All my hair is GONE! --- What did I do?!?


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All my hair is GONE! -- What did I do?!?

Ladies I know what I said --- why I went back on my word I don’t know…

Okay so I should’ve known that if I kept considering changing my hair and going back on my word --- my hair journey for that matter, I would really do something drastic. I couldn’t stop thinking about it so when I got home from work I took down my cornrows and just started to section my hair. I started in the middle and applied that gooey white mess to my hair :cool:

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that gooey mess was shampoo :lol:! I needed it so that I could see my new growth as I CHOPPED :clap: !!!

Yep that’s right! I big chopped!!! This week is not only my birthday but my one year RELAXER FREE hair anniversary! And now I can add on the list my nappy anniversary :D!

I know, I know, I kept saying that I wouldn’t chop until 2007 but I just couldn’t wait! I figured that if I kept prolonging it I may have just damaged my hair by pressing or hanging onto those relaxed ends. In the end I cut more than I intended to, however, it was mostly due to the fact that I suffered from heat damage. No big deal --- now it will grow back better than ever! Now I can finally stop obsessing about length and just watch my natural hair show it’s true colors.

Ladies it felt so weird but finally I can stop “oohhing and ahhing” wishing I had that one girl’s natural hair and add myself to that list!!

I’m going back to braids to help protect my hair this winter, however, come spring, I’m rockin’ my fro!! <-- You hear how funny that sounds --- my fro--- :grin:.

Happy hair growing ladies :antlers: ! Oh, and pics will be in my album in the next few minutes.

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Thanks ladies. I’m just waiting to show these pictures to my family --- very anti-natural. I’m glad I have support here :kiss: !

I think I'm so excited I can't go to sleep. It's almost 4:00 a.m. and I have to be up at 9!
Congratulations My hair idol! I admire your courage!

Be sure to update us with some natural styles. I've always loved your flexi-rod sets.
Shawnee66 said:
Congrats on your BC. Your hair looks good and so does the twist. HHG for 2006!

Thanks! You just don't know how badly I wanted to try twists but I never could pull it off! Finally!
MzTami said:
Congratulations My hair idol! I admire your courage!

Be sure to update us with some natural styles. I've always loved your flexi-rod sets.

You bet I will! I'm still going to rock my strawsets and once my hair grows a little longer, I'll rock the flexi-rod set as well! I'll work on creative styling once the weather gets warmer, as for now, I've got to protect, protect, protect!
I'm so happy for you!! While looking at your album, I felt so excited for you! I felt your liberation and exhilaration as I flipped through each one of your pics. Enjoy your natural hair! ;)
You scared me! I am so happy for you, I am also jealous because I transitioned for a whole year and then permed my hair like a fool! Oh well, CONGRATS once again!!!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! I'm sure that you will enjoy rediscovering your natural hair texture. I enjoyed looking through your album...I know it felt great letting go of those ends!! :) Best of luck to you in the new year.
Congratulations lovelymissyoli. Your hair looks wonderful!

I was so excited to read your post and see your photos because like you, I'm choping this year after a one-year transition, and like you, I want to do twists and twist outs so badly on my hair too (as well as an afro puff). It was cool to see someone with a similar hair texture to mine with the same amount of natural hair--gives me insight on what to expect in two months.

Congrats again. :grin: