Being ever so careful during your relaxer touch up to make sure not to overlap the relaxer. You leave it in the appropriate timeframe with the neatest smoothing techniques. You wash out the relaxer and your hair is still underprocessed in sections. So you have straight and nappy (I mean "curly pieces") all over your head........ Aint Nobody Got Time For That!!!!!!

I remember those days.:look:
Mix up henna and let it sit overnight, Henna on hair ~ 4 hrs or overnight, Indigo~ 2 hrs, DC ~ 45 mins, hella mess all up in my bathroom, then I STILLLLL gotta moisturize, seal and airdry my hair just to cover a few grays sneaking up in my hairline?


Some loc thangs don't nobody got time for:

-being asked by a fellow locer (who incidentally seemed to be thinning at the roots and edges) about how did I get my locs so thick at the roots, being prompted by this person to go through step by step process of what I do and how I do it, and when I get to the part where I say that I try not to latch/twist more than once a month or longer because too much tension will thin the hair and promptly hitting a brick wall. Because, to quote her, "I HAVE to twist my hair every week". Ok, boo, do you. Keep right on strutting with your balding edges. Why you ask if you didn't want to hear the answer? Ain't nobody got time for ala dat.

-Locers bragging about how all they need to do for moisture is wet their locs in the shower every day or every other day, how they don't need no moisturizer or conditioner. Then get all paniced years down the road when they have an issue with mildew. Moisturized locs does not equal walking around with a constantly damp head. It's not really rocket science to figure out that you're practically inviting the mildew to come on in and set down and have a nice dinner. ain't nobody got time for ala dat.
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Having your sister in law stare you down while doing you hair, only to try to correct what your doing......CHILE, you and yo' 365 day micro braid wearing behind needs to go else where with that ish.....cause AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!
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Using the search function to find out everyone's favourite moisturizing/protein conditioner... AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT! :lol: :rolleyes:
(ETA: ^ Stop being lazy, asking the same question over and over and use that search! :fishslap:)
Aireen, LOL, are you talking to me son:grin: That search feature is the devil sometimes. :spinning: Never gets me what I need.
Protective styling.....Ain't nobody got time for that! I'm putting in all this hard work on my hair.........you and the whole world gone see my crown and glory.

Sitting in a salon all dayum Saturday for a relaxer......Ain't nobody got time for that! Thank God I went natural!

Deep Conditioning for 3 or 4 hours.......Ain't nobody got time for that! I'm a busy woman......gotta keep it quick and simple.
Constantly having people tell me: "Girl I would go natural, but I just can't do it." Then giving me 50-11 reasons why they cannot.- Ain't nobody got time for that.
posting 20 min long youtube tutorials on how to do a limp a.ss ponytail. aint nobody got time for that!!
Your new to YouTube you got 10 videos, 6 of them are product reviews and of course you love everything (tryna get a deal) and the other 4 are of how you had a setback! Ain't nobody got time for that
lamaria211 said:
Your new to YouTube you got 10 videos, 6 of them are product reviews and of course you love everything (tryna get a deal) and the other 4 are of how you had a setback! Ain't nobody got time for that

I don't know who you are talking about....but this was hilarious!
Watching a 15 minute YouTube "tutorial" of how to brush a newborn's hair. (Yes this is out there).

Da hayle? Ain't nobody got time for that!

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@Aireen, LOL, are you talking to me son:grin: That search feature is the devil sometimes. :spinning: Never gets me what I need.
LOL I feel you but geez, they gotta make a sticky on the top of the page for "BEST MOISTURIZING & PROTEIN CONDITIONERS USED BY MEMBERS" or something. I see this question EVERY month, no joke and it erks meeeeee. :lachen:
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Having family members tell me to go natural (or cut off my relaxed ends) when I just started texlaxing my hair. They need natural hair more than I do. Aint got time for that!!!
Trying to tell your hair stylist how your hair works while they INSIST they know your hair better than you do and proceed to not listen.......Ain't nobody got time for that!

Too funny! My secretary is looking at me like she thinks I just lost it and I don't even care. So true! Ain't Nobody Got time for that!

The first time this was posted cracked me up, but when i read your post i remember my days at the office reading funny theads and bust out laughing, then my uncle walks up and say CHILE, u getting crazy... i just laugh some more
30% off black friday sale with $40 shipping...........HELL NO I AIN'T GOT TIME FOR THAT!!!!!!

Are u talking about one in particular or just in general? I was placing an order and it was 30% off which seem like a good sale but then my shipping was calculated and I was like "AW Hell Naw" after shipping it was like a 3.00 saving so I canceled my order.
@ Sunshine baby, Girl, we all have to make a living. Thank God for the internet! Makes the work day bearable and they say laughter is good for the soul! :lachen::lachen:

Oh, and and I read that post again and it still had me cracking the hell up!:lachen::lachen:
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Going to the hairdresser after a long relaxer stretch to get a touch-up, you got all this good progress then homegirl comes at you with a fine tooth comb to DETANGLE from root to tip... OH HELL NO! AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!
Not being able to leave ANY store without your PJ actin' a fool. So you go in for one product and walk out with 5. This happen to me a CVS today.......AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!
this thread reminds me of threadgate/who gonna check me boo? gate from a couple years ago...who remembers that? lol...speaking of which...

when a thread gets locked/poofed just when its getting good and/or before you can finish reading it...aint nobody got time for that!

opening up 50-11 tabs in your browser for each page just incase the thread does go to thread heaven :look:....aint nobody got time for that!
Tuning in to watch a Youtuber who states this is going to be a quick video and then proceeds to ramble on about any & everything that has nothing to do with the video...AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!!!
Jetblackhair said:
Tuning in to watch a Youtuber who states this is going to be a quick video and then proceeds to ramble on about any & everything that has nothing to do with the video...AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!!!

Thank u! Ain't nobody got time for rambling youtubers especially when their voices are annoying. I don't care how pretty your hair is.