After All This Time I Can't Get Over His Affair!


4 years ago I discovered my man of 13 yrs was having an affair. He worked late hours as the manager of a club, so for him not to come home at a normal hour was nothing unusual... But then he just stopped coming home at his usual 3am all together. On weekends he wouldn't come home at all. He justified this by telling me it didn't make sense to come home since he had to be at the club early in the morn anyway... I let that go cause I knew that the place opened up the bar portion early on weekends... (I know... Stupid on my part) anywho, as time went on I saw less and less of him.... So I began to "investigate" y'all I was PITIFUL ok! I would check his drawers (scratch and sniff.... Yes I was that girl) then I started checking his "work phone". One day, I opened the phone to find incoming messages talking about "love you baby" and "bring me some coffee when you come over babe". I confronted him and he told me that he let his homie use his phone.... Well I made myself believe that until one day I had to call this number and see once and for all why my spirit would not let this rest! That phone call tore my world apart! The voice on the other end was very pleasant and accommodating.... I explained that I kept finding texts from her on my mans phone and asked how she knew him... She told me that she knows him very well and that they had been together for the last 3 years... I confronted him and he told me he only slept with her one time and the girl is a whore.... But those were more lies from him cause I found cards, letters and photos that she was nice enough to date for me! He was actually living a whole other life! He had keys to her home, spent time with her children... Mind you we have two of our own... He even took her on a vacation to Jamaica while he had me believing that he and his brother were going alone.... Ok now fast forward to today.... I have been trying all this time to repair our relationship because although I have NEVER cheated, I believed that I opened the door to this situation because of my mishandling of money... I used to gamble... And he has since lost his job and had serious health issues.... But the thing is when he had these health problems he was in the hospital for a few weeks, I tried to be a good woman and be there for him left my job for a few weeks so I could be at the hospital with him when he woke up and went to sleep.... Do you know that while I was running myself ragged trying to make sure he had what he needed and help him gain full recovery, he was texting that chic all nite when I would leave? Now I do love him, but there is no trust whatsoever, and still to this day I look at him and think of the lies, how he twisted things making me think I was being paranoid and crazy. I guess I'm really here because of our children. But at the same time I don't like the person I have become... I have to drink just to look at him sometimes. I feel like he gave away the best of him because of his illness he's not able to do things he used to. So she got to go on vacation with him, they spent romantic weekends together.... Now financially and physically he can't be the man I need... If I leave am I kicking him while he's down? He given the I'm sorry's and I love you's.... But I feel like if these unfortunate events didn't happen he'd still be the same person... I know this is long and real talk is there is much more to it cause I know there is still alot that he's done, I just haven't found it all out yet! But if nothing else it really felt good to vent, cause I feel like I'm drowning...,.,.
I'm sorry, but I could not see myself with someone that continually cheats. AND he is still in contact with the chick? What's to save? Let her take care of his ***...
Crlsweetie couldn't have said it better. He doesn't deserve you and is taking advantage and you're letting him. Get over your guilt (you shouldn't have any) and let the chick he's into take care of him. I don't know you, but I'm sure you deserve better.
Crlsweetie couldn't have said it better. He doesn't deserve you and is taking advantage and you're letting him. Get over your guilt (you shouldn't have any) and let the chick he's into take care of him. I don't know you, but I'm sure you deserve better.
That's the thing....WE ALL DESERVE better! Nobody is perfect, and if he couldn't deal with her as she is, then BOUNCE! He's around because you allow it...13 years....SMH.....
Oh, dear... that is so sad. :sneakyhug:

I had a long-time friend from childhood who I discovered was having a secret life. It blew up on him. The husband of one of the women (yes, one of many) found out of their affair and told my friend's wife. She was devastated, of course. He only admitted to that one affair but later she discovered others. He lied about all of them. Blamed the women. Tried to get his friends (me, for one) to help cover for him. He tried to tell bigger lies to cover up his misdeeds.

His wife was indeed naive but who can believe that someone they live with and sleep with could be capable of such a thing. To this day, I don't think she knows the full truth so he is still continuing to live a lie.

My point is, once a person has shown they are willing to live a whole other separate life, contrive and manipulate, do whatever they have to, at any cost... that is who they are. They counted the cost before they acted and decided the risk was worth losing all they had. Right now you're just showing him he can behave that way, disrespect you AND the kids, and still keep you... that you have no boundaries for respect and love. You'll take whatever you can get.

Kick him when he is down? He broke your marriage vows and had other people (his brother) help support his lies. He has a problem that has nothing to do with the mistakes you have made. Stop justifying what he's done. He's ONLY sorry because he got caught. Just like he lied about her (she's a whore), he lied to her about you. Who breaks their marriage vows, hurts someone they LOVE over a whore anyway?

You're scared but your miserable. If you stay, be willing to accept that state for the rest of your life and what THAT is doing to your kids.

Please stop drinking. That solves nothing and provides no strength take care of business. Your children don't need you in a fog.
If you cheated on him even once he would have dropped you like a hot potato. Women are too forgiving.
Thank you ladies for the responses that you have given... I know I want more and deserve better! I have come to realize that my gambling (thank you Lord for deliverance) was no excuse for his lies and deception. But I am afraid now that if I leave him and something happens to him, my children will blame me for not being there for him... My kids are my world! But I don't think I can keep up this act for them... The pain is too deep... And if after all this time I have yet to get over it.... Well I don't think I ever will!
Oh, dear... that is so sad. :sneakyhug:

I had a long-time friend from childhood who I discovered was having a secret life. It blew up on him. The husband of one of the women (yes, one of many) found out of their affair and told my friend's wife. She was devastated, of course. He only admitted to that one affair but later she discovered others. He lied about all of them. Blamed the women. Tried to get his friends (me, for one) to help cover for him. He tried to tell bigger lies to cover up his misdeeds.

His wife was indeed naive but who can believe that someone they live with and sleep with could be capable of such a thing. To this day, I don't think she knows the full truth so he is still continuing to live a lie.

My point is, once a person has shown they are willing to live a whole other separate life, contrive and manipulate, do whatever they have to, at any cost... that is who they are. They counted the cost before they acted and decided the risk was worth losing all they had. Right now you're just showing him he can behave that way, disrespect you AND the kids, and still keep you... that you have no boundaries for respect and love. You'll take whatever you can get.

Kick him when he is down? He broke your marriage vows and had other people (his brother) help support his lies. He has a problem that has nothing to do with the mistakes you have made. Stop justifying what he's done. He's ONLY sorry because he got caught. Just like he lied about her (she's a whore), he lied to her about you. Who breaks their marriage vows, hurts someone they LOVE over a whore anyway?

You're scared but your miserable. If you stay, be willing to accept that state for the rest of your life and what THAT is doing to your kids.

Please stop drinking. That solves nothing and provides no strength take care of business. Your children don't need you in a fog.

Thank you ladies for the responses that you have given... I know I want more and deserve better! I have come to realize that my gambling (thank you Lord for deliverance) was no excuse for his lies and deception. But I am afraid now that if I leave him and something happens to him, my children will blame me for not being there for him... My kids are my world! But I don't think I can keep up this act for them... The pain is too deep... And if after all this time I have yet to get over it.... Well I don't think I ever will!

ITA with the words in red:yep:, as for the words in purple, think about it this way: your child(ren)(boys) is learning that daddy's behavior is "acceptable" kind of behavior and the girls are learning that this is how a guy treats his woman!:nono::nono:. You are not helping them by staying in an unfaithful and emotionally damaging r/ship because ur misery, frustrations and anger about your situation will show and have them wondering why "mummy is sad and crying all the time" etc not good for their emotional well being at all:nono:
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Thank you ladies for the responses that you have given... I know I want more and deserve better! I have come to realize that my gambling (thank you Lord for deliverance) was no excuse for his lies and deception. But I am afraid now that if I leave him and something happens to him, my children will blame me for not being there for him... My kids are my world! But I don't think I can keep up this act for them... The pain is too deep... And if after all this time I have yet to get over it.... Well I don't think I ever will!

As long as you keep making up excuses to stay, you will continue to be miserable. You're miserable (not over it) because you know that you deserve better than what this man is giving you; heck he hasn't even given you a ring! You've given him fidelity, children, taken care of him, and this is how he repays you? If you want to stay til he gets better, then that's fine, but you need to be making plans in the meantime, because like Kachi said, children are perceptive and they're picking up on all this drama that's going on between you two.

I wish you the best of luck.

Black people don't like counseling (as a rule) find someone mininsterial or professional to talk this thing out...You will know what to do when the time is right.

Much Love to you...
Thank you ladies for the responses that you have given... I know I want more and deserve better! I have come to realize that my gambling (thank you Lord for deliverance) was no excuse for his lies and deception. But I am afraid now that if I leave him and something happens to him, my children will blame me for not being there for him... My kids are my world! But I don't think I can keep up this act for them... The pain is too deep... And if after all this time I have yet to get over it.... Well I don't think I ever will!

Kids are very resilient and if you handle it right, they'll understand why you did what you did in time. Therapy would be helpful. But staying in this situation just doesn't seem to be an option from what you've stated here.

Black people don't like counseling (as a rule) find someone mininsterial or professional to talk this thing out...You will know what to do when the time is right.

Much Love to you...
Yes that is true, but I will tell you that counseling saved me. Especially when I admitted to myself and out loud that I NEEDED HELP. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. It is ok to say that you need help, do not be ashamed. Plus you have your children that depend on you, if momma aint right no one else can be right. SHAKE YOURSELF LOOSE girl.
Again I thank you ladies sooo much for keeping it real with me! For the most part you've solidified my thoughts and feelings! Given me validity were he tried to break me down! I love you all cause with every comment you've given me the strength that I needed to do what I have to do.... What I should have done a long time ago! TY, TY, and TY again...
You deserve better.

A lepoard never changes its spots. 3 years? He's been lying for a LONG leaving your job to take care of him...making sacrifices for him and the's time to do you. Does your state recognize common-law marriage, assuming you aren't married to him? You need to make an exit strategy because this person didn't care about your feelings, remaining true to you and your children or your health? What if he gave you a std? AIDS is very real.

Continue to go about your business, work, take care of the home, but stack your paper now. Secure some housing, transportation and everything you and the KIDS need because y'all are the only ones that matter at this point. His GF of 3 years can take care of him. This isn't kicking him when he's down. It's letting him and the kids know that you ARE worthy of respect and will not tolerate his disrespect. You've proven that you can hold it down on your own.

Wishing you the best.
Jamiette -

I think your concerns and worries are in the wrong place. Instead of being worried about how your children may/may not feel if you leave him, you should ask will STAYING impact them?

I don't know if you have boys, girls or both - but everything they will come to know and believe about relationships, they are learning right now at this very moment by watching their parents.

Don't, for one second - believe that they aren't aware (or won't become aware) of whats going on. Would you want your daughter to remain in a relationship like this? Would you want your son to treat another woman like this? Would you want your daughter to be with a man like her father? Would you want your "son" to be the type of boyfriend/husband that is father is?

There's probably a whole lot that could have been done differently over the course of 13 years, however lets let the past be the past. Focus on how you want the next 13 years of your childrens' lives to be.
If there are no kids with him, just leave. I know that's easier said then done, but you really don't need that kind of heartache from a man that's suppose to love you. Maybe you should go to a therapist to make things a little more manageable.

ETA: I see there are children in this relationship. You might want to see a therapist first, or go to martial counseling before you make a final decision.
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I am not trying to throw rocks at a beehive, but 13 years as the GF???? Did you ever want to marry? Why do long?

I'm sure she did want to marry. At this moment questioning and pointing out being a girlfriend in shock is not feeding her with positive thoughts for her broken sprirt. Her story is very common and I'm sure we all know as women why she feels the need to stick around, even though many of us can't relate , we know the whys to her situation.

Not trying to be an a## but, your post just jumped out at me. And u do have a right to post any questions u have on this topic! I'm really not a e bully thickhair, lol

You loving him way to much. You're going to give to the point of bitterness. When u have to justify his actions and his issues u r wasting time and that's deep. Life is to short to be unhappy and to have to relive pain someone has caused on your inner being not good for you physically or mentally. You loving him to death. Save the love for someone to deserve it.

And he wasn't a total waste of time. He gave you two blessings that deserve a mom who is loving life and happy. Not struggle with this turmoil.

You are so right , u deserve so much more.

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I think you know in your heart that he's not truly sorry and would probably do it again if he could that's why you can't forgive him.

But forgiveness is for you not him. I've found that when you stop being hurt, angry, whatever at a person whatever you need to do to resolve the relationship just become clear.

This is your kids dad so he will always be in your life on some level, but based on what you've said he needs to be working on another plan other then you taking care of him. Maybe the chick he's been texting wants to have him, if that's the case I would just let him go.
:bighug: I am so sorry this is happening to you. Focus on getting your $$$ right because he may abandon his kids once you cut him loose.
I hope you leave him! Drop him without remorse. He would not even be acting "right" if he had not fallen ill. He would be doing the same thing with the same girl or a new one. He's sorry cause he got caught. Girl, I hope you've decided to leave or put him out or whatever. 13 years is enough time. Walk away confident. You did all you could. He's the titanic. Don't let yourself and your children go down trying to save his feelings. You don't want children who grow up and mimick this same type of dysfunctonal relationship. He never even married you. Girl that fool could not even breathe in my direction. Your soul won't let you rest because you don't belong there anymore. Listen to yourself and let him go. You don't owe him a damn thing. You do owe yourself though. Stop cheating yourself.
dump his arse and make like a ball and bounce. don't consider getting into another relationship for a very long time and work on building your self esteem and loving yourself....he does this to you cause he know he can...let that heaux take care of him! i know it hurts that you invested so many yrs and have kids with him but you can't dwell on the past especially for the sake of your children. it is time to make things right by them and show them that this is not a loving, healthy relationship works and that you can do bad all by yourself. i think therapy and self-help books/audiobooks would be great for you right now. louise hay, iyanla vanzant, are a few that would be good for you to start with and could be checked out from the library. you are worthy of the best and so are your children...move forward and don't look back!
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OP I am so sorry you're going through this, but why do you feel you somehow "owe" him when he has proven to be a liar, cheat, manipulator at your expense? What more does he need to do to you before you realize this man does not have your best interest at heart?

How is he with your children? Do they get along? I can't imagine how you must be feeling. I wish you the best in making your choice.

I hope you put yourself and your children first in whatever decision you make:bighug:
I'm sure she did want to marry. At this moment questioning and pointing out being a girlfriend in shock is not feeding her with positive thoughts for her broken sprirt. Her story is very common and I'm sure we all know as women why she feels the need to stick around, even though many of us can't relate , we know the whys to her situation.

Not trying to be an a## but, your post just jumped out at me. And u do have a right to post any questions u have on this topic! I'm really not a e bully thickhair, lol
I am just curious is all. I don't automatically assume that everyone wants to be married. Some women in LTR state that they don't care to be married for whatever reason. In my thinking if you are content being with some LT and if they want to get shady, that you like your freedom to be able to bounce.
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This sounds like that Tyler Perry movie "Diary of a Mad Black Woman"

However in your case...I dont think he will change...

13 years is a long time :nono: