Am I out of line? Ex bf drama

Amen...The OP sounds broke which makes me wonder why she is traveling to NYC in the first place. Something isn’t adding up.

Girl, Bye. It's over and done with. But maybe you and a few others should read the WHOLE thread to find out how to communicate with others. Like hairlab said, "why can't we CHOOSE to address each other with respect?" It's really NOT that serious!

I'm taking Pretty brown eyes advice - how do i get a thread closed? Who is a moderator?
Dang man, this is STILL being talked about? Even AFTER the OP took the trip?

Lol, just let it be over and done with people...over and done.
LOL, I am really glad the OP had a great time and everything worked out. All I have to say is case by case basis...people are very different and over generalising does not work.
Mods names are highlighted in green... When you got to the first page where all the forums are listed down at the bottom you can see who's online. Scan through there, there is usually at least one on all the time. Supergirl is the first that comes to mind. And SVT.
OP I'm sorry you are being attacked by these "lovely ladies of lhcf". They love to be nasty and hateful but they are just being...themselves, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and alos agree that you should ask for this thread to get locked then log off for a few days...thats what I did when "the lovely ladies" started talking really ridiculous in my thread i started, there was no point in going back and talking to a bunch of people i dont owe anything too. So take a breather, and come back refreshed. Thanks for handling this thread MATURELY, like a real woman should with class. Peace
People are calling you young because you are coming off as very immature. If you can’t get it in that brain of yours why your ex-boyfriend’s SO has an issue then I question your common sense. Part of me believes you are playing games and know exactly that the scenario you described is highly inappropriate.

Amen...The OP sounds broke which makes me wonder why she is traveling to NYC in the first place. Something isn’t adding up.

You should have joined the bashing party a little earlier :lachen: It's over now. Pack your bags and go lol
before reading ahead to the end of the thread - i started to post a few choice words - nothing rude though - i think you should have included the bit about your sister because in retrospect now, since i am reading this LATE - that would have changed the tone of my response, but not the basic advice which would have been to get a hotel... make sense? anyhow op i am glad this worked out for you guys. i also think it was wonderful of you to go all out for your sister this way. good luck to you all.
I just read this whole thread (I tend to like to do that before responding)...and I think I need a cigarette, and I don't EVEN smoke!

Glad you had fun OP. I hope to take a lesson in judgement from this thread, (seeing as how I spent the last hour of my life reading it). Hopefully I can be less judgemental about issues where I don't know the people involved or their situation, and I can exercise better judgement regarding issues where other people and their feelings are at stake.

Thanks for sharing.

Well...scratch that...I'm still in my judgemental phase about A. Keys and Swizz, but i'm working on it. I'm HUMAN dang it! :lachen:
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