After achieving your hair goals ...


God's Own
...will you stay on LHCF or leave?

I've read a couple of posts where members, who have achieved their hair goals, plan to leave LHCF after their current subscription expires.
It made me think whether I or others would leave LHCF after reaching desired goals. Especially, since my current subscription expires around the same time. So if you care to share - post your thoughts here (so we can start beggin' you not to leave - if you had planned to :grin:)

I will start.


Leave or Stay?
Stay - unless too much drama/conflict starts happening or posts become "non-productive"

1. Because I've experienced what can happen when I'm not active. My hair went to hell in a handbasket.
2. Accessing the forum is a motivational tool for self improvement (hair, skin, weight loss) etc.
3. Reading, sharing on the forum(s) promotes goal setting.
4. Gives me access to a wealth of information in numerous areas - not just hair
5. Facilitates meeting new people (city meet ups)
6. Helps me to educate/help "my girls" on hair care
7. Accessing the forum is like joining virtual conference calls everyday and chatting with individuals with similar interests, goals, hobbies, passions (i.e. SCANDAL :yep: :grin:). As one poster stated who but a LHCF member would understand the excitement of finding a great conditioner. :grin:
8. Global interaction with the diverse group of members from around the world
9. Helps me to share with others, who for whatever reason don't access forums, "hair care knowledge/tips/technique"
10.Has helped me to identify and work hard towards an "ACHIEVABLE" goal of long, thick, healthy hair.


So anyone else want to share their plans?
Stay - the forum offers (me) so much more than hair. I enjoy frequenting the other forum areas to gain knowledge and understanding about other topics/matters.
Stay - the forum offers (me) so much more than hair. I enjoy frequenting the other forum areas to gain knowledge and understanding about other topics/matters.

I agree with this, LHCF keeps me up to date on a variety of topics. There are so many topics that I was ignorant to before LHCF.

Heck it keeps me 'feeling' cool:look:
Stay. I don't even have or make hair length goals anymore. I just leave my hair to grow.
I think i will be here until I get a valid reason to post in the pregnancy and motherhood forum. I love that forum!
Stay - I achieved my hair goal of waist length a long time ago, but I love to help others and read up on new products. I also frequent the other forums and get all my news and gossip there.
Definitely stay- This forum is the reason for my HHJ. Its where I learned what it is all about. I've gotten so much information from you ladies and I couldn't see myself just leaving once I hit my goals bc who knows maybe there's someone I can help along the way in the future. I love receiving all kinds of advice and want to give that back. Plus I venture from time to time to the other areas lurking.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I couldn't see myself just leaving once I hit my goals bc who knows maybe there's someone I can help along the way in the future. I love receiving all kinds of advice and want to give that back.

YES THIS ^^^^ Nix08 It's not all about ourselves all the time. A greater satisfaction is realized when we help others. Thank you for pointing this out!!!
I'll definitely stay! Even though I'm currently doing a lousy job of posting frequently in the threads (this is something that I plan to improve on) I still enjoy lurking to stay "upbeat" with the latest products/hair tools etc. And I also love to keep up with seeing who has reached their hair goals, this definitely helps me to set and achieve goals of my own.
Not sure yet. I'm not new to the hair board, but new to all the other forums that are viewable once you become a member. There are some forums that I have learned are a little catty and quite honestly a turn off....but the pregnancy/ motherhood forum is giving me all kinds of life right now. So I will probably renew once more just for that.
Nope. I'll still be around here actin' like a skraight PJ :spinning:. Love this site and these women to much to let it go. VIVA LA' LHCF!:pepper:
Me too. I get worried when ppl go missing. I seriously have to step away from the computer sometimes because I seriously be like, I hope she's ok. There's one poster that I still think of often. I'm just hoping she took a LHCF break. EnExitStageLeft
lulu97 - perhaps if you decide to stay you can help make it better. I understand that sometimes the "posts" are 'OFF TOPIC' quite a bit - but there is more positive and good than the opposite, IMO .

Also, some "catty" posts in specific threads (i.e. SCANDAL :lachen:) are what gives the thread life.

We hope that you decide to stay.
@divachyk - I am with you on missing people. And you know what - that's OK. It is a great feeling when we know we have been "missed" in whatever circle. Lives have been saved "because someone missed seeing or hearing from another person" There are 2 LHCF members that I haven't see posting in a while and I too hope they are just taking a break.
Stay- im still amazed that retention of my new growth is happening!! Besides, I am not sure what my hair length goal is. I need at least bsl to even feel like my hair is long although I would be happy with a nice full apl

I LOVE this HHJ!!
I'm so staying. I've learned so much here and my hair is finally healthy! I've also had the honor of sharing information. I look forward to checking all of the threads and to see how all of the ladies are doing.
Now, I have seen some questionable comments, but there is always someone with some sense to chime in and squash the ignorance. LHCF is pretty cool.
Staying for sure! I've reached my hair goal before and stayed, so it'll be the same this time around, only I'll feel like an expert and can give back more. :grin:
Staying. These ladies are my motivational tool. Whenever I take a break I seem to ignore my HHJ a little bit. I also get alot of current info & entertainment from the other threads.
Staying, stalking the hair porn, and sharing recipes and what I've learned.

Plus I got like $500 in hair products for free in the exchange forum:











Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
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Here's another reason why I stay... some of the ladies that achieved their goals and then left the forum come back years later talking about their set backs because they got lazy after leaving. I don't want that to be me! LOL