Any Multiple Daters? Care to Share Some How-To's?

Yep, growing up my mother always told my sister and I to never just "date one guy exclusively". Being young and inexperienced, we thought that her advice was surprisingly whoreish, but that wasn't her intention at all. It wasn't until I was much older that I understood what she meant by it. Dating is just getting to know someone, to see if they are a good match. It doesn't mean that you are sleeping with every Tom, Dick & Harry regardless of how others may perceive it.
I normally only multi-date. I usually date 2 guys. I only become intimate with the guy I settle on. To someone else's point, I let them know up front that I was dating. I learned this method in a book" How to find love in 90 days" by Diana Kirschner, It's just a catchy title. LoL But, it helps you identify any negative dating patterns and talks about how to date in 3s. This method has helped protect my heart in many instances.. guys do this without thinking.
I am "talking to" multiple men from POF. I casted a wide net, but didn't expect so much feedback (cuffing season indeed). I certainly did not expect so many normal/qualified men to actual get back to me. I am having an easier time now rotating phone calls and remembering information. I have called dudes by the wrong name (Ok, I'd be expecting a call from X, and Y would be the one calling! This is before names and pics were saved in my phone). It's trial and error.