt ( i knew already...no point in hurting even more ...people !l

then growing up got some curves but pregnancy gave the woman body....hubby like it. i had my second son 10months ago i still need to loose à bit but....i want Tkt.keep my butt.get rid offre my Big breasts ...get à thinner face...why cant wé get exacly What wé want !? lol
livinthevida Its so funny if I walk into a liquor store all the employees somehow end up by the register when about to pay they be waiting on the cashier to embarass me like lil girl get the h*ll out of here. There is a Hess gas station that I cant go into anymore because I cursed out a clerk and her boss I was trying to buy my stepmom(i dont drink) a 6pack and she told me that either my id is fake or its not really me either way she not selling me no beer:( I almost made them call the cops but I had my son in the car and he aint need to see mommy getting arrested for going HAM over some beer she wasnt gonna drink anyway.
i.got people telling me (your so young.to have children ).pfff can people shut up and mind their buisness ....i also got stopped on.buying à bottle offre wine although i was way over 18!
ok after this ill stop posting lol :

PLEASE HELP ITCHY SCALP .this is crazy. its been itching 2-3days. i.shampood 6days ago...i just co washed today and the itching came back.

+ need to stop.breakage .

this hair is annoying.me.
Okay ladies. I returned the red and the bleach and im going jet black.. I loooovvee jet black hair and I feel like its so much better for me right now. Going to dye it tomorrow afternoon an Proms on Saturday hollaaaa
ManiiSweetheart said:
Okay ladies. I returned the red and the bleach and im going jet black.. I loooovvee jet black hair and I feel like its so much better for me right now. Going to dye it tomorrow afternoon an Proms on Saturday hollaaaa

Glad you made the right decision for you! We can't wait to see pics...b/c I KNOW you're gonna post some pics *evil stare*

Sent by me from my Android phone.Boom
Nice hangtime @@blcbuty@ :)

oooooooooOOOOOhhhh I really want to see how these come out when you do your twists later. Pretty pleaaaaazzee post a pic when done? :grin:

I've been MIA and am just checking back in. I didn't stick to my plan :nono:

But thank you very much for being excited about it! :yup:

Ive been sick (:whyme:) and busy and needed a break from it all for a minute.
I did another set of similar twist recently and am confident that I can manage to get 2-3 day hair from this style, so I'm excited.

Bought a few deep conditioners today with plans to flat iron my hair tomorrow! Very excited about that!

Off to read the updates...
So I've been taking these Caribbean Hair Grow pills for a week and a half and am already seeing results. :yay:

My nails are usually like paper. So super flimsy, they break like crazy and take forever to grow.

My thumbnail broke ALL the way off right before I started taking the pills. It broke past the skin, so I had this little nub of a nail. :lol: Well, now the nail has grown so much that it has a little white tip! :yay: My nails are also a little stronger. They don't bend as easily as they usually would.

I'm so excited to see my progress after this first bottle is gone! W00t! :woot:
Checking in-decided to go ahead and straighten my hair when I realized I've not trimmed in over 4months! To my surprise my ends were in pretty good shape and only needed a Split-Ender dusting. Still hopeful that I'll see APL by my birthday.


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