6 months Vitamin challenge (May-October 2012)

I would like to join this challenge...

Hair Length: approaching BSB/BSL
Vitamins/Supplements: Biotin, Omega Fish Oil

I forgot I joined this challenge. :blush: I have been taking Biotin, Borage Oil, and a Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc supplement twice daily. I am starting a pure green coffee bean extract supplement tomorrow. I have no idea if it will benefit my hair. :look:
I'd like to join for the last three months of the challenge. Starting today, one tablespoon of liver powder daily. If it's too late I'll sideline it. Thanks.
To be honest i've been falling off a great deal. I honestly couldn't tell you if i've been trying to do better.
Hi ladies, checking in, still regular as usual. Worked out that these vits are costing $$$ - I gotta trim it down a little!

Thinking about starting a new daily regi in September:

Biotin 5mg x2
MSM 1500mg x2
Silica 700mg x2

Multi Vit x1
Fish Oil x1

Hopefully I'll be able to order jumbo packs that can last 3 months at a time.
I've been doing this since the last week or so in July. I'm using Nutrilite Hair, Skin, nails and also fish oil, also msm although I haven't had msm the past few days because it's nasty to drink...Can I join too?