6 months Vitamin challenge (May-October 2012)

I am in!

I get great growth when I stick to my vitamin and growth aide regimen.

I'll be taking Beauty-Vites, Spirulina, ALA and possibly fish oil. Thinking about also adding in some Chlorella. Also will be applying green magic (sulfur cream) to my scalp daily.

Most recent length check in my siggie. Good Luck Ladies :)
i was good in the last challenge until the last month lol

currently the back of my hair is fully sl, but i have an immediate goal to all of my hair to be healthy and at sl then proceed on to a full healthy apl. i am not sure how long that will take, so no set deadlines for me.

i'm taking hairfinity, iron, vit c, msm, and calcium, i may switch to nioxin once the hairfinity is done.

I am in sengaleese (sp) twists right now, will post pics once these are down.

GL to you all
Fell off a little already but I'm back on track. I got a little discouraged because I was experiencing major breakage so I got a major trim ( 1.5 in.) on Thursday and I'm going hard again!

Keep up the good work ladies!!
Checking in for thé week. I'll have to stop for 10 days bécasse à cat attacked me and bruised both my arms so i have to take antibiotics for awhile until i can move my hands properly...damn Cat
Saving my spot. Last length check was two months ago on 10th April (current avatar pic). Next check is in 9 days time, so I will post my latest length check pic as my starting pic for this challenge.

Taking the following daily:

10mg Biotin
3mg MSM

I take these faithfully every day.
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I've been doing well considerably. I just ran out of my vitamins yesterday so I have to restock tomorrow.
Cut my hairfinity down to once per day bc it seems to be making my face break out. Hoping to still see good results. :fingers crossed:
APrayer4Hair said:
Cut my hairfinity down to once per day bc it seems to be making my face break out. Hoping to still see good results. :fingers crossed:

I took hairfinity for about 6 months last year. It made my face break out as well. I got really good results though. I could not handle the break outs though. I am not sure what was in those pills that caused it.... I thought it was biotin but when I switched brands the breakouts stopped....
Is it OK to join this challenge if you werent in the one before? Does it have to be hair specific vits? I need to be held accountable to taking my vits! Would love to join if OK. :)
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Thanks for updating this challenge.

Im rotating maxi hair vits, vit cocktail (MSM, biotin, evening primrose, omega 3) and hair trigger

have got good results from all 3
I was thinking of taking myself out of this challenge and go off Hairfinity temporarily because my hair was growing faster than I could keep up with. Then my stylist clipped my ends.:ohwell: So I'm still in and no slacking. Im ready to finally reach BSL!!:grin:
gforceroy said:
I took hairfinity for about 6 months last year. It made my face break out as well. I got really good results though. I could not handle the break outs though. I am not sure what was in those pills that caused it.... I thought it was biotin but when I switched brands the breakouts stopped....

Thanks for responding. If u don't mind can u tell me what brand u switched to? I still have an unopened bottle of hairfinity to finish Ugh lol
Is it OK to join this challenge if you werent in the one before? Does it have to be hair specific vits? I need to be held accountable to taking my vits! Would love to join if OK. :)

You can join any time!!! there's no specific vitamin brand that you have to take. Just specify what you're planning on taking!!! Happy hair growing!!!
APrayer4Hair said:
Thanks for responding. If u don't mind can u tell me what brand u switched to? I still have an unopened bottle of hairfinity to finish Ugh lol

You are welcome :) Now I am taking GNC ultra nourish hair vitamins.