I'm no longer gonna spend a DIME on growth aides?

Girl, Keep your money.

I joined this board when folks was swearing on they first borns that Holy Ghost Grease and Surge was go have them at toe length by the same time the next year. But them birds quit singing years ago even though some of 'em are still around but have moved on to the new jack potion of the month.

Maybe it's a function of me just being cynical, but I don't try new products until 6 months to a year of them being raved about on the board. I'm happy to let other folks waste their time and money before I waste mine. And if it turns out that the product is still getting raves or I see good results notated in a fotki then I'll put some dollas on it.

And BTW - I agree with you, if something really is a growth aid you ought to be seeing some kind of inkling of a result outside of normal growth. To hell with 'be patient', the bottle don't say 'be patient', it say 'grow yo ish quick!!':lachen:

I have never used a growth aid since I have been natural.

I figure if I am gentle with my hair, moisturize and seal it daily, and DC regularly I will have steady growth...and I have. :yep:

I would spend money on a great DC or butter way before I would spend a dime on a growth aid, but that's just me. :look:
I agree...when I first came to the board...I jumped on a few bandwagons but soon figured out what works for some does not work for others. In time, you will find what works for you...be it growth aides or no growth aides.

Bandwagons are the devil lol. I avoid them at all costs. When I went natural I was trying everything...including making my own products. Well that got old quickly and I soon stopped. I decided not to do the same when I returned to the relaxer.

This has been a great thread. I've learned some new things.
Growth aids improve the growing conditions in your scalp. Increases blood flow to the scalp, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal ingredients can help your hair follicules grow hair more effectively.
From my experience with MT, the protein helps condition my hair and the product stimulates my scalp. One of the ingredients in MT is mucopolysaccharides which helps stimulate the scalp. Yes, we do apply it to our scalps but as we wash, the residue remaining runs down the whole hair shaft. I also notice my newgrowth coming in thicker and darker when I use it consistently.

Okay, can I just stick in a random question kinda off tangent to the OP? This is just something I've been wondering about. If a growth aid is making your hair grow out thicker, won't that mean that it'll be thicker than your old hair? And will there be a line of demarcation with thick roots and new hair and thinner old hair, almost like you're transitioning? I'm not on a growth aid, or maybe I am since I've started taking biotin by rec from a derm, but/so I've been wondering/worried about this.
This is the problem as to black women can't retain length. High expectations of growth and a misunderstanding like JANUARY said.

And how do you even know if you wouldve gotten the same growth? Did u use a ruler before and a ruler now? What is your basis for comparison? What are you using as a baseline?

I have a picture of my NG at 13 weeks BEFORE using MT and i can take a picture NOW at 13 weeks post and have a comparison. How do you know by sight that your hair isnt growing fast enough?

And why so impatient about waiting two months? You can wait 9 months to have a baby, when the doc gives you medicine, you make sure you follow his orders and wait 7 days or whenever for the medicine to kick in....are you just an impatient person Period or is it just for your hair?

Why are black women so impatient when it comes to their hair?

Did she have any other choice besides to wait 9 months? :lachen: Those 9 months are not easy:lachen:
everything ain't for everyone. but on the upside...littlegoldlamb made this same thread then a few days later retracted the whoooole thing when she pulled out that ruler. maybe there is hope for you yet.

i'll be honest, i bought MT cause i am impatient as heck, but i know for a fact that all the classic LHCF techniques work cause i was doing them with great results before this black and blue bottle came into my life.
I've never jumped on the growth aide bandwagon. I've always believed that if you treated your hair well by protected your ends, less manipulating, less heat, then you're going to get the growth.

i learnt this after dabbling with one growth aid earlier this year. i got accelatered for growth for one month but then it returned to it's normal rate. i realised there is rerally no trick; one just has to practice good hair care and be patient. i'm sure aides are working for some but without doing the above, your hair won't take off anyway.
Okay I really don't want to bash growth aides or anyone who uses them, but I am going to be honest. I have jumped on the BT and MT bandwagon, and I can say I still have bottles of this stuff left in them. What am I doing wrong? My hair is still growing, but at it's normal rate, no increase or anything. I don't think I will be jumping on anything as far as growth aides are concerned, anymore. Is anyone feeling like this?:ohwell: I do know moisterizing and PS have worked for me, and I will use these aides up, because I spent money on them. But no more money going to them anymore!:nono:

sorry to hear that Redliz. i dont use a lot of growth aides but the combo of them that i use always worked for me specially in thickening my hair more and faster growth. i sometimes bypass them because of time but i remember i had great success when i used to use minoval, huil mascriti, mtg, and wild growth hair oil and gueye's oil. i would use mtg and huil mascriti in the morning with some gueye peppermint oil to mask the odor of the mtg, and then evening grease the black one i forgot that name and oils on my scalp to massage. but i would still take my vits as well. i just remembered not being able to keep braids for 2 weeks lol. i m back on the topical so far just the oils wild growth hair oils and grease and vaseline on the ends and bun, check my thickness on the pics ridiculous i m relaxed but i ve never ever had relaxed hair that was thicker than any of my weaves. i think some topicals it depends on the ingredients but if it s protein, sulfur, oils will be beneficial for the hair. that s the only topicals growth aides i tested though i dont know about the rest lol but i hear u i m thru testin and stick to what brings me results for sure
i totally understand what you are saying OP. I had been using MT since march I mean I started using it over a year ago. No change as far as I could see no lasting change anyway. So I started up again in March I wasn't very faithful I would put it in every now and then and after a few months I didn't see much change. I continue to use it every now and then fast forward four months later I get twist I use it consistently I got great growth. For the first four months my hair didn't grow much in my opinion but it was definitely much stronger then it ever was before. Perhaps it was working all along it just took a while for me actually see it. You can continue to use the MT but just use it as a conditioner if that is what your comfortable with. the reason I use growth aids is that my hair grows super slow. I was thinking if I can just get it long enough to wear cute buns I would be okay for the long haul, I dont know if I want to use it to till I get to waist length. probably not. I kind of want to wait it out for my maximum lenght.
The only growth aides that *I* had success with is MTG and currently MT....hmmm :scratchch maybe I should stick with growth aides that start with the letter *M*


Okay, can I just stick in a random question kinda off tangent to the OP? This is just something I've been wondering about. If a growth aid is making your hair grow out thicker, won't that mean that it'll be thicker than your old hair? And will there be a line of demarcation with thick roots and new hair and thinner old hair, almost like you're transitioning? I'm not on a growth aid, or maybe I am since I've started taking biotin by rec from a derm, but/so I've been wondering/worried about this.

If I remember correctly London Diva had comparison pics that showed that the growth aide she was using made her new growth thicker than her ends and she cut them off. She had before and after pics to prove it. :yep: Check her fotki.
everything ain't for everyone. but on the upside...littlegoldlamb made this same thread then a few days later retracted the whoooole thing when she pulled out that ruler. maybe there is hope for you yet.

i'll be honest, i bought MT cause i am impatient as heck, but i know for a fact that all the classic LHCF techniques work cause i was doing them with great results before this black and blue bottle came into my life.
I have got braids in, and it has been 4 weeks and 4 weeks of using MT, I have 1/4" of NG(average for me). Sooo, I am not sure when that umph was suppose to kick in!:look:
Ditto. I didn't think that LR was working until one day I straightened my hair and it was nape length. Same for BT. Three days after I bought MT I say growth (no lie). Right now I've been lazy with my MT.
Also the women who are getting excessive growth use that stuff like water
. I would religious grease my scalp with LR, twice or three times a day. The weather was also very damp so I had NO breakage. With MT, I've been really lazy and it doesn't always get on my scalp.

Not me. I'm still on the same bottle from when I started. I still have enough I think until the end of the year.

Using more is not going to make it grow any faster ya'll. You really only need a small amount to see results.

As I have stated many times before, I started out getting thickness "FIRST" then, the growth kicked in around the middle of the 2nd month. I really didn't see a huge growth spurt until month 3, then I put the pics on the forum so that you all could see what I was seeing....this stuff does work and is amazing.

I have since taken photos the first week in August, and my hair is still growing....stronger than before I was using anything. I'm very pleased to say the least. It always felt like my hair was taking forever to grow, but now....I'm happy.

As I have said before, and I mirror the statement of the others: be patient. Growth aides are an added feature to your hair regi...:yep:

ETA: My growth spurts are Fall and Winter.

I've been getting growth since the Spring...and Summer has been good to me too, all from OCT/MT.
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I understand you I can't say that I have a great succes with Surge , I will finish my last bottle soon but I think that I will try BT after that because my nape is very short and grows slowly than my others areas maybe the results are not the same for every growth aids , I'm not sure that if BT doesn't work I will try another growth aid.
I understand that I have to finish a bottle before I see much growth. However, than why am I taking it? To be honest, I have worn braids, and my hair grows the same rate without it. I could finish the bottle and wait 2 months, but honestly, if I wait two months in braids without growth aides, I would get the same results. Now, I figured the purpose of growth aides would be to gain much growth in a small amount of time.:look: I mean, if I have to wait two months for something to work, than I might as well do without it. Hair grows regardless, and even in two months, it will get a spurt.:ohwell: I know I may get slack for this. And for a long time, I was TEAM growth aides, but I don't think I am a believer anymore!:perplexed

I agree with this. I think growth aides help those of us who do not want to wear braids but want to extend our growth phase and minimize breakage and damage. I don't necessarily see it as a "both/and" but an "either/or". Either you wear braids to help your hair grow or you use a growth aide.

Personally I use MN and it has help tremendously, but only when I do it conjunction with other healthy hair practices. And it took me 6 months to see a lasting and noticeable difference in my hair texture and strength. So yes, it does take time, patience and consistency.
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Okay, can I just stick in a random question kinda off tangent to the OP? This is just something I've been wondering about. If a growth aid is making your hair grow out thicker, won't that mean that it'll be thicker than your old hair? And will there be a line of demarcation with thick roots and new hair and thinner old hair, almost like you're transitioning? I'm not on a growth aid, or maybe I am since I've started taking biotin by rec from a derm, but/so I've been wondering/worried about this.

Yep, sometimes that happens. That is one reason why I still want to trim another inch. My ends are hair that I grew when I wasn't on biotin and there is a difference especially since I am relaxed.