6 months Vitamin challenge (May-October 2012)

Haven't been checking in or being consistent but I've taken care of some personal matters and I'm ready to get growing again.
Checking in! Tomorrow I will be done with my 2nd bottle of vitamins. I only missed one day last month..staying pretty consistent with taking them everyday.
You can join any time!!! there's no specific vitamin brand that you have to take. Just specify what you're planning on taking!!! Happy hair growing!!!

Thanks Hola ^^^ I think this MAY be my first challenge if I can start without pics. I will post some when I get out of this sew in.
I've been doing pretty good for the past couple of weeks. I finished all of my gummy vits so now I'm left with these horse pill vitamins that I'm determined not to waste.
I'm in. I'm taking Futurbiotics Hair Skin and Nails Vits. This is my second week on them. I am EL (TWA).
So update I stopped taking them for a bit but I just went and bought some vitamins they should last 120 days I bought two bottles of everything. My latest length check is in my sig I think it's from early or mid june.

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Checking in, hope everyone's still poppin'.

Forgot to post the last few days but I am still taking all my vits every day and have added Bamboo Silica 700mg 2x per day to my daily regi.
Maxi hair is finished ... did 1 month consistently
I have a few random loose supplements that I'll be finishing off for the rest of the month

biotin, MSM, evening primrose, horsetail, Omega 3 maybe flaxseed oil, garlic (i had portioned them out into my pill organizer a couple months ago and cant quite remember exactly what I put in there) :lachen:

after I finish those, I'll be starting 2 months of my staple hair vit cocktail
evening primrose oil
Omega 3
I haven't been In here In a minute. Actually i've fallen off for almost a week And a half or more. But now i'm refocused since i've seen this thread.