I'm no longer gonna spend a DIME on growth aides?

Alot of people expect to see instant results...it's not gonna happen that way.

It takes AT LEAST a month before you may notice anything different about your hair's lenght...and even then, it's probably due to you retaining more, less breakage, etc, not necesaarily off the charts growth.

Ditto. I didn't think that LR was working until one day I straightened my hair and it was nape length. Same for BT. Three days after I bought MT I say growth (no lie). Right now I've been lazy with my MT. Also the women who are getting excessive growth use that stuff like water. I would religious grease my scalp with LR, twice or three times a day. The weather was also very damp so I had NO breakage. With MT, I've been really lazy and it doesn't always get on my scalp.
[/b] Exactly the reason why I bought the growth aide and started using it!:rolleyes::lachen:
I think if there was a pill to make our hair grow faster, we would take it. I know I would. I may have had the wrong misconceptions about growth aides. Again, I am by no means trying to discourage ladies from using it. But look at the threads. Since I have been here, we had just got off the MTG bandwagon, and everyone started using BT. The no more posts about BT, now everyone is on MT/OV. I know everything is not for everyone, which is why I can see why people change products. However, I will continue to use it, and see what happens. But, I still will stick to my guns and say NO MORE purchase of new growth aides.:look:

:lachen: Save the money for the baby! :yep:
Just my own opinion here, if its not working for you dont have to use it.
I have used them in the past and i dont think i get much growth with them plus its time consuming. I dont use anything specific on my scalp at all except may be when pre pooing. And I have been getting 6-7in growth a year, although retaining that much is the issue particularly when I was relaxing.
I do not suffer from dry scalp or anything like that eithe, my scalp pretty much takes care of its self as long as its clean no issues.
[/b] Exactly the reason why I bought the growth aide and started using it!:rolleyes::lachen:
I think if there was a pill to make our hair grow faster, we would take it. I know I would. I may have had the wrong misconceptions about growth aides. Again, I am by no means trying to discourage ladies from using it. But look at the threads. Since I have been here, we had just got off the MTG bandwagon, and everyone started using BT. The no more posts about BT, now everyone is on MT/OV. I know everything is not for everyone, which is why I can see why people change products. However, I will continue to use it, and see what happens. But, I still will stick to my guns and say NO MORE purchase of new growth aides.:look:

I really don't think that the movement from one thing to the other means that the old stuff was just - pointless. I think that anytime something new shows up on the board, there is a huge surge of interest and awareness, and then as more people start using it (and getting their question answered) that first huge rush of interest slowly fades away, and what is left is a core of people who used it, have gotten good results, are still using it, but aren't necessarily posting pics/threads/raves over it. I mean, look at how slow the Henna thread is - and I know there are STILL plenty of women using henna.

And, I'm not sure if those who have found the growth aid that works for them, move on to the new ones - :giggle: we are all PJ's at heart, I think, looking for the 'perfect' thing that suits our regimen.....
Yes, people do use it to speed up growth, but the reality is that no growth aide can speed growth, though they claim it.

A growth aide helps you retain your hair. Retaining eventually will appear as more growth, faster. Get it?

I think a lot of people are in the dark about this. When people say use Surge, BT, MN, MT/OCT, then most assume you get faster growth. If you did a poll today, I'll bet a good percentage think growth aide means faster growth. That's why you have a lot of people who are disappointed and let down. And yeah, people are inpatient. That's why they jump from bandwagon to bandwagon. It's just the nature of the board. The emphasis is on long hair. We are a microwave generation so we want that long hair quick, fast, and in a hurry.

I personally haven't used any growth aides because like some other poster said there have been too many bandwagons (about 4 since I been here in 1 year) and not too many consistent results. I'm just looking for that miracle moisturizer. Any suggestions?

But I think it would be great for more members to do more research about these things because some people do get head over heals. I like the way January has broken it down in this thread.
I'm about to jump on this with you. I've tried Surge, Sulu Max Gro, and EOs. None gave me noticeable growth improvement. I'm about to start week 4 of MT, and I haven't had the SUPER growth that I've seen many have. My hair seems to be growing its usual rate.

So, I'll give MT a full 2 months before I throw in the towel on growth aides together. Besides, length retention is where it's at. :grinwink:

So true...and a clean scalp!
If growth aides are to improve the condition of your hair it seems as if just conditioning regularly would do the same thing. Also most are applying MT to their scalps not hair. So how is this helping the condition of your hair and aiding in retention of hair. Does MT improve the scalp in some way? From the ingredients it does not seem that there is anything for hair follicles to improve.
If growth aides are to improve the condition of your hair it seems as if just conditioning regularly would do the same thing. Also most are applying MT to their scalps not hair. So how is this helping the condition of your hair and aiding in retention of hair. Does MT improve the scalp in some way? From the ingredients it does not seem that there is anything for hair follicles to improve.

No, not necessarily. It depends on the ingredients of the conditioner you are using. It depends on what your hair needs and when. It depends on how you handle your hair. It depends on your health and the list goes on.

Actually, a conditioner could be claimed as a growth aide; it depends on the claims of the manufacturer of the product and the market they are appealing to.

The "growth aide" I use has high protein. Protein can be good or bad depending on the needs of the hair and how I use it. Generally protein is needed for relaxed heads more than naturals.
I think a lot of people are in the dark about this. When people say use Surge, BT, MN, MT/OCT, then most assume you get faster growth. If you did a poll today, I'll bet a good percentage think growth aide means faster growth. That's why you have a lot of people who are disappointed and let down. And yeah, people are inpatient. That's why they jump from bandwagon to bandwagon. It's just the nature of the board. The emphasis is on long hair. We are a microwave generation so we want that long hair quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Take a look at most featured members of the month. You'll notice the same thing over and over...good diet, consistant hair regimen, and techniques that promote growth/length retention. Focus on that, while exercising a little patience and you'll be at your desired length in no time.

I agree...when I first came to the board...I jumped on a few bandwagons but soon figured out what works for some does not work for others. In time, you will find what works for you...be it growth aides or no growth aides.
If growth aides are to improve the condition of your hair it seems as if just conditioning regularly would do the same thing. Also most are applying MT to their scalps not hair. So how is this helping the condition of your hair and aiding in retention of hair. Does MT improve the scalp in some way? From the ingredients it does not seem that there is anything for hair follicles to improve.

Growth aids improve the growing conditions in your scalp. Increases blood flow to the scalp, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal ingredients can help your hair follicules grow hair more effectively.
From my experience with MT, the protein helps condition my hair and the product stimulates my scalp. One of the ingredients in MT is mucopolysaccharides which helps stimulate the scalp. Yes, we do apply it to our scalps but as we wash, the residue remaining runs down the whole hair shaft. I also notice my newgrowth coming in thicker and darker when I use it consistently.
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Perhaps she saw those pictures of women growing hair faster within weeks and she expected the same.
My advice is to make sure you are eating correctly and doing those scalp massages.
And of course patience, I don' t have patience that is why I don't take growth aids, I would expect WAY too much especially if the product was expensive.
I started using growth aids in june of 2007. MTG, MN, and now MT. All of them have worked for me. I used MN for 7 months and my hair grew 5 inches. I believe that's because I applied oil to my scalp everyday for growth my hair grew faster. I have always had good growth and was able to maintain length. The problem for me was taking care of it. Now that I am taking better care of my hair I see a huge difference. I didn't notice that much of a difference the fisrt two months either, but continued use showed me different. Be patient:yep:. No matter what your regi is you have to give it time.
I think a lot of people are in the dark about this. When people say use Surge, BT, MN, MT/OCT, then most assume you get faster growth. If you did a poll today, I'll bet a good percentage think growth aide means faster growth. That's why you have a lot of people who are disappointed and let down. And yeah, people are inpatient. That's why they jump from bandwagon to bandwagon. It's just the nature of the board. The emphasis is on long hair. We are a microwave generation so we want that long hair quick, fast, and in a hurry. quote]

A few ladies have been saying this but I completely have to disagree. While it may be true that many bss "growth aides" (i.e. "do gro") are really nothing more than conditioners in disguise, that's certainly not true of them all. Of the all of the aides I've used since being on this board, MT is the only one I've stuck with for longer than a week. Why? Because the results got my attention within that short period of time. Now at 4 weeks post/3weeks and 3 days since I started MT, I have roughly an inch of NG in most areas of my head. That's not just "retention" or smooth cuticles that's double the rate of my normal growth...though I am very pleased with the retention aspect as well. :yep:

Soooooo, with all of that said, it is reasonable and logical for people to expect growth aides to, well, help with *growth* :look:
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You know, I'd only used MN before going to Moe Gro but I decided that I would stick to the Moe Gro from here on out and not use anymore aids.

Although I got an inch the first month I used MN, I didn't like the fact that my hair had such an oily feel and look to it. Basically, MN only gave me more growth but did nothing to really improve my hair.

Moe Gro on the other hand...as soon as I used it, the next day I noticed an improvement in the softness of my hair and less of an oily residue. I kinda don't even consider it a growth aid anymore.

I agree with the idea being that we expect to see fast results from growth aids, even if it is true or not. Lol.

(Anything called "Wild Growth Oil" should give you wild growth IMO...the name implies "crazy" or "unsual" growth)
I think a lot of people are in the dark about this. When people say use Surge, BT, MN, MT/OCT, then most assume you get faster growth. If you did a poll today, I'll bet a good percentage think growth aide means faster growth. That's why you have a lot of people who are disappointed and let down. And yeah, people are inpatient. That's why they jump from bandwagon to bandwagon. It's just the nature of the board. The emphasis is on long hair. We are a microwave generation so we want that long hair quick, fast, and in a hurry.

I personally haven't used any growth aides because like some other poster said there have been too many bandwagons (about 4 since I been here in 1 year) and not too many consistent results. I'm just looking for that miracle moisturizer. Any suggestions?

But I think it would be great for more members to do more research about these things because some people do get head over heals. I like the way January has broken it down in this thread.

Well said. :grin:
I have tried most of the products mentioned... and MT has made a difference in the strength of my hair, since starting in April after massive relaxer breakage in January. The hair that have grown since MT is thicker, stronger,smoother and healthy. The non MT hair is fragile weak and frizzy, so I will trim off the non-MT gradually (Praying all gone by April 2009) ... SO I will continue to use MT... after all I bought the Gallon Size!!!:lachen::lachen:
I've been using OCT going on 6 weeks and I have not noticed any extraordinary growth. My hair feels about the same as far as smoothness goes, however (I think) I'm getting less shedding, which is strange because most people notice shedding when they first start using this product. I feel you OP on not buying anymore growth aids, I tried them all but MTG (and Im kindof thinking about trying it, so I can feel confident in saying I tried them all..LOL) with NO remarkable results, and yes I was consistent!!!

I'm not one for going against directions (I believe they are there for a reason), so I don't mix my OCT with anything and I DC with it the way the bottle says...and Im still patiently awaiting my growth! I will continue to use it for 3 months but if I don't see and or feel a difference in my hair....well then I guess this product was not for me...no loss! I'm happy for the ones that growth aids work for, but everything is not for everyone, and that does not mean that they do not understand how growth aids work or that they have not used it long enough to see results.
Okay I really don't want to bash growth aides or anyone who uses them, but I am going to be honest. I have jumped on the BT and MT bandwagon, and I can say I still have bottles of this stuff left in them. What am I doing wrong? My hair is still growing, but at it's normal rate, no increase or anything. I don't think I will be jumping on anything as far as growth aides are concerned, anymore. Is anyone feeling like this?:ohwell: I do know moisterizing and PS have worked for me, and I will use these aides up, because I spent money on them. But no more money going to them anymore!:nono:

Girl, Keep your money.

I joined this board when folks was swearing on they first borns that Holy Ghost Grease and Surge was go have them at toe length by the same time the next year. But them birds quit singing years ago even though some of 'em are still around but have moved on to the new jack potion of the month.

Maybe it's a function of me just being cynical, but I don't try new products until 6 months to a year of them being raved about on the board. I'm happy to let other folks waste their time and money before I waste mine. And if it turns out that the product is still getting raves or I see good results notated in a fotki then I'll put some dollas on it.

And BTW - I agree with you, if something really is a growth aid you ought to be seeing some kind of inkling of a result outside of normal growth. To hell with 'be patient', the bottle don't say 'be patient', it say 'grow yo ish quick!!':lachen:
Girl, Keep your money.

I joined this board when folks was swearing on they first borns that Holy Ghost Grease and Surge was go have them at toe length by the same time the next year. But them birds quit singing years ago even though some of 'em are still around but have moved on to the new jack potion of the month.

Maybe it's a function of me just being cynical, but I don't try new products until 6 months to a year of them being raved about on the board. I'm happy to let other folks waste their time and money before I waste mine. And if it turns out that the product is still getting raves or I see good results notated in a fotki then I'll put some dollas on it.

And BTW - I agree with you, if something really is a growth aid you ought to be seeing some kind of inkling of a result outside of normal growth. To hell with 'be patient', the bottle don't say 'be patient', it say 'grow yo ish quick!!':lachen:

Funny...but true!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Girl, Keep your money.

I joined this board when folks was swearing on they first borns that Holy Ghost Grease and Surge was go have them at toe length by the same time the next year. But them birds quit singing years ago even though some of 'em are still around but have moved on to the new jack potion of the month.

Maybe it's a function of me just being cynical, but I don't try new products until 6 months to a year of them being raved about on the board. I'm happy to let other folks waste their time and money before I waste mine. And if it turns out that the product is still getting raves or I see good results notated in a fotki then I'll put some dollas on it.

And BTW - I agree with you, if something really is a growth aid you ought to be seeing some kind of inkling of a result outside of normal growth. To hell with 'be patient', the bottle don't say 'be patient', it say 'grow yo ish quick!!':lachen:

:lachen::lachen:I know that's right! That is what I am saying!:lachen:
I wanted to do that as well, wait until all the smoked clear before purchasing any of these things. But no, I got into an emotional spend reading the testimonies, that may even work for these ladies.

By the way, I have used BT for 2 months and MT for 4 weeks! So, it was not liked I used each growth aide for 2 weeks then stopped.
I am pretty sure that some of these things have worked for some of these ladies, but I am only talking about my experience.
I would have more patience not using growth aides than using them, because with using them the expectations are so high. But, I 'll stick with good ol' patience.:look:
Also, even though my avatar says I am pregnant doesn't mean I am. I dropped that load 1 year ago!:lachen:
Soooo, with that in mind, how much you sellin' that bottle of MT for??


How long have u been using MT? I just got a big spurt after a month of use. I was using it every OTHER day on scalp mixed w/ oils...You gotta be patient with some of these things. Some say give it 6 weeks to 90 days to see a true difference.

Like OP said, try using the bottle up. I paid enough for it, I'm using that MT up whether it works even better or not.

Me as well...
The only other growth aid I've used was BT. I'm not a measurer, but I could actually SEE the difference. Maybe you should give the products a little more time.
sorry for your disappointment. I'm kinda impatient myself. This is the reason why I don't jump on any bandwagons
Girl, Keep your money.

I joined this board when folks was swearing on they first borns that Holy Ghost Grease and Surge was go have them at toe length by the same time the next year. But them birds quit singing years ago even though some of 'em are still around but have moved on to the new jack potion of the month.

Maybe it's a function of me just being cynical, but I don't try new products until 6 months to a year of them being raved about on the board. I'm happy to let other folks waste their time and money before I waste mine. And if it turns out that the product is still getting raves or I see good results notated in a fotki then I'll put some dollas on it.

And BTW - I agree with you, if something really is a growth aid you ought to be seeing some kind of inkling of a result outside of normal growth. To hell with 'be patient', the bottle don't say 'be patient', it say 'grow yo ish quick!!':lachen:

word! I think this has changed my vision...
Soooo, with that in mind, how much you sellin' that bottle of MT for??

How long have u been using MT? I just got a big spurt after a month of use. I was using it every OTHER day on scalp mixed w/ oils...You gotta be patient with some of these things. Some say give it 6 weeks to 90 days to see a true difference.

Like OP said, try using the bottle up. I paid enough for it, i'm using that MT up whether it works even better or not.

:yep::yep::yep: and I'll take that BT off ya hands also:grin: Seriously though, how long have you been using BT/MT? It takes some time. BT helped me get to the length I'm at now and I just started experimenting with MT. It took a minute for me to start seeing my hair grow a little faster.
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Hun don't feel bad.
As much as bunning,baggying,no-heat and what not isn't working for everyone growth aides aren't meant for everyone either.
LHCF is a place in which we share knowledge,not a cure for all.
So while it might work for others it doesn't have to work for you,
There are plenty members here that don't use in growth aides and have beautiful hair as well.
Different road,same outcome.
HHG and hopefully you'll find something that works for YOU.
I think a lot of people are in the dark about this. When people say use Surge, BT, MN, MT/OCT, then most assume you get faster growth. If you did a poll today, I'll bet a good percentage think growth aide means faster growth. That's why you have a lot of people who are disappointed and let down. And yeah, people are inpatient. That's why they jump from bandwagon to bandwagon. It's just the nature of the board. The emphasis is on long hair. We are a microwave generation so we want that long hair quick, fast, and in a hurry. quote]

A few ladies have been saying this but I completely have to disagree. While it may be true that many bss "growth aides" (i.e. "do gro") are really nothing more than conditioners in disguise, that's certainly not true of them all. Of the all of the aides I've used since being on this board, MT is the only one I've stuck with for longer than a week. Why? Because the results got my attention within that short period of time. Now at 4 weeks post/3weeks and 3 days since I started MT, I have roughly an inch of NG in most areas of my head. That's not just "retention" or smooth cuticles that's double the rate of my normal growth...though I am very pleased with the retention aspect as well. :yep:

Soooooo, with all of that said, it is reasonable and logical for people to expect growth aides to, well, help with *growth* :look:

Well, shoot. . . what to believe, what to believe. . . See why folks confused.:spinning:
Girl, Keep your money.

I joined this board when folks was swearing on they first borns that Holy Ghost Grease and Surge was go have them at toe length by the same time the next year. But them birds quit singing years ago even though some of 'em are still around but have moved on to the new jack potion of the month.

Maybe it's a function of me just being cynical, but I don't try new products until 6 months to a year of them being raved about on the board. I'm happy to let other folks waste their time and money before I waste mine. And if it turns out that the product is still getting raves or I see good results notated in a fotki then I'll put some dollas on it.

And BTW - I agree with you, if something really is a growth aid you ought to be seeing some kind of inkling of a result outside of normal growth. To hell with 'be patient', the bottle don't say 'be patient', it say 'grow yo ish quick!!':lachen:

:lachen::lachen: I agree with JC, a growth aid is supposed to make your hair grow, or it's worthess to you. OCT worked for me last month b/c I got at least an inch in every area (2 weeks of OCT use) when I used to only get .5 inches per month. I don't have a problem retaining so if a growth aid wasn't producing growth I'd sell it or store it until I sell it. If isn't growing your hair, just use the other good hair practices you've learned and save your $30 or $60 dollars.
I think a lot of people are in the dark about this. When people say use Surge, BT, MN, MT/OCT, then most assume you get faster growth. If you did a poll today, I'll bet a good percentage think growth aide means faster growth. That's why you have a lot of people who are disappointed and let down. And yeah, people are inpatient. That's why they jump from bandwagon to bandwagon. It's just the nature of the board. The emphasis is on long hair. We are a microwave generation so we want that long hair quick, fast, and in a hurry. quote]

A few ladies have been saying this but I completely have to disagree. While it may be true that many bss "growth aides" (i.e. "do gro") are really nothing more than conditioners in disguise, that's certainly not true of them all. Of the all of the aides I've used since being on this board, MT is the only one I've stuck with for longer than a week. Why? Because the results got my attention within that short period of time. Now at 4 weeks post/3weeks and 3 days since I started MT, I have roughly an inch of NG in most areas of my head. That's not just "retention" or smooth cuticles that's double the rate of my normal growth...though I am very pleased with the retention aspect as well. :yep:

Soooooo, with all of that said, it is reasonable and logical for people to expect growth aides to, well, help with *growth* :look:

Ladies, the quote above with my name attached is not my quote. I think LexiB got mine mixed in with someone elses. Just want to clarify! :yep: