You don't know how much this post moved me. Thank you for sharing this and encouraging those of us who are waiting until marriage and go through rough spots.
smartandblessed said:I totally agree with waiting and I have the testimony to prove it. I was a virgin when I dated my last boyfriend. We dated for three years and never had sex. Sure times sometimes got tought but we both held on to God. I hear that sex clouds judgement. Without sex, we were able to get to know each other without the physical attachment. We had a spiritual and mental connection. We talked a lot about everything including God and his plan for our lives. We are both saved and we wanted to please God. I think it really helps if both partners are saved. He was willing to wait for me and he did the right thing and proposed. Boy was it a huge rock! I think the fact that we waited attributed to that. I really wanted a big wedding. The Lord smile upon us by keeping his covenant and he blessed us to have a HUGE wedding and we didn't owe ANYBODY after it was over!!! My wedding night was awesome. The first time that I ever made love was with my husband. The man that I married! It was so beautiful I cried! I am so happy that I waited. Now, I can tell everyone including my children (SOMEDAY) that it pays to wait for that someone special and my husband is truly someone special! Not many guys would wait over 3 years! Sure, it was difficult for him since he was experienced before he met me but he was up for the challenge. I love him with all my heart!!! Remember, nothing is impossible to him that believeth. As you go through this time of abstinence remember Phillippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ that strenghtheneth me!