I think I will happy with APL hair. I don't want to devote my life to hair care.
I REALLY don't want to do this.
I think I will happy with APL hair. I don't want to devote my life to hair care.
If I can get to APL unstretched I think I will be happy. I don't know what that is stretched though........
I think anything longer than APL would not flatter me. My goal is CBL and I have seen some beautiful SL and CBL ladies on this board that inspire me.
CBL = collarbone length.I'm quite new to this & not quite up on all the abbreviations yet, so i don't exactly know what CBL is.
Can someone fill me in please?
I agree OP. I only wanted hair that was bsl. It is mbl now and very hard to manage. I'm so tired of hair, but I really don't think about length anymore. In fact, I want to cut it. Everyone tells me not to do it. I will eventually, but I don't know when. Part of me wants to see how long it can grow while the other part wants a bob that is easier to style. I'm torn. For right now, I'm just going to let it do its thing.
I've seen a few ladies on here with really long waist length (or longer) hair & although it looks lovely - to me it just looks like it would be very hard to manage!
I have neck length & basically just happy to have healthy shoulder length or maybe even armpit length.
Anyone feel the same?
Yes, this it what i'm fearful of JJamiah.
You know, once you get to WL how much product do you end up using?!!
I'm only NL at the moment & use quite a lot of products as it is........for example i go through quite a few big tubs of ORS Hair Mayonnaise in just 1 month (and i'm from the UK, so these things aren't cheap here)! I also use ORS Relaxer in the kit and the tub is just about enough for my hair.
How much relaxer or other products would i be using if i had WL hair?
I shudder to think!
I am somewhere between nl and sl and I will be satisfied with apl. If I get to bsl that's icing on the cake. But I won't go any longer. I could see me crazy now trying to manage anything longer that bsl. I'd probaly only be able to do buns and ponys and I'm thinking if that's the case what's the point? I guess I need to be a little more creative to really go long.I've seen a few ladies on here with really long waist length (or longer) hair & although it looks lovely - to me it just looks like it would be very hard to manage!
I have neck length & basically just happy to have healthy shoulder length or maybe even armpit length.
Anyone feel the same?
Lol, it has been said quite a bit. I was like, oh no another one of those threads.This has been asked many times before, and no, you are not the only one. I don't understand you folks not wanting long hair. Y'all are crazy.
I can understand - I think it may or may not change for you. I have had, SL-Wl then cut again to BSL, back to APL, going back and forth visiting SL-WL several different times. It was like sometimes I wanted it and sometimes I didn't. When I would cut my hair, I didn't want it long and I'd look at the 3-6 and 7 inches that I took off and think nothing of it.
I think what some ladies are saying is right now you just want your hair healthy and your first length goal met and after that is acheived you may change your mind but like I say you may or may not change your mind. Everything really isn't for everyone, and everything isn't for everyone at different points in their lives. If that makes sense...
I agree, my daughter said she wanted BSL but now that she is almost there, she likes it and wants longer length.I told her that if she wants BSL grow it at least MBL, That way if she has any heat damage to her ends and gets it clipped, she will still have BSL and not feel like she had a major set back!You may find that you'll want more length once you reach your goal, if only just to see how far your hair can go. I aimed for BSL when I joined LHCF, got there, then went for WL. I haven't cut my hair to keep it at WL, so some of it is touching TBL. I will probably cut it back so I can be full WL when the rest of my hair catches up, but it has been cool to see my hair reach lengths I have always dreamed of.