Another Cheater - Finally Got Married After The Kids Are Grown


Well-Known Member
They've been together for years - since middle school, I think. There have been a few incidents of cheating and a few breakups. The kids are almost grown.

They finally got married (JOP) soon after learning that she has a terminal illness (seems terminal right now at least) that leaves her physically weak. She cannot have sex. He cheated, again, and was crying while confessing it to DH. DH asked why he didn't just masturbate and that turned into a weird discussion. Yeah, it's not the same as sex but it's also not cheating and going against wedding vows.

She doesn't know and I'm not sure how she would react. I'm not getting involved.

I asked DH why all these cheaters seem to confess to him - friends & colleagues. He has no idea.
DH's friend recently got engaged. The party was last night. He seems so in love right now but in a few years, it won't shock me if he confesses to DH about cheating. Hopefully, I'm wrong. I still don't think all men are cheaters though. My DH, dad, FIL, and most uncles are not cheaters.
I asked DH why all these cheaters seem to confess to him - friends & colleagues. He has no idea.

I don't know why they confess to him, but I'm glad they do!

Maybe they married for benefits and/ or insurance? Maybe she had a come to Jesus moment and didn't want to die in sin? If she's terminally sick he should have been able to keep it in his pants. If she was long term sick/ disabled they probably could have worked out an agreement. I'm still stumped at why Mr. Serial Cheater is crying???
I don't know why they confess to him, but I'm glad they do!

Maybe they married for benefits and/ or insurance? Maybe she had a come to Jesus moment and didn't want to die in sin? If she's terminally sick he should have been able to keep it in his pants. If she was long term sick/ disabled they probably could have worked out an agreement. I'm still stumped at why Mr. Serial Cheater is crying???

I have no idea! He was crying and saying how much he loves her all at once. DH didn't get the crying part either.
He cheated before, with a White woman, and his now wife tried to kill him back then (stabbed him). He told the cops he was mugged.
They broke up, a few times, after that.

He cheated again, with a housekeeper if I recall correctly. She doesn't know about that but he told DH.
DH said he also uses hookers.
SMH. Why does she even stay. What's in it for her.

She doesn't know about all the cheating, just the one White woman when she stabbed him and they broke up.
They got back together but from what I gather, she isn't aware of his cheating. She may even think one of her boyfriends (she dated after the breakup) gave her HPV.
She doesn't know about all the cheating, just the one White woman when she stabbed him and they broke up.
They got back together but from what I gather, she isn't aware of his cheating. She may even think one of her boyfriends (she dated after the breakup) gave her HPV.

:cry3: See. That just makes it even more heartbreaking. Mr. Doggy Peen out there just poking it wherever. She decides to date and thinks she gets it from her boyfriend. While it's very difficult to track the HPV of men, my first assumption would be that she got it from him. In my head he's a D-Bag so I'm just gonna continue to think he's the cause of it.
I wish I could understand the allure/pull of being with another woman.
But at the same time, I don't believe men stay with one women sexually for decades, I wish I could.
More and more I hear how men are opting out of long term relationships or marriage because they don't want to be with one woman for the rest of their life. Maybe after 50 they slow down?

Society is changing and I feel caught in the middle. Sad.