5-10 Minutes a day! Who Wants to Join Me (growth aides)?

Thanx....I may go for six months and evaluate my progress then!! I need all the help I can get :)!

I am saying one month to be safe for ME. If I go longer than that I will be overwhelmed.:lol:

Feel free to go as long as you like.
Yeah this is permanent for me but I have a question ladies. How many of you find it easier to take your vitamins at night?

I could NEVER take them in the morning. I would gag or get sick at the office because I dont eat much breakfast food so all of thos pills were sitting on an empty tummy.

Ive been taking my vitamins at night since June and my hair and BODY are thanking me for it.

MizaniMami said:
I am saying one month to be safe for ME. If I go longer than that I will be overwhelmed.:lol:

Feel free to go as long as you like.
rootdeep said:
Yeah this is permanent for me but I have a question ladies. How many of you find it easier to take your vitamins at night?

I could NEVER take them in the morning. I would gag or get sick at the office because I dont eat much breakfast food so all of thos pills were sitting on an empty tummy.

Ive been taking my vitamins at night since June and my hair and BODY are thanking me for it.

I do! But for me, I added more vitamins so it has been been a hassle. I just can't chug down 5-6 vitamins in one sitting anymore.

Plus the MSM give me dreams (which are nightmares because of my constant worrying) and extra energy. I find myself wasking up in the middle of the night.

But I like taking them at night because whatever side effects I may have, they always happen overnight (I guess).
rootdeep said:
Yeah this is permanent for me but I have a question ladies. How many of you find it easier to take your vitamins at night?

I could NEVER take them in the morning. I would gag or get sick at the office because I dont eat much breakfast food so all of thos pills were sitting on an empty tummy.

Ive been taking my vitamins at night since June and my hair and BODY are thanking me for it.
I take mine at night now too. Almost all of my vitamins are capsules that can be broken open. So I've been making a tea of crystal light, acai, MSM, and silica (some times). I sip it during my scalp massage. That's helping to make it part of my going-to-sleep routine. So far so good.
I told ya'll I was gonna bump! How is it going ladies?

I cheated,:crazy: last night I did moisturize and baggy but I did not take my vitamins. I was moving out ya'll lol.

But I am back on it. Don't fall in MizaniMami's footsteps.:wasntme:
I have to get in this challenge. I have to stop the procrastination. I am trying to work out my product and vitamin regimine now, but I will be doing it consistently each evening.

I will also be adding B&B Supergro consistently to my nightly regimine. I think I've seen good results from this old stand-by recently.
I take mine at night. I have no problems at all.

rootdeep said:
Yeah this is permanent for me but I have a question ladies. How many of you find it easier to take your vitamins at night?

I could NEVER take them in the morning. I would gag or get sick at the office because I dont eat much breakfast food so all of thos pills were sitting on an empty tummy.

Ive been taking my vitamins at night since June and my hair and BODY are thanking me for it.
Been doing great until I slacked last night and forgot to take my vits:p :spank: off to take my vits tonight and finish packing for my trip.Moisturized already, and got my bonnet on:D
Okay, I am in on this at least until Christmas, I actually started last month with being consistent.

I am taking: Horsetail, Biotin, Iron, MSM, Evening Primrose and A Multi and on top of that I am doing the MTG and Surge everyday. My husband told me if I didn't have a major growth spurt by Christmas he was cutting me and my hair obsession off for good. He just talking, he's been saying this for the last four years, but I haven't been as obsessed about length and health as I have been since April of this year.

If I grow 3" by Christmas we're taking an update family portrait for Christmas, so wish me luck!!! It's been three years since the last family portrait.
Im in. I will baggie and apply a scarf to my hair every night. I will also incorporate massages 2-3 x a`week. I wanna see where I end up in Dec.
How is it going ladies???

It's going good for me. My vitamins are kicking in and my hair is growing like CRAZY! Boy, am I glad I got back into the kick of things.
MizaniMami said:
How is it going ladies???

It's going good for me. My vitamins are kicking in and my hair is growing like CRAZY! Boy, am I glad I got back into the kick of things.

Same here...went in for a relaxer today and my beautician was like :eek:!
She couldn't believe how healthy my hair was, and I had so much new growth it was amazing! For the first time in the history of my hair, she had to use TWO jars of relaxer on my head!

All this stuff is really working! I already took all my pills today...:grin:
MizaniMami said:
How is it going ladies???

It's going good for me. My vitamins are kicking in and my hair is growing like CRAZY! Boy, am I glad I got back into the kick of things.

Its going great! Horsetail pills mixed with those Futurebiotics Hair, Skin and Nails is working WONDERS on my head. I have to get it washed again today to soften up this new growth. Your fingertip will get LOST in my head. :lachen:
I want to join this Growth Aid Challenge--- Because my hair has grown sooo much and thrived I started slacking off on simple things so from now on every night I will......

Tie up hair entirely with satin or silk scarf
Moisturize hair and ends daily (Will start using ALTERNA Caviar Rapid Repair on my ends---continue NTM Silk Touch Leave-in Cream as a moisturizer sealed with AVEDA Finishing Gloss w/rice bran oil)
Go back to having my all things hair day and let nothing get in the way---Once a week the full 9 yards---Pre-Shampoo Treatment, Shampoo, Deep Condition under hooded dryer, and style)
I've been a bad girl. I'm still surging 2x/day and doing my massages (wouldn't miss 'em), but the dang vitamins! They're sitting on the table staring at me now. :mad:
I have been doing great since adding a liquid multi vit to my regimen when I have busy days and cant get down those pills.
Consistentcy has been the key and my new growth is crazy.
I've been very consistent with my vitamins. I haven't missed a day! :yay: I can tell my hair is growing because how often I have to pluck and shave now :eek: LOL

Hope everyone is still doing great!
I'm doing real good too! I actually used heat on saturday just to see how my hair looks, I see major progress. The front is by my collarbone and the back is touching my back!! In March my hair was just below my nape area. I have got to get better with my scalp massages and I can not keep my scarf on all night!! I need to invest in a satin pillow case for backup. HHG ladies!!:lol:
Catina72 said:
I'm doing real good too! I actually used heat on saturday just to see how my hair looks, I see major progress. The front is by my collarbone and the back is touching my back!! In March my hair was just below my nape area. I have got to get better with my scalp massages and I can not keep my scarf on all night!! I need to invest in a satin pillow case for backup. HHG ladies!!:lol:


I'm not doing well at all. I'm great about doing my scalp massages and surge, but the vitamins are still hit or miss. :( Will try harder.
sareca said:

I'm not doing well at all. I'm great about doing my scalp massages and surge, but the vitamins are still hit or miss. :( Will try harder.

Try taking your vitamins when you first wake up, when you brush your teeth, or with the first glass of water. Make it routine and it should help! Is there any other pill you take daily ( like birth control..) take your supplements with that pill to help. You can do it!!:lol:
Bumpity Bump Bump....

How is everyone doing?!

I'm still taking my Horsetail, Futurebiotics Hair Vitamins and now I can add my Biotin to the mix. :)
rootdeep said:
Bumpity Bump Bump....

How is everyone doing?!

I'm still taking my Horsetail, Futurebiotics Hair Vitamins and now I can add my Biotin to the mix. :)

I wish you wouda bumped this a week ago. I was doing SOOO good. Now I am slacking:perplexed .
I'm hanging in!! I am still on top of my vitamins and supplements, moisturizing twice daily too. I can tell I've got some major growth and I am 10 weeks post-the longest I've made it thus far. Shooting for 12 now....HHG!!
MizaniMami said:
Today, I got my new vitamins (MSM powder and Horsetail that I will be taking in addition to biotin, b150, and a multi). For a while I was making the tired excuse 'I don't have time to do all of this everyday." I am not getting the results I need because I am not consistent. And I have realized this. I need to really get on it, if I plan to get where I wanna be.

But now I am tired of all the excuses. I have a goal and I am darn sure I will make this goal. IMO it only takes 5-10 minutes a day. These little minutes can be the thing that gets us from growth point A to point B.

Not really a challenge but a oath. Just for one month (go longer if I can, but I am starting off small) , I MizaniMami promise to do everything that I need to do, and to devote 5-10 minutes EVERY night to my hair to get everything I want done (it make be more or less for some folks). No matter how tired I am. This oath to do (all or some) of the following.

1.) Take all of your vitamins EVERYDAY.
2.) Apply all of your growth aides every night/morning.
3.) Baggie and/or moisturize everyday!
4.) Do scalp massages everyday.
6.) Apply protection for the hair when sleeping

It only takes 5-10 minutes. You can do it will the kiddies/so/siblings are asleep if you have to.

Who better else to do this with but you ladies? Anyone wanna come along. We can nagg each other every chance that we get. Here Here!

I'm in! I promise to be consistent and to improve my habits.

:) I've been good about my vitamins for the last couple of years. But I do want to add a few things I've learned about on this forum.

:) I've become consistent with moisterizing my hair, particularly the ends, and wearing my silk scarf or bonnet to bed every night.

:spinning: I've reduced heat styling from 7 to 2 days a week! :eek: So, I have a long way to go but I've come pretty far in several weeks and my hair is showing the results! And when I do use heat, I'm reducing the heat and using ceramic curling iron and or ionic hooded or blowdryers plus applying protecting pre-styling moisturizers.

:) I am wearing more protective styles throughout the week.

:) I wash my hair twice a week alternating between pre-poos and deep conditionings and between protein treatments and moisturizing.