All my hair is GONE! --- What did I do?!?

Congrats to u !! such an transitioning also i cant wait until im natural!!!i know i will feel so liberated!!well happy healthy hair growing to u and all the ladies of lhcf!!! happy new year...:-)
Re: All my hair is GONE! -- What did I do?!?

That's great!!! CONGRATS on being true to yourself and not prolonging your chop!!!
You scared me with your first few words and your thread title. Very mean!:lol: Congratulations! Way to start the new year!
Oh my gosh, you scared me. I thought you changed your mind, and relaxed and then ended up with bald spots. Whew! CONGRATS on going natural:p
Your natural hair looks great. That took great courage of you to start earlier then you planned, but you will have fun with it.