Plans after achieving your goal?

I haven't reached my goal yet but I have started wearing my hair out more. Now I only wear my hair in a bun for a little while during the day and mostly at night when I go to bed. I love feeling my hair blow in the wind and I am just trying to enjoy it.
When I achieve my goal of bra strap length I plan to wear my hair out more often. I love the looks on people's faces when they haven't seen it down in a while.
I have really worked hard to get to my goal and I want to show it off!!

Ohhh, I loved my "flips" too when I grew my "Halle" style to shoulder length
. SweetCocoa & Stormy, do u ladies have any pics to share with your hair "flipped"? I'm gonna search for some of mine & post them in my album....if I can find them
I haven't reached my goal yet but I have started wearing my hair out more. Now I only wear my hair in a bun for a little while during the day and mostly at night when I go to bed. I love feeling my hair blow in the wind and I am just trying to enjoy it.

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JRW, I hear u girl
. Do u have any updated pics of your hair? I'd love to see them
. That length of yours is really awesome
When I achieve my goal of bra strap length I plan to wear my hair out more often. I love the looks on people's faces when they haven't seen it down in a while.
I have really worked hard to get to my goal and I want to show it off!!

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Hey pooh, girlie, I know exactly the look you're referring to... it's that
Thanks Peachtree! Hey you should be swinging in the breeze already with all of that beautiful hair! Nice pics!
Ahhh, thanks stormy! I'm not quite ready to "swing in the breeze" yet. I'm about 3" short of my longest length ever... once I pass that, then I might start "swinging" a bit
My plans after achieving my goal is to keep it healthy. My hair always grow close to bra strap, then disaster strike ( I can't take care of long hair, so I always end up with a lot of dead hair, and then hairdressers just cut it off and I start over again). Since discovering this board (October 2002, lurking) I have learned so much about my hair and how to take care of it. And I realized things in the past that were great for my hair and things that weren't. My biggest challenge is keeping it healthy. I cut it jaw length in October 2002. My goal is to get it to bra strap and keep it HEALTHY.
to keep it healthy. it will be soooo good not to have to focus on length so much!

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So true Pandora
My plans after achieving my goal is to keep it healthy. My hair always grow close to bra strap, then disaster strike ( I can't take care of long hair, so I always end up with a lot of dead hair, and then hairdressers just cut it off and I start over again). Since discovering this board (October 2002, lurking) I have learned so much about my hair and how to take care of it. And I realized things in the past that were great for my hair and things that weren't. My biggest challenge is keeping it healthy. I cut it jaw length in October 2002. My goal is to get it to bra strap and keep it HEALTHY.

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Hi Islandgirl

How long is it now?
After I get it to bra strap, I'll just try to maintain. I love taking care of my hair. Currently it is almost 3 inches above bra strap in the back, but in shorter layers on top and on the sides. I used to think getting my hair done more often was the key to growth and health, but it isn't necessarily so. Your stylist isn't your best hair advocate, you are. So I will continue to do more self-care and go to a stylist less often.
I'm gonna wear my hair in big fat curls. I love that botticelli look - you know the romantic huge curls that you see in old movie about the monarchs in Europe?

Kinda like J.Lo's pic in CaramelHonee's avatar - but longer.

I also look forward to being able to do more and more immaculate updos. And I will probably hold at brastrap until I get it all even with frequent trims and THEN move on to waist length. So I have a ways to go.
Once I reach shoulder blade length I plan to keep trimming it until it is all one length and relatively healthy. Any growth after that will just be a bonus. The hardest part will be continuing my commitment to no color... I'm six feet tall so shoulder blade length hair on me is enough to make heads turn.
I also look forward to being able to do more and more immaculate updos.

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This is what I look forward to also
Hey AshCash,
Where's that avatar pic that u mentioned in your signature?

Also I applaud
u for your "NO COLOR" committment. I've heard that "coloring" is very addictive
My goal is simply to remain consistent w/ care. I have no idea of how long my hair is if it were straightened, but it's definately past bra length at present. LOL....sometimes I get sick of my hair and am not consistent in taking care of it (ie rushing thru while combing/brushing, not washing/conditioning as often as I should, not re-plaiting as much as I should, sometimes not oiling like I should, etc...). My simple goal is to be consistent in care no matter how long it gets. It SOUNDS easy, but takes alot of discipline and time (not to mention money) to do that.

Funniest thing w/ long hair is that the longer it gets (esp. if you don't relax it), the more you tend you either keep it up (it gets VERY annoying rubbing your neck or getting caught in things, at least for me) and/or have a very few simple styles that work for you. LOL....ironically enough.
I will stick to having it in protective styles, but I would like to have it plaited in long cornrows. Maybe have it pressed once in a while. I will still keep up with my vitamins, because I found it helps my body overall.
Good thread Peachtree! Right now my hair is 3-3.5 inches. My 1st Goal is to have a Nice Afro Puff at around 7-9 inches by Dec 03 (my longest length EVER). I really want my hair to grow as long as it can grow but I know that once I do reach my Ultimate Length (whatever that is lol) I probably will keep it mostly in protective styles because : 1)I'm lazy when it comes to styling my hair and simpler is just better and 2) my hair seems to fare better when it's not manipulated on a daily basis.

As for perming my hair once it gets to my ultimate length...No. My hair strands just dont take to perm period. Thats why I went natural. That's why I'll stay natural.

Right now I'm rockin' cornrows and they look Tight!

Take care errbody and happy growing!
Hi Peachtree... just realized that geocities doesnt allow external linking, but its working now. Here is the full size picture though...
avator-vi.jpg was three years ago. It's not a hair picture but shows some of the length at least... I've been color free for a year and so far haven't been tempted too much. (BTW the little girl is my sister... everyone thinks she's my daughter!)
Peachtree....if I ever get some pics of myself online, I'll definately post.

As for plaiting...I have 2 basic styles, my hair pulled back into 1 low pony tail or 6 separate plaits which I pin around my head like a crown. With both styles, I like to use a rather wide headband as a way to make it look a bit more like a style (LOL) and it protects the edges around my head (including "kitchen"). I find the headband stops much of the breakage around the edges/kitchen that some experience w/ hats, collars etc... From there, I almost always pin my hair under, which seems to protect my ends nicely.

That's just my personal thing tho....most peeps like to wear their hair down more than I do tho.

When I say plaiting, I just mean a simple large braids similiar to how many little girls wear their hair, but usually w/o the hair gathered into a scrunchie/rubber band/etc.... I only use a covered scrunchie when I pull it back into one braid. When I say replaiting....I just mean that I sometimes just undo my braids one section at a time....message the scalp w/ a bit of oil, comb and maybe brush it, put a little oil on my hair, and just rebraid. LOL....sometimes I'm too lazy to undo all my hair. If the parts are stil neat, there's no reason to....besides, when you're just working w/ a small section of hair at a time, *I* find that you tend to be more mindful of not yanking thru impatiently.

My mother's hair is relaxed and worn rather long....quite a bit past her shoulders, I do the same thing when I help her w/ her maintence....just part off individual sections and oil/comb/brush small bits at a time. I'm now experimenting w/ her relaxed hair w/ the end sealing technique mentioned alot here....she's looking to keep more of her length. Her hair dresser cuts her ends because she has the driest ends in the world (LOL). BUT if this ends sealing thing works out well, I'm sure her hair will grow to great lengths. So, here's to experimenting!

My point in mentioning my mother is that I've found working w/ small sections works well for any hair type....whether it's chemically treated or not. It takes a bit more time than working w/ all the hair at once, but tends to cut down on damage, IMHO.
Valerie...I've also found that the occassional pressing and/or blow drying straight isn't a bad thing, IF you or the person doing it knows what they're doing.

LOL....the key w/ heat, esp. a pressing comb, is to have someone who KNOWS what they're doing and uses just enough heat to get the job done to your satisfaction. LOL...finding somone like this isn't so easy tho....but not impossible!
Jamaraa, thanks girl. I had no idea what "plaiting" was! In fact, I wear plaits also
... I called them "single braids", not knowing there was a term for them.

Thanks luv
well, My current goal is bra strap. When I get there I know I'm gonna want to push it further to at least mid back. after that its the 3 B's... Braidouts, Braids (meaning two, single or braided corronets) and Buns!
I will probably do a lot of what I do now, wash and bun, and occasionally press.

But when I hit may goal, I will also experiment a lot with Renaissance hairstyles. These seem to help protect the hair, yet show off length in beautiful designs, since many are up-dos, or partial up-dos.
I plan to keep it healthy and wear it down some but still keep doing protective styles and straighten it once in a while and do those beautiful Renaissance, Asian and African styles for ultra-long hair.
I don't know if I'll try to grow it out longer than my goal though, mmm... something to think about, if it wants to grow why stop it?