5-10 Minutes a day! Who Wants to Join Me (growth aides)?

MizaniMami said:
Okay so why did I see this?! This looks liek it would feel SOOO good.

I think it would get caught in my 4z newgrowth though:lol:

It would probably get caught in mine if I tried to rake it through like a comb. I move it in small slow circles. Man I love that thing... I think my husband is jealous of it. :look:
Catina72 said:
Ok Sareca, I just ordered a scalp massager off ebay:lol: I gotta check it out!
I can't do manual scalp massages. I get bored after 30 seconds and they don't feel good. I just got done w/ my morning massage and I had to stop myself after 10 minutes. :drool:
gymfreak336 said:
I'm in!!! I needed some motivation

Alright yall. Start getting it together. ;) It is almost night time here in Ohio. I am deep conditioning now, so I will take my vits afterwards.
MizaniMami said:
Today, I got my new vitamins (MSM powder and Horsetail that I will be taking in addition to biotin, b150, and a multi). For a while I was making the tired excuse 'I don't have time to do all of this everyday." I am not getting the results I need because I am not consistent. And I have realized this. I need to really get on it, if I plan to get where I wanna be.

But now I am tired of all the excuses. I have a goal and I am darn sure I will make this goal. IMO it only takes 5-10 minutes a day. These little minutes can be the thing that gets us from growth point A to point B.

Not really a challenge but a oath. Just for one month (go longer if I can, but I am starting off small) , I MizaniMami promise to do everything that I need to do, and to devote 5-10 minutes EVERY night to my hair to get everything I want done (it make be more or less for some folks). No matter how tired I am. This oath to do (all or some) of the following.

1.) Take all of your vitamins EVERYDAY.
2.) Apply all of your growth aides every night/morning.
3.) Baggie and/or moisturize everyday!
4.) Do scalp massages everyday.
6.) Apply protection for the hair when sleeping

It only takes 5-10 minutes. You can do it will the kiddies/so/siblings are asleep if you have to.

Who better else to do this with but you ladies? Anyone wanna come along. We can nagg each other every chance that we get. Here Here!

What growth aids are you going to use
OOOOOOOOOH!! ME ME ME! I'm in! :yay: I'm soooooooo bad about not taking time to moisturize at night. Sometimes I even fall asleep without my satin bonnet even though it only takes like 2 seconds to put it on :spank: So I'm promising to use my Mizani H2O night cream and put my hair up in my bonnet each night or else!!! :violin:

gymfreak336 said:
What growth aids are you going to use

Nothing topically, I'm too lazy, but I am thinking about surge. But as of now I am a vitamin girl. I am taking Biotin, MSM, horsetail, and a b150 complex.
MizaniMami said:
Today, I got my new vitamins (MSM powder and Horsetail that I will be taking in addition to biotin, b150, and a multi). For a while I was making the tired excuse 'I don't have time to do all of this everyday." I am not getting the results I need because I am not consistent. And I have realized this. I need to really get on it, if I plan to get where I wanna be.

But now I am tired of all the excuses. I have a goal and I am darn sure I will make this goal. IMO it only takes 5-10 minutes a day. These little minutes can be the thing that gets us from growth point A to point B.

Not really a challenge but a oath. Just for one month (go longer if I can, but I am starting off small) , I MizaniMami promise to do everything that I need to do, and to devote 5-10 minutes EVERY night to my hair to get everything I want done (it make be more or less for some folks). No matter how tired I am. This oath to do (all or some) of the following.

1.) Take all of your vitamins EVERYDAY.
2.) Apply all of your growth aides every night/morning.
3.) Baggie and/or moisturize everyday!
4.) Do scalp massages everyday.
6.) Apply protection for the hair when sleeping

It only takes 5-10 minutes. You can do it will the kiddies/so/siblings are asleep if you have to.

Who better else to do this with but you ladies? Anyone wanna come along. We can nagg each other every chance that we get. Here Here!

Sign me up!!! If its not to late :look: I have already started massaging my scalp with Betty Hutton Hair pousse Plus, Hairobics and Dr Miracle super strenght scalp treatment. I also use Exilir.
I just finished my massage. :yay: I had to put a scarf over my head to keep it from getting caught in my braids. :ohwell: Unfortunately, I forgot about the vitamins this morning, but the day is not over yet. :)
I'm in I just got a scalp massager and I already moisturize my hair twice a year, but a little lazy on the massaging.
Count me in!!! I've been lazy with the vitamins, but I'll start again.

I'll just designate the 5-10 minutes in the morning to my hair.

I have:
cayenne pepper
jojoba oil
Alter Ego Cren
Neo AF
Capazaian HP
Safflower Oil
Burdock Root Powder

Aww, yeah. I'm going for 1.5 inches in the next month.
I wan to join as well. I will do my part as far as massaging my scalp and pampering my hair, but for the vitamins, I'm not sure. I take medication for high blood pressure and I heard MSM can cause your blood pressure to be elevated, so before I start taking these vitamins I will have to check with my doctor.:)
alright ladies,

start thinking about when you are going to do you hair stuff tonight. I know lot of us has to plan our "alone" time.
Hey Mizanimami:wave: I have already taken my vitamins today and usually do my scalp massages at night while my son takes his shower! I am moisturizing morning and night and wearing my satin scarf to bed. It actually stayed on last night:D HHG!!!
Catina72 said:
Hey Mizanimami:wave: I have already taken my vitamins today and usually do my scalp massages at night while my son takes his shower! I am moisturizing morning and night and wearing my satin scarf to bed. It actually stayed on last night:D HHG!!!

Good for you girl!! You motivated me to take a few of my vitamins so I don't have to chug down a lot tonight. I am about to moisturize too:D .
Here's my small contribution.

Each night I make myself a Sherbert Shake in the blender consistening of:

1 cup Raspberry Sherbert/Sorbet
1/2- 1 1/2 cups milk
1/4-1/2 cup plain yogurt
Blackberries or whatever other frozen fruit I have on hand
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder

I don't really like milk or protein powders, but this is so fruity and creamy that I don't mind sipping it through a straw. It also takes care of my sweet tooth. The amounts of milk and yogurt are adjustable depending on the consistency I prefer.
MizaniMami said:
Today, I got my new vitamins (MSM powder and Horsetail that I will be taking in addition to biotin, b150, and a multi). For a while I was making the tired excuse 'I don't have time to do all of this everyday." I am not getting the results I need because I am not consistent. And I have realized this. I need to really get on it, if I plan to get where I wanna be.

But now I am tired of all the excuses. I have a goal and I am darn sure I will make this goal. IMO it only takes 5-10 minutes a day. These little minutes can be the thing that gets us from growth point A to point B.

Not really a challenge but a oath. Just for one month (go longer if I can, but I am starting off small) , I MizaniMami promise to do everything that I need to do, and to devote 5-10 minutes EVERY night to my hair to get everything I want done (it make be more or less for some folks). No matter how tired I am. This oath to do (all or some) of the following.

1.) Take all of your vitamins EVERYDAY.
2.) Apply all of your growth aides every night/morning.
3.) Baggie and/or moisturize everyday!
4.) Do scalp massages everyday.
6.) Apply protection for the hair when sleeping

It only takes 5-10 minutes. You can do it will the kiddies/so/siblings are asleep if you have to.

Who better else to do this with but you ladies? Anyone wanna come along. We can nagg each other every chance that we get. Here Here!

I want in but I get really lazy when it comes to scalp massages and I do not like to apply MTG to my hair everyday...but other than that I do the baggie method everynite faithly before I go to sleep. I wear my satin scarf every nite and I definitely take my vitamins everynite....but the scalp massages...I will try to do...how long should I do the scalp massages?
tsmith said:
I want in but I get really lazy when it comes to scalp massages and I do not like to apply MTG to my hair everyday...but other than that I do the baggie method everynite faithly before I go to sleep. I wear my satin scarf every nite and I definitely take my vitamins everynite....but the scalp massages...I will try to do...how long should I do the scalp massages?

Oh when I wrote that that doesn't mean that you have to do everything I posted. I was saying just do whatever YOU do as far as growth aids go. I only massage my scalp on wash night. That's it lol. It's vitamins for me that I have problems with.
I'm in:D I've been taking my Nioxin:)notworthy ) vitamins every night and my hair is getting sooooooooo thick now:yay: Next stop,a multi and flaxseed/evening primrose oil:driver:
rootdeep said:
Vitamins check....water check.....baggie check :D

Why I'm talkign I need to go get on it. I haven't touched my head since this morning.:perplexed

BUT my excuse is I am not home yet.