Well-Known Member
APL is it for me.... I barely want to comb it now.
Speak for yourself sister! I wanna MBL hair. I can't wait to see how it looks on me.I've seen a few ladies on here with really long waist length (or longer) hair & although it looks lovely - to me it just looks like it would be very hard to manage!
I have neck length & basically just happy to have healthy shoulder length or maybe even armpit length.
Anyone feel the same?
... I have neck length & basically just happy to have healthy shoulder length or maybe even armpit length...
Would that be SL/APL natural or straightened? Shrinkage makes all the difference! I don't know that I would keep my hair as long if I straightened all the time, or were relaxed. Since it is natural and curly/kinky 99% of the time, it only looks about APL anyway.
I'm not greedy. All I want is healthy APL hair and I'm good. Plus, I don't care what anyone says I think APL is my terminal length.