6 Month Vitamin Challenge (Nov-April)

Hello ladies!,
I have been taking the Alive ( fruit&veggie ) vits and it has been a month. I feel healthy and my hair, skin, and nails are reaping the benefits:yep:

Healthy Hair& Bodies for 2012!!
Checking in, I've been taking my Nioxin all willy-nilly b/c I can't remember to take them 2x/day lol. I still remember to take them at night- so now I'm stilltrying to decided if I'll try again with 2x/day or stick to multi in the morn and Nioxin at nite. The latter is easier for me to remeber since I did it for longer.
So... I am new to this vitamin taking thing... I am taking L cysteine, Vitamine C and Nioxin... I can already tell my nails are stronger ( started a week ago with the L cysteine and the Vitamine C) but I cannot tell anything for my hair since it have had it braided since starting of january...
so a question for you ladies... If your nails are reacting well to the vitamins, does that mean your hair will react positively too to the same vitamins? does it take long to notice the hair results versus the nails ones?
So... I am new to this vitamin taking thing... I am taking L cysteine, Vitamine C and Nioxin... I can already tell my nails are stronger ( started a week ago with the L cysteine and the Vitamine C) but I cannot tell anything for my hair since it have had it braided since starting of january...
so a question for you ladies... If your nails are reacting well to the vitamins, does that mean your hair will react positively too to the same vitamins? does it take long to notice the hair results versus the nails ones?

I always thought that it was a good sign when your nails are growing stronger, and whiter. It may take a while to see the same results with your hair though. I did some research on LHCF last year to see other ppl results. Some didn't notice results until 3 months later, and others didn't really notice a difference until 6 months or more. I've been taking vitamins since September of last year I can tell the vitamins have been working because I'm not tired at the end of the day, dragging my feet - I still have energy, my nails are hard as rocks and my hair seems to be growing in thicker and stronger. I can't really tell if it has grown faster though I think I will be able to tell once I compare pictures from September to my length check I'm doing in April.

S/N Checking in for today
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vitamin c
omega 3
together and it made me completely sick. i had a headache and felt really foggy. i don't know if it was the combination or a specific vitamin. just thought i'd let yall know incase anyone else takes these vitamins.
I personally think i am doing a good job taking my vitamins even though i missed three days altogether. I can say it was consciously. I missed placed them for two days straight then yesterday i have breakfast at mcdonalds when i realized i didn't have them.

Since mine only come In a bottle Of 60, i bought two bottles yesterday so i don't run out to soon. The cashier asked me if they are any good and i told her yes because my Nails are long and strong, after showing her my hands.

I can't say much about my hair because i don't fuss with it these days. Are you ladies experiencing any differences since taking your vitamins? If so, what?
I haven't been taking anything over the past two weeks because I've been sick. I'm on some meds for seasonal allergy-related respiratory infections and I just don't know how my supplements will interact with my meds. Hoping to get back on track next week. Somebody pray for me.