Any Soul Mate Stories, Care To Share?


Well-Known Member
Good or bad :seesaw:

I just posted this in the creepy thread but thought I would love to hear more soul mate stories (plus, it's finally getting cold and we'll be inside more :grin:)

I don't fall in love easily but along the way I have encountered a few guys who felt like soul mates. I was not able to be with any long term because of the intensity. One thing I noticed with them is the energy level which is almost palpable.

When I was dating one guy and not with him at night but thinking about him and feeling strong feelings, a lamp in my living room would always turn on. It was a touch lamp. I would always be laying in bed. Many times he would call thereafter and would be speechless. I could not go on with him, too strange. Several years later, he found me on FB and talked indirectly about me being his soul mate and not being able to get me off of his mind all of the years. I was surprised because I had moved on. It was even stranger because we only dated about maybe 5 months. He was very intelligent and had a top position in his field.

As me and another guy were breaking up, we sat in his car and were very sad. I could suddenly see these tiny little balls, like the size of a pin of a needle, float up around us. I thought it was me but I saw him looking at the same thing and it was very freaky.

A couple of times, (3 to be exact) I had guys come up to me to tell they had to stay away from me. One guy was talking with me and my friends when he suddenly looked at me to say he dated someone just like me who broke his heart terribly and he became louder and louder, almost accusing me as though I had been his ex. I tried to laugh it off but it was weird and we had to leave. Another time, I was in a club and as guy told me I looked just like and acted just like an ex that hurt him and kept going at me until I left. Both really cute and professional, years apart. Another time, a guy was talking to me sister and then looked at me and asked why I wasn't talking to anyone, we were leaving a concert. I tried to ignore him but he started going on saying "you know, you know why" then following us and yelling it to me to say why. I did want to know what he was thinking but too nervous to ask, it may have been something stupid.

I have learned that I can have a strange effect on people and have to be very careful who I let around me. Not everyone, of course. It's definitely not my looks but I think it is something with the energy I give off. I have had guys do strange/crazy things when I leave them and sometimes female friends as well.

I have said on this board before that I don't believe in ghosts and things like that but I do believe there are scientific explanations for many of these things we experience and it's usually a combination of psychology and chemistry/physics.
As I was reading, the words "she has a very strong spirit" popped into my head. Did you want to discuss that? Just the title alone could send this into the Relationship Forum.
Could you elaborate?

I really hope this doesn't go to the RF, I've never in there :lol:
Could you elaborate?

I really hope this doesn't go to the RF, I've never in there :lol:
You know how some can stop watches by wearing them? You have that effect on certain people. It is hard to explain. It is like an atom with extra electrons and some others are negatively charge, always receptive to stray electrons. It take a lot of energy to break the bond.

You may want to check out the metaphysical thread and ask questions there. I tend to stay in the supernatural on the Biblical tip, which is not even popular with most Christians (unless they want something).
I don’t think the length of time together means anything. I’ve only had 2 soul mate experiences. One guy I dated for 2 years. The other for a few months. I fell hard for both but the second guy really caught me off guard because our relationship was short lived. I remember being physically ill when I heard he was engaged and then married. I even felt something when I heard he divorced. I’m over him now but it saddens me when I think about how I haven’t felt that way about anyone else since.
You know how some can stop watches by wearing them? You have that effect on certain people. It is hard to explain. It is like an atom with extra electrons and some others are negatively charge, always receptive to stray electrons. It take a lot of energy to break the bond.

You may want to check out the metaphysical thread and ask questions there. I tend to stay in the supernatural on the Biblical tip, which is not even popular with most Christians (unless they want something).
Thanks for your response, sounds very interesting! I will check out the metaphysical thread. This really appeals to my Aquarius, scientific side :lol:

I hope this thread gets more stories, would love to hear people's thoughts :)

I did a little googling and founds some interesting stuff about chi. Could give some insight into while we feel a crazy connection to someone we are not necessarily meant to be with.
You know how some can stop watches by wearing them? You have that effect on certain people. It is hard to explain. It is like an atom with extra electrons and some others are negatively charge, always receptive to stray electrons. It take a lot of energy to break the bond.

You may want to check out the metaphysical thread and ask questions there. I tend to stay in the supernatural on the Biblical tip, which is not even popular with most Christians (unless they want something).


That's what I was going to suggest.

I would look up twin flames, although this isn't quite that type of situation, but it's definitely an energy inside of you that has these men going crazy! :gorgeous:

That's what I was going to suggest.

I would look up twin flames, although this isn't quite that type of situation, but it's definitely an energy inside of you that has these men going crazy! :gorgeous:
:lol: I've learned to block it now for the most part but it can make me seem mean at times.

I actually just read about the twin flame vs soul mate thing and it really is interesting.
I don’t think the length of time together means anything. I’ve only had 2 soul mate experiences. One guy I dated for 2 years. The other for a few months. I fell hard for both but the second guy really caught me off guard because our relationship was short lived. I remember being physically ill when I heard he was engaged and then married. I even felt something when I heard he divorced. I’m over him now but it saddens me when I think about how I haven’t felt that way about anyone else since.
Thanks for sharing! Do you think you could have had a good long term relationship with either of these guys? Or do you think them being soul mates go in the way?
@JewelleNY, are you single?

I honestly don't understand how you could be if you are if you have met multiple men who you have had soul mate experiences with.
Thanks for asking but I'm not really wanting to discuss my current relationship status here. I was just reading the thread about creep experiences and it made me think about ghosts and energy and how it's all connected. I've personally never had any "spiritual" experiences outside of my relationships with people in this earthly realm :look: :lol: So, that's what made me start this thread, to hear if this is common and other's experiences in this area.

I have had a similar type of thing with female friends too and one family member so I don't limit it to just romantic relationships. From my little research, it seems it's more about the energy levels between two people and how they interact because of that energy bond.

ETA: I see we're in the RT now :lol: No wonder you asked that :)
I just started back dating a brilliant man. A couple of years ago we had a few dates. On our first date, we got tipsy and kissed in public- all over each other. It was weird and I felt like a ho. We had other dates- same crazy intense feelings. Shortly into the relationship, I pulled away before is trip to China because I felt so weird. He thought I was just a pretty player who had upgraded men.

To the weird stuff:
Once he met me straight from the airport. He was tired. After dinner, he locked his keys in the car. We could see the keys and we tried everything to get them. He looked frustrated so I said as a joke " I'll work my magic -don't worry". This friendly lady get out of an SUV with her friends and I told them what was going on. I said " use your remote and unlock this car". She clicked. His car unlocked. Everyone from the SUV kept saying " wont he do it". My date and I just stood there in shock.

There are other situations too, but that one is the most amazing to me.

He and I ran into each other and now we are back dating. We talked and realized that we ran because the energy between us was so strong.
I experienced something similar. I had a fiancé once, many years ago. He had many problems in life and he had a bad temper, too. Sometimes when he was on his way home, glasses and china started to rattle in the cupboards or lights would flicker. Soon after, he came through the door. I just think that was his troubled spirit that sort of came before him.

With my current SO I’ve only experienced some things a few times, like I heard him come through the door or put his key in the door about 15 minutes before he came. He’s a very calm person though, so I don’t really know why I hear that sometimes.

I don’t know if I would describe any of them as a soulmate lol. But I do feel that both of them are souls I’ve known for many lives or that we belong together somehow. They both feel like my brothers, to be honest. The first one has passed away.
I just started back dating a brilliant man. A couple of years ago we had a few dates. On our first date, we got tipsy and kissed in public- all over each other. It was weird and I felt like a ho. We had other dates- same crazy intense feelings. Shortly into the relationship, I pulled away before is trip to China because I felt so weird. He thought I was just a pretty player who had upgraded men.

To the weird stuff:
Once he met me straight from the airport. He was tired. After dinner, he locked his keys in the car. We could see the keys and we tried everything to get them. He looked frustrated so I said as a joke " I'll work my magic -don't worry". This friendly lady get out of an SUV with her friends and I told them what was going on. I said " use your remote and unlock this car". She clicked. His car unlocked. Everyone from the SUV kept saying " wont he do it". My date and I just stood there in shock.

There are other situations too, but that one is the most amazing to me.

He and I ran into each other and now we are back dating. We talked and realized that we ran because the energy between us was so strong.
Wow! I was dying at the friends saying "won't he do it!" :lol: That's amazing :yep:
I experienced something similar. I had a fiancé once, many years ago. He had many problems in life and he had a bad temper, too. Sometimes when he was on his way home, glasses and china started to rattle in the cupboards or lights would flicker. Soon after, he came through the door. I just think that was his troubled spirit that sort of came before him.

With my current SO I’ve only experienced some things a few times, like I heard him come through the door or put his key in the door about 15 minutes before he came. He’s a very calm person though, so I don’t really know why I hear that sometimes.

I don’t know if I would describe any of them as a soulmate lol. But I do feel that both of them are souls I’ve known for many lives or that we belong together somehow. They both feel like my brothers, to be honest. The first one has passed away.
That's so interesting! Maybe the anger made his energy level high and your calming presence was attractive to him. I could see how him coming home and putting his thoughts and energy in that direction could cause something like that. Plus, you may have been consciously or unconsciously anticipating his arrival this adding to the energy involved.

I'm sorry to hear his passed away. Do you ever feel his presence any more?
Twice. Both Nigerian. One ex and current dh-let's say N1 (ex) and N2 (dh) to keep things clear. I posted about dh before; our beginning was so weird, he was the guy that I wanted to hate, but couldn't get him out of my mind. He said he was 100% sure that he would have me, even though at the time I was wrapped up in the above mentioned N1, who was my soulmate at the time and I believed was the love of my lifetime. Over time, N2 consumed my thoughts, made me do things just by asking, plus we had super strong sexual chemistry.

I ran away from N2 because I couldn't think straight around him and didn't like his power over me. Three years later, I matured and understood myself more-spent a lot of time working on myself inside and out. I felt sad at times that we lost touch, but felt it was for the best.

One day march 2011, I feel something/someone on the inside tell me in need to get myself ready for 'the one'. Thought it was weird since I was spiritual but not religious and at that point in my life, I was happy and felt being single was for the best. But I listened to that voice/feeling, got rid of all my toxic fwb/penis in a box situations, got a personal trainer and got into amazing shape, ate clean and went to church. By the time May hit, I looked the best I've ever looked and wondered who I was waiting for since I wasn't dating and I was living in a part of Florida that was majority white and old, so prospects were slim.

Right before Memorial Day weekend, I felt this burning desire to contact N2, who I haven't contacted in over theee years. Didn't have his number, email, nothing. I spent hours trying to find his old contact info. Which was odd because I never cared to look him up all those years. I felt this overwhelming sadness when I gave up, not sure why I wanted to reach him. I think that was a Friday.

That Monday, I checked my Facebook and got a message from him saying that he has been thinking about me all week for some reason and had an overwhelming desire to reach out and reconnect. He came down the following weekend and we were married the following year. Spooky.

We have other weird things between us like I'll reach for my phone to dial his number but he's already on the phone (but I never called) or I wake up at night and look at my phone and will get a text from him in seconds.

I'll write about the other soulmate once I edit this, hated typing on my phone. However the relationship with N1 was way more toxic.
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N1, I met in med school. First year, I was attracted to him but put him in the friend zone because I was too stupid chasing a second year who was a waste of time. N1 stood by and waited for me to give him a chance. By January I did, but since I was stuck on stupid, I suggested a fwb relationship with him while trying to pursue a real relationship with the worthless guy. N1 and I agreed that we will stay with each other till one of us entered a relationship. That went on from Jan-September, then I opened my eyes, got rid of worthless and pursued a relationship with N1. At the time, I thought I was being a modern woman, exploring my options and living liberated. In retrospect, I was just making piss poor decisions and poisoned any real chance we may have had.

We dated in earnest, but we were doomed from the beginning since he couldn't forgive my pre relationship behavior and I didn't feel the need to seek redemption. However, we tortured each other for the next ten years because we had unreal sexual chemistry, the type where we can look at each other from across a room, heart and pulse raced and time stopped; nothing mattered until we had each other.

We would break up, date others, but the second one of us made any sort of contact, we started back up again, others be damned. I ruined multiple good relationships and friendships over him, it was all or nothing. I think I cheated on every boyfriend with this man. We even told each other if we ever married others, we'll just continue our dalliance more discreetly. I thought he would be in my life forever, till I met N2. He's the only one that competed with N1 (they never met). But N1 knew something was up. I suddenly wasn't as consumed and wrapped up in our passion/drama. I would go to his place and once we were done making love, found a way to sneak out and call N2. It caused a lot of fights

Fast forward to 2011. N1 and I decided to make a go at it since we were both unattached and felt it would be best to work towards marriage. It made sense since we both had great careers and were at the prime of our lives and still had amazing chemistry. Dated from December 2010- March 2011. I broke it off because I couldn't convince myself we were meant to be married. He was pissed the hell off and cut me off for a while. That was the time I got the feeling that I had to get ready for the one, so I cut all ties with him since he sabotaged every potential relationship

The bizarre thing is that this was the first time I was able to make a clean break for him without any effort or regrets. It was like the spell was broken by an unknown force and I was able to see clearly again. That gave me time to get ready and reconnect with N2 with a clear heart and no ongoing baggage.

Of course N1 showed up a few months later, trying to convince me to break up. He kept saying that N2 will never marry me. I ignored him. When I told him I was moving in with N2 and planning to marry in a few months, N1 told me he was coming to see me that weekend. I knew the only thing on his mind was sleeping with me to ruin my chance of marriage. I told him we can not be in contact ever again, and I erased his number. It's been 6 years without any contact. I think of him from time to time but not seeing or hearing from each other is for the best.

Wow. That's the first time I actually outlined that whole sordid affair outside of my head. It feels good to write it down. There's way more crazy things that happend between us, but you get the crux of what I am trying to share.
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Thanks for sharing! Do you think you could have had a good long term relationship with either of these guys? Or do you think them being soul mates go in the way?
Idk if we were soul mates but it felt like it at the time and for a long time after. I don’t think the intensity or chemistry got in the way. I think it could’ve worked if the timing and circumstances were different. If I’d met the first one 10 years later then we might be married now. We had a surreal connection that I can’t put into words. We were college sweethearts but we weren’t ready. He also had some issues he had to work through. With time I think it could’ve been a beautiful and lasting union.

The connection I had with the second one reminded me of Brandy’s Full Moon video. It felt magical and spiritual at the same time. It was an amazing courtship. He pursued me and impressed my parents. It was very romantic. Unfortunately he wasn’t over his ex. I suspected this but was confident he’d never go back because of how things ended. Looking back I see how his connection to her, even in anger and contempt, kept him from fully engaging with me. We broke up and I hoped we’d find our way back to each other but he had a life changing illness and she re-entered the scene to nurse him back to health. He forgave her past infidelity and they married but she cheated again and they eventually divorced.

He was a serious soul tie. We’re both single and living in the same city now (it was long distance before) but I don’t feel the pull toward him that I used to feel. Also, there’s a part of me that’s reluctant to test the waters because it was so difficult to get over before though I occasionally entertain the thought of being FWB. So I just leave the whole thing alone.
Wow. That's the first time I actually outlined that whole sordid affair outside of my head. It feels good to write it down. There's way more crazy things that happend between us, but you get the crux of what I am trying to share. I have a follow up, but not sure if I should put myself out there.

Now you know you can’t leave us hanging like that. What’s the follow up? Do you know what he’s up to? Married? Kids? I’m guessing he’s tried to reach you hence the follow up comment.
N1, I met in med school. First year, I was attracted to him but put him in the friend zone because I was too stupid chasing a second year who was a waste of time. N1 stood by and waited for me to give him a chance. By January I did, but since I was stuck on stupid, I suggested a fwb relationship with him while trying to pursue a real relationship with the worthless guy. N1 and I agreed that we will stay with each other till one of us entered a relationship. That went on from Jan-September, then I opened my eyes, got rid of worthless and pursued a relationship with N1. At the time, I thought I was being a modern woman, exploring my options and living liberated. In retrospect, I was just making piss poor decisions and poisoned any real chance we may have had.

We dated in earnest, but we were doomed from the beginning since he couldn't forgive my pre relationship behavior and I didn't feel the need to seek redemption. However, we tortured each other for the next ten years because we had unreal sexual chemistry, the type where we can look at each other from across a room, heart and pulse raced and time stopped; nothing mattered until we had each other.

We would break up, date others, but the second one of us made any sort of contact, we started back up again, others be damned. I ruined multiple good relationships and friendships over him, it was all or nothing. I think I cheated on every boyfriend with this man. We even told each other if we ever married others, we'll just continue our dalliance more discreetly. I thought he would be in my life forever, till I met N2. He's the only one that competed with N1 (they never met). But N1 knew something was up. I suddenly wasn't as consumed and wrapped up in our passion/drama. I would go to his place and once we were done making love, found a way to sneak out and call N2. It caused a lot of fights

Fast forward to 2011. N1 and I decided to make a go at it since we were both unattached and felt it would be best to work towards marriage. It made sense since we both had great careers and were at the prime of our lives and still had amazing chemistry. Dated from December 2010- March 2011. I broke it off because I couldn't convince myself we were meant to be married. He was pissed the hell off and cut me off for a while. That was the time I got the feeling that I had to get ready for the one, so I cut all ties with him since he sabotaged every potential relationship

The bizarre thing is that this was the first time I was able to make a clean break for him without any effort or regrets. It was like the spell was broken by an unknown force and I was able to see clearly again. That gave me time to get ready and reconnect with N2 with a clear heart and no ongoing baggage.

Of course N1 showed up a few months later, trying to convince me to break up. He kept saying that N2 will never marry me. I ignored him. When I told him I was moving in with N2 and planning to marry in a few months, N1 told me he was coming to see me that weekend. I knew the only thing on his mind was sleeping with me to ruin my chance of marriage. I told him we can not be in contact ever again, and I erased his number. It's been 6 years without any contact. I think of him from time to time but not seeing or hearing from each other is for the best.

Wow. That's the first time I actually outlined that whole sordid affair outside of my head. It feels good to write it down. There's way more crazy things that happend between us, but you get the crux of what I am trying to share.
Wow! So for you, one of your soul mate became your life long partner. It's funny how being around a soul mate that is not right for you can feel like being under a spell.
Difference between a soul mate and twin flame.

Soulmate Relationships:
  • Feel fated or “destined” in some way
  • The relationship does not need to be romantic, although it can be
  • There is a strong connection that may change or fluctuate in intensity
  • There are often challenges presented in order to change or shift things in your life
  • The relationship brings about a strong life lesson or a change in your life path
  • The relationship can uncover and release past pains, hurts and traumas so healing can occur
  • There can be a strong past life connection
  • The relationship may not last or may feel different once the lesson has been learnt
  • The relationship helps you to awaken to a higher level of consciousness or spirituality
Twin Flame Relationships:
  • Feel fated or “destined” in some way
  • The relationship does not need to be romantic, but there is often a connection felt on all levels
  • There is a strong connection that feels constant and stable
  • There are challenges but they are more about the “self” than the other
  • The relationship brings about a desire to team up together in order to create
  • The relationship almost forces you to respond with love as a way to survive together
  • There can be a strong past life connection together and if highly advanced, it could feel as if it is both your last lifetime on earth
  • Whether you are romantically involved or not, you will always feel a strong connection to this person, but you don’t need to be around each other to experience the connection
  • The relationship helps to prepare your for ascension into another dimension and helps to instill a higher consciousness for the planet
Thanks for asking but I'm not really wanting to discuss my current relationship status here. I was just reading the thread about creep experiences and it made me think about ghosts and energy and how it's all connected. I've personally never had any "spiritual" experiences outside of my relationships with people in this earthly realm :look: :lol: So, that's what made me start this thread, to hear if this is common and other's experiences in this area.

I have had a similar type of thing with female friends too and one family member so I don't limit it to just romantic relationships. From my little research, it seems it's more about the energy levels between two people and how they interact because of that energy bond.

ETA: I see we're in the RT now :lol: No wonder you asked that :)

No worries. Yeah I saw this in the relationship forum.

This thread reminded me about another thread about twin flames / soul mates and seeing people with these multiply experiences. I just remember thinking that these multiple experiences were interesting but didn't fit my own personal definition of soul mates as I always think of true soul mates experiences as being quite rare. And always wondered why some people have multiple soul mate experiences while others have none.