** ANYTHING Goes Challenge~Post your starting pics here please **

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
Anything Goes Challenge from 1/1/08 - 1/1/09

Hey ladies :)

I would like to monitor my progress for the next year and see how much change/growth/thickness/ I will get from start to finish. This isn't really a challenge to say what I can and can't do to my hair, but, it is really inspiring to see just how much my hair changes over the course of just 1 little year :yep: with a lot of TLC

So, during the 1st week of January I will take at least two pictures. One will be of my hair in its natchal state and the other will be of my hair straightened. In 6 months I will again take a few pictures of my hair in it's natchal state and when it's straightened. Finally at the end of the challenge I will do it again.

It really is amazing to see how much your hair has grown when you have actual hard documentation. Alot of times I will read threads from some of you claiming you got no growth over the course of a year, but in actuality YOU DID, you just couldn't tell, but it was easy for those of us reading your threads to see it based on your pics.

Hopefully this challenge will be an inspiration for everyone here now, as well as for those that have yet to join the board.

Anyone in?? Again there are no hard and fast rules. Do whatever you feel will nuture your hair and encourage growth be it cowashing, no washing, using growth aids, excersizing, drinking tons of water, no heat, extra heat, protective styling, no trimming, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO. Make sure you post what you will be doing under your pictures. This challenge/thread is more to just see how your hair changes in just 1 little year with TONS of TLC :yep:. Your starting pics are what YOU chose them to be, again I am going to show some natchal and some straightened since I wear my hair both ways.
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For the Anything Goes Challenge I will drink tons of water over the next year, exercise 3-5days a week, straighten once a month (or less than that) and only trim 1-2 times.
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Your first pic is so pretty! Bre, I'm going to wait to post pics at the end of March when I reach my two year natural anniversary. For now I'll post stats:
Nape: 6 inches
Crown: 11 inches
Front/bangs: Very close to chin length
The rest of my hair is between 6 & 11 inches.
My goal this year is for my hair to be APL in the back, I think I can do this by fall. It will take awhile for me to be full APL.
Ill wait too but until the 3rd week of this month to post my pics...Im in the big sis/lil sis/newbie challenge and that ends 1/13/08.
OT:Bre ur pics are gorge!!! i especially love ur twistout...looks sooooo soft!

eta to add pics

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Thank you both for the compliment :hug2:

I wanna seem them pics as soon as possible ladies :whip: especially yours hopeful or else :lachen:
Count me in- yay no rules! I am relaxing and cutting on Sat- will update Fotki then and that will be my starting point.
My starting pic is in my siggy. I won't be flatironing til the end of my countdown ticker but I will be periodically updating that siggy pic. I just took that pic so it's current.

First of all, let me start off by apologizing for my pictures being so huge; sorry!!

I think I'm just going to keep it short and sweet:
Wash weekly/DC every other week
Try to stay consistent with using BT
Take Hair,Skin, Nails vitamins daily

Protective styling is pretty easy for me considering the fact that my job requires me to wear my hair up and tuck away loose ends. So, it's pretty safe to say that on any given day, you'll see be rockin a twisted bun secured with a bear claw.

Two things that I hope this challenge will help me with is one, force me to handle my hair with care; I tend to be a little rough with it, which in turn, creates breakage because of my lack of TLC.
The other thing is, I don't want to have a set goal. I know myself, so if I say that I want to be at a certain point in a certain time period, but don't reach, then I'll become discouraged and probably give up. So, to avoid that, I'll just wherever I end up, is where I end up; but of course I hope it's somewhere good!!
Count me in. I will post pictures next week when I take braids down around mid January.
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Hi count me in and I am excited to join my first challenge, its perfect for me because I don't think I am quite ready for bootcamp yet (hair too short and I still I still need heat at least once a week)

My siggie pic is my start up pic and I will put a new picture up in March
I too will keep it relatively simple:
Wash n DC once a week
Take vitamin supplements
Heat once a week (need that flat iron in my life)
Extra TLC by paying attention to the moisture/protein balance (need to get that right)
Exercise and eating right
This is my starting picture.

I'm going to totally change my whole regmine and K.I.S.S. but i'm also going to get aggressive and do everything I tried to do, but didn't finish last year.

1. I'm in the wig challenge so my hair will be in cornrows underneath.
2. Wear cornrows for two weeks, wash, deep condition, oil rinse,re-braid, protein other weeks.
3. Try a growth aid like MN, massage into parts
4. Use S-curl on my braids
5. Take a multi- vitamin, flaxseed oil, msm, & b-complex
6. Continue to drink my ACV, BSM & honey mixture.
7. Drink 8 glasses of water daily
8. At least 80 grams of protein daily.
9. Exercise 3 x per week
10. Get no less than 6-8 hours of sleep. (I never sleep)
11. Watch my diet. (less fast food and sweets). More fruits & vegetables
12.No dusting or trims until April.
13. Castor oil on ends
14. Cover with silk/satin scarf everynight.

I need a total lifestyle makeover. And although healthy hair is my motivation for starting this, I need to do this for good health.
I want in....As my hair is still in braids I will try and take pictures when I take them out sometime this month. I havent straightened my hair in a while and dont plan to until summer for graduation but I will try and just stretch out my natural hair for the pictures.

I am also trying to keep my regime simple. I do a prepoo with coconut milk mixed with honey and coconut oil when I was my hair twice a week. One is a cowash and the other with shampoo. At the end of each wash I rinse with a tea made from a mixture of shikakai, amla and neem powder. This process has helped my hair in reducing the tangelling of my hair and the coconut milk slightly straights out the curl pattern which is great so just maybe I may retain my length and grow grow for 2008.
I think I'll actually join this one. I'm going to probably straighten my hair this weekend so I'll post pics of it natural and straight then
Here are my starting pics. I relaxed 12/31/07. My goal is Full APL by 12/31/08



Action plan:
Wash and deep condition weekly
Use Boundless Tresses at least 3 time weekly
Keep hair in protective styles 80% of the time
Here are my starting pics. I relaxed 12/31/07. My goal is Full APL by 12/31/08



Action plan:
Wash and deep condition weekly
Use Boundless Tresses at least 3 time weekly
Keep hair in protective styles 80% of the time
I love that Shea Butter Mix!!! It smells so good. Your pony is beautiful! I will continue to work towards growing out my permed hair and grwoing in my nape.
Here are my starting pics. I relaxed 12/31/07. My goal is Full APL by 12/31/08


Action plan:
Wash and deep condition weekly
Use Boundless Tresses at least 3 time weekly
Keep hair in protective styles 80% of the time

You know what Nicki6? Your ponytail is absolutely beautiful. Now I can see why some people say that APL is long enough, I didn't realize a ponytail this beautiful could come with APL hair--it is lucious, to die for.
count me in...starting pic in my Siggy...also in the 2008 bootcamp and wig challenge, so I should be able to make some kind of progress:perplexed
I love that Shea Butter Mix!!! It smells so good. Your pony is beautiful! I will continue to work towards growing out my permed hair and grwoing in my nape.

Phyl73,ITA @ the bolded! This is the only moisturizer I've used that doesn't weigh my hair down and actually keeps it moisturied from one day to the next.
Thank you for the pony compliment:D

You know what Nicki6? Your ponytail is absolutely beautiful. Now I can see why some people say that APL is long enough, I didn't realize a ponytail this beautiful could come with APL hair--it is lucious, to die for.

Hopeful, you are ALWAYS so positive and encouraging:kiss: Thank you for the kind words.
I'm not claiming APL just yet but Lord knows I'm anxious to:rofl:
I forgot to put what i'll be doing:
co-wash 2x week
shampoo 1x month
continue MN use
may incorporate BT
daily scalp massage

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I would like to join! This is my starting pic. Sorry about the glare:ohwell:.
I will be washing and deep conditioning 2x week and taking my vitamins daily.
Along with my other 2008 Challenges, I may as well do this and up my hair imrpovement documentation game. I will post my starting pics tonight. Really don't want anyone seeing this hot mess though.:perplexed but it's ok, everyone has to start somewhere! I will upload my pics tonight ladies.

  • C&G braids 2 months, protective styles 2 months (strengthening btwn braids)
  • co-wash mid week
  • poo-wash end of week
  • weekly deep cond.
  • WGO every other day
  • daily scalp massages, temple balm application (profectiv)
  • daily Biotin vitamin
  • daily water intake increase
  • moisturize 2x day
  • ...and of course protective styles
Be Blessed!
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Im all for tracking my growth. i dont have any curly hair pics on this computer, so ill update those later.
jan 01 2008 pics
I love your hair in the first pic, what did you do? Is that a fat twist out? Anyway, your hair is FAB U LOUS!!!:grin:
I love your hair in the first pic, what did you do? Is that a fat twist out? Anyway, your hair is FAB U LOUS!!!:grin:

Aww thanks! Yeah, just a twistout :grin: I probably made like 10-15 twists. In that shot I may have also rolled them around flexi rods. I'm not 100% positive though