6 months Vitamin challenge (May-October 2012)

Joining this challenge. I have been religiously taking my vitamins. Gained 1 inch in a month. Hope that happens again!

Natures Bounty Hair Skin & Nails
*Bamboo Extract
*SuperSilica Plus!
Omega 3, 6, & 9 (Sam's Brand)
MegaRed Krill Oil
Just started taking Viviscal again after a 2 year hiatus.

*Once I started taking these silica supplements, I feel like my hair really started to grow faster :)

So the bulk of what I'm taking is fish and silica extracts.
Joining this challenge. I have been religiously taking my vitamins. Gained 1 inch in a month. Hope that happens again!

Natures Bounty Hair Skin & Nails
*Bamboo Extract
*SuperSilica Plus!
Omega 3, 6, & 9 (Sam's Brand)
MegaRed Krill Oil
Just started taking Viviscal again after a 2 year hiatus.

*Once I started taking these silica supplements, I feel like my hair really started to grow faster :)

So the bulk of what I'm taking is fish and silica extracts.

Go girl!!!!! You're like me - I took some MEGA vits April - June and got 3" total, and I know it was the vits cos I never took them before and only got half that amount in the same time period, and now I'm sort of scared/curious whether that might have been a freak thing and I won't get that kind of growth again these next two months so I've started to double up what I'm taking to be on the safe side :lol:

Just went out this morning and bought some Spirulina and Horsetail, so now my daily vitamin regi is:

1500mg Spirulina
1000mg Horsetail
3000mg MSM
10,000mg Biotin :yep:
1000mg Omega 3
1000mg Cod Liver Oil

Checking in, running low on Biotin and MSM so having to halve my daily rations till my order arrives next week :sad:

I'm believing more and more vitamins are the way to go... currently looking into vits for blood circulation and hoping to produce a "near-as-damnit" vit regi that will guarantee me a minimum amount of growth each month, whatever else happens!
APrayer4Hair - whatchoo waitin' for, there's no time like the present, lol!

BBritdenise - How about double your monthly growth rate for some motivation? Come on, jump on board!!!

Checking in - my Biotin arrived from the UK yesterday, I'm deathly afraid of running out again so I'm going to take 2x 10mg/day for 4 days until Monday to boost my system back up, then I'll be on 10mg one day, 20mg the next day, from Monday on.
APrayer4Hair - I just got up from my desk and cleaned my kitchen floor before sitting back down to eat my lunch. You and I are gonna get along fine!!!!!

I'll be d*mned if I'm gonna let my OCD get in the way of my hair, nuh-uh!!! Start today - give the vits a chance to get into your system so come Monday you'll be ahead of the game! Let me know if you ever want to chat x