Naturals who never had long hair before...

Oi Dimpalz, leave Country gal alone. I have to admit I only figured it out last night! I was sitting down naming every bit between my ear and brastrap! LOL
Thanks for the compliments ladies.

After joining this board and really practicing good habits I am convinced it was chemicals that kept me from retaining length. Not neccesarily relaxers but color for me- even after stopped relaxing. I knew my ahir was growing but for some reason the length just wasnt there. IT WAS THE COLOR...
The knowledge I've gain here has truly help me to see the error of my ways. I will color again once I've reached my goal, but I am NOW equipped with knowing what chemicals to do to the hair(or what it takes away from the hair), so for me the lack of protein was it. No amount of moisture would/could fix what altering my color did to the health of my hair. I have found a wonderful balance with protein and moistore for my hair.

I think its about finding what it is your hair craves and needs to retain the lovely locs we all want. Unfortunately and fortunatley it requires a trial and error approach, but thanks to the ladies here we pretty much know which way to go based on others experiences and most effective research.
Country gal said:
I wanted to chime in despite not meeting your requirements. I always had nice full and lenghty hair as a child but not exceedingly long. I would say my natural hair as a child grazed the top of my shoulder. As a relaxed head, my hair was shoulder lenght. I am natural and my hair is shoulder length again only after a year. I think it looks promising for me to have long natural hair. My natural hair shrinks a lot. So it is hard to see the lenght unless stretched.
same here. when i stopped getting my hair relaxed, i think i reached an inch below my colar bone. before that, it was always at shoulder length no matter what i did (thats why i think the ladies are on to something with the stretching. i also stopped relaxing the entire strand. i only did the new growth). i chopped to about 3-4 inches 2 summers ago. now my hair is back to my collar bone... AND IT ONLY TOOK A YEAR! im not worried that my hair will reach APL or BSL because of my results thus far. personally, ive been able to retain more length as a natural
My pattern was to grow my hair out to nearly APL, get HAPPY and slap in a relaxer (for ease :confused: ), and then lose all of my flowing hair to breakage.

So I guess my point is I've have moments of long hair, but have never been able to maintain it unless I stay natural.