Any Mtg Updates? (how Bout A Challenge)


New Member
Hey I Just Ordered Some Mtg Oil Yesterday So I Am Anxious About Using This Product So Far I Haven't Heard Any Negative Comments Besides The Smell. I Talked To The Lady Who Sold Me The Product And She Said She Heard Of People Using It As Hair Growth And If It Truly Works For Human Then They Would Make Another Product And Fix The Smell. Well Once I Get The Product I Plan On Putting It In My Scalp In Hair Every Other Day And Spraying Oil Sheen Or Braid Spray To Cover The Smell I Am Currently In Braids So I Have A Month I Am No Longer Taking My Hair Vitamins Because I Have To Take Other Vits. Due To My Health And That Would Be Too Many Pills To Take A Day (imo) I Hate Popping Pills Unless I Have To So Im Doing Whatever I Can To Grow My Hair Faster Without The Hair Vits. If Anyone Wants To Start A Mtg Oil Challenge Im Game Im Currents On A Braid Challenge Until Aug. So Im Game Thanks Bye~
Hey cyninmon123:D ,

I would love to join this challenge. I got my orignal MTG on Tuesday and I started using it immediately. I mixed some with my Sulfer8, glovers, WGO and my essential oils and apply it to my scalp daily but I have my hair in plaits. Did you get the oil or the Orginal MTG? I was confused about this because they had a heavy oil, light oil and the orginal MTG on their website, so I purchased the MTG and the small sample size of the light oil and also they sent me a sample size of the Hi Shine shampoo. Hopefully as I continue ot use it for a longer time I will see drastic results. I am sorry to hear about your health issues and I hope this challenge will help and boost your hair growth.
Hey ladies!! I'm in if we're doing a challenge, I'm already using this so it'll be fun (and stinky! ***eeeewwwww!***). My hair is growing well, I think. With the texturized parts, it's hard to tell but I keep getting comments on how fast it's growing so....I guess it is!

Classy, where did you order yours from? The store that sells it here is now suddenly out! (I'm telling you...dem lurkers...I'm gonna stake out the store and see who it is! :lol: ) What was the delivery time? I need to order two bottles cause they aren't sure when they are going to get it in.

Now, we just have to get the other MTG'ers in here!
LaNecia said:
Hey ladies!! I'm in if we're doing a challenge, I'm already using this so it'll be fun (and stinky! ***eeeewwwww!***). My hair is growing well, I think. With the texturized parts, it's hard to tell but I keep getting comments on how fast it's growing so....I guess it is!

Classy, where did you order yours from? The store that sells it here is now suddenly out! (I'm telling you...dem lurkers...I'm gonna stake out the store and see who it is! :lol: ) What was the delivery time? I need to order two bottles cause they aren't sure when they are going to get it in.

Now, we just have to get the other MTG'ers in here!

Hey Lanecia:) ,

I got mine from the Shapleys website.:grin: Wow the lurkers are sure taking down their notes.:lol: :lachen:. I told the lady that I wanted priority shipping and I ordered it on Thursday afternoon, it was shipped on Friday and I got it on Tuesday. So it took like 2-3 days. Yes, get two bottles girl, it will last you a lifetime.:lol:They have the 32oz. and the 6oz I think. I also got the light oil and a sample of the Hi-shine shampoo but I have not used the oil and the shampoo yet. I want to try the condionter next when my Mane and tail is finished. Good luck!!:p
Great, I'm gonna visit their next! And no...two bottles aren't for me, I promised to send one to someone else :look: who can't get it where she is.... Honest!! :sekret:
If a challenge is being started then I am definatley in! I started using MTG at the beginning of this week and I am really excited to see how much growth I can acheive before my next relaxer in 5 weeks.
I want to join!!!! I just purchased the MTG orginal formula from a facility in my home town! It was 14.99 (16.11 with tax) for a 32 oz (ALOT OF PRODUCT that I will never see the end of it should last at least a year)! I am excited! I would like to know what product everyone is using??????????/
I cant order for another week or so, once I get it I will join. What are we going to call it the "MTG Hair Like a Horse For Real Challenge"??? :grin:

LOL...Good luck ladies...
I'm in. I just ordered this on Friday, so it should be here by Wed at the latest. Of course, I'll start using it right away. I hope this is the miracle product that I've been waiting for!
I ordered mines on Sunday so hopefully it will get here by end of this week or next week, but I am in...
I love this conditioner! It has made my hair stronger and it grows more evenly. With my stinky challenge, my hair grew but the back was still short. Now, since the adding of mtg, my hair is growing all over and evely. My texlaxed hair is growing more wavier and wavier. It can't be my stinky mix that's doing this. This started only after the mtg. I may be able to keep my no relaxer challenge a bit longer..... :grin: I'm gonna try to anyway.... :lol:
I am in too :yay: I JUST ordered mine today online at I bought the full sized (32oz/quart) for $9.89 plus priority mail shipping. So I should have it sometime this week, at least by Friday. How long are we going on this MTG challenge for :huh:?
aquarian1252004 said:
I am in too :yay: I JUST ordered mine today online at I bought the full sized (32oz/quart) for $9.89 plus priority mail shipping. So I should have it sometime this week, at least by Friday. How long are we going on this MTG challenge for :huh:?

Welcome aboard to the horsie challenge!!:D The MTG challenge is for 2 months. The challenge started a week ago so you are still early. Good luck!!;)
senimoni said:
Good luck ladies...I'll be watching and waiting.

Me too! I want to see some numbers before I use something like that. I already saw the post about 1" in two weeks. So, looking good so far. :)

I want some updates from those who were posting/talking about this in February?
I ordered mine last week, Saturday, I think. So you can count me in with this challenge. I'm all for it. I'm peeing myself with excitement.
Wait for me!! I decided to go ahead and order this stuff and pray for the best. I hope that I can tolerate the smell.
"Are yall using any essential oils to cover up the smell?"

Yes. Me. Just started today. It sure mad a difference in the look and texture of my hair immediately. It just silked it out like all get out and I actually took my paddle brush and brushed through. It really has something to it. Also, It is not greasy. And it doesn't cause shrinkage. Now let's see what happens overtime. I am braveing the smell ya'll, lol. I added a couple of drops of lime and ylang ylang essential oil...coul dnot take this smell straight up and no chaser!!!!/Bonjour.