No i don't think that is too much oil because alot of people will moisturize their hair and then seal it with oil, I do the Whole Head Baggy, I think it helps with growth by getting moisture all the way into the Hair shaft and by protecting your ends to help keep them from breaking off.
NappyParadise said:
Hey!!!:) Mine is probably right at 2 inches and the Shea butter/castor oil did not work at all, so I have been using S-Curl spray and it gives great moisture, I just spray a little water and add some, The baggy method is working and after a week I can see a difference in the Thickness and my sides growing in, I just want to keep it basic, I also CW every other day so It is great LOL!!!

Aww! I threw away a full bottle of Scurl the other day as I was suspicious of the contents:confused: .
It did work for me when I was younger to grow it but I saw alchohol in the ingredients and wasnt sure. I may get another one just to use over night though. It has humectants that makes your hair really moist.

I just ordered some Black castor oil although I'll probably just use that to seal the moisture in. How do you get your hair so shiny???:)
How long you been natural?
NappyParadise said:
Hey Autummbeauty29! I found them at A Beauty Supply Store, they were'nt in a package at all you just pick up 4 for $1.00 I was looking for the Regular Plastic caps and I just happen to see them on the bottom shelf LOL!! But I read that some women use Plastic grocery bags LOL!!!

I went on a hair product spree yesterday LOL... I asked the couple at the counter if they knew of them and I was given this strange look but I still looked around the store and I didnt see them so I may try again next week. Actually I tried rolling it back again so it wont bother me that much.
I have been using the S-Curl Texturizing Spray in the Blue and gray bottle the other one works good to, At first It didn't work for me because I wasn't using enough then I used alittle more and it gave me good softness and my hair had sheen to it LOL!!! This is my 3rd time going Natural because I had no patience at the start, I wasn't worried about my Texture I was frustrated because of Styles I wanted my Twa to grow out long within 6 months and we know that wasn't gonna happen LOL!! So I relaxed it and then the next month I cut it off, but Now I have more Patience and I am jus letting it do it's thing, I get great growth and it grows fast but I was just impaitient, I too was thinking about that Black Castor Oil, when you use it Tell me how it works for you. But I love my Natural Hair and Texture, I feel so good about my hair and I Love CW it Daily because my Hair smells so good, Just last night my Husband was saying how good my hair smelled LOL!!!
autumnbeauty29 said:
I went on a hair product spree yesterday LOL... I asked the couple at the counter if they knew of them and I was given this strange look but I still looked around the store and I didnt see them so I may try again next week. Actually I tried rolling it back again so it wont bother me that much.

Next Time when I go I will get some Extra and just mail you some if you don't find it, Have you tried searching online? I am sure you can find some there LOL!!!! I like them they work fine:) I hope you find them, if not give that plastic grocery bag a try, I might do that myself to save money:D
I feel so good about my hair and I Love CW it Daily because my Hair smells so good, Just last night my Husband was saying how good my hair smelled LOL!!!

Ha, my boyfriends always going on about my TWA and hes White lol!. When I ask him what hes been thinking about me at work its often about my fro or me in my pink baggy! Its nice to have a supportive partner.

I dont know what I would call my hair because I straightened it with kiddie relaxer for less than the recommended time. Its sprung back nappy as Ive never straightened it properly. I am in love with it and cant wait for my first scrapped up afro puff:) Enjoying the short style too though because luckily I have the face shape to carry it off for now.

Have you read Hair Story??? I like this transition video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfwFSCVElHM
NAPPY--, I'm going to look again but if I don't find I'll def give you a heads up so you can get me a few and I'll PM you :) thanks

LOVE2-- yes it is nice to have a supportive partner LOL..my bf sat here last night and listened to me go on and on about how bought a bunch of hair products and was really excited to try then and about 10 minutes later he said "you know you have been talking about hair for about 20 min boo":cool: Hey yanno I'm excited to get my hair back healthy --- not to mention a few days ago I put too much moisturizer into my baggying method and it came out looking like a dayum jherri curl:lachen:
Okay, the hair is great, but I am noticing excessive shedding. I am not seeing the little hairs all over the place. Everytime I comb I am seeing the long hairs.
The hair is not damaged, but I cannot seem to stop the shedding. Is anyone else seeing this problem. If so, what did you use to stop the shedding?
okay, I want to do this, but Im not exactly sure how. Can someone explain just what baggying is. I gather that it is moisturizing and then sleeping with a cap on. How is the hair under the cap, and what do you do in the morning? Please pardon my ignorance, as I am very new here and dont know much about any of this stuff.
lucy said:
okay, I want to do this, but Im not exactly sure how. Can someone explain just what baggying is. I gather that it is moisturizing and then sleeping with a cap on. How is the hair under the cap, and what do you do in the morning? Please pardon my ignorance, as I am very new here and dont know much about any of this stuff.

Do you have the search facility on your comp, sometimes it crashes but if you type in questions to search the archives youll probably get a whole thread in there.

LOVE2-- yes it is nice to have a supportive partner LOL..my bf sat here last night and listened to me go on and on about how bought a bunch of hair products and was really excited to try then and about 10 minutes later he said "you know you have been talking about hair for about 20 min boo":cool: Hey yanno I'm excited to get my hair back healthy --- not to mention a few days ago I put too much moisturizer into my baggying method and it came out looking like a dayum jherri curl:lachen:

Ha, they so cute lol! I like it this way because on Black comedy programmes they always take the piss out of Black women who wrap their hair up at night or baggy. My boyfriend is very nice and supportive even though he has no idea what I am going on about:lol:
AllyBam said:
Okay, the hair is great, but I am noticing excessive shedding. I am not seeing the little hairs all over the place. Everytime I comb I am seeing the long hairs.
The hair is not damaged, but I cannot seem to stop the shedding. Is anyone else seeing this problem. If so, what did you use to stop the shedding?

A few of us have posted about have increased breakage and shedding with the overnight full-head baggy method. I stopped doing it. Its not for everyone. If you truly think the shedding is a result of baggying, you should try to cut back and not do it every night and see if you notice a difference or you could baggy in the evening for a few hours and take it off before you go to bed and just sleep with your regular satin scarf. I hope this helps so that you won't have to stop completely.
Cayenne0622 said:
A few of us have posted about have increased breakage and shedding with the overnight full-head baggy method. I stopped doing it. Its not for everyone. If you truly think the shedding is a result of baggying, you should try to cut back and not do it every night and see if you notice a difference or you could baggy in the evening for a few hours and take it off before you go to bed and just sleep with your regular satin scarf. I hope this helps so that you won't have to stop completely.

Thanks! What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander. Your hair looks great! I notice the baggying makes my hair come out badly. How did you get yours looking so nice?
AllyBam said:
Thanks! What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander. Your hair looks great! I notice the baggying makes my hair come out badly. How did you get yours looking so nice?

Awww...thanks Ally. Weekly shampoo, deep conditioning, airdrying and loose bunning every day.
NappyParadise said:
So far so good! This Baggy method is a charm LOL!! Iwent to the BSS And found me some Plastic Caps without the stretchy band and I was so happy because that stretchy band was driving me crazy LOL!! & they were a Little Pricey because they were 4 for $1.00 so you know these will be Re-usable just like the others, I tried the Plastic Grocery Bags but they were to big for my Head and I just couldn't get it right LOL!!!!

But my hair is soft and when I went outside it was just Full of Sheen!!!!

That elastic was driving me crazy too. I'm to cheap to buy the 4 for $1, so I bought the regular ones and altered them. I cut a slit and took out the rubber band, then I took a thin ribbon put a safety pin in the end and run it through the cap where the rubber band had been. I use the ribbon to tie a little bow so that the plastic cap doesn't slip off.
GoldenBreeze said:
That elastic was driving me crazy too. I'm to cheap to buy the 4 for $1, so I bought the regular ones and altered them. I cut a slit and took out the rubber band, then I took a thin ribbon put a safety pin in the end and run it through the cap where the rubber band had been. I use the ribbon to tie a little bow so that the plastic cap doesn't slip off.

Gone Girl:lachen: !!!! You hooked it up!!! I need to try that myself:lol:
UMM no H*LL NO!!! I must have no idea what I am doing because it seems like my hair is a sticky, gummy, gooey a-- mess:wallbash: The last two times I washed my hair (first time reg wash, today clarify) I have had to poo and rinse approximately 3-4 times to get this crap out of my hair! I looked in the mirror today because it seemed like I keep sticking my hands in gunk and I swear there were big clumps cottage cheese in my hair it was the products I used to baggy:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I have no idea if it's the oil moisturizer alone or the oil moisturizer+castor oil used to seal but I am getting frustrated. I have no idea what to do??? Do I need to change products???

On the flip side I am noticing less breakage with my hair;)

This is what I use to baggy..Please someone help me. Do I need to change products???

I cannot go around with all this in my head day in and day out even though I cowash and poo once weekly I cannot last from week to week. I feel like a nasty mess...
autumnbeauty29 said:
UMM no H*LL NO!!! I must have no idea what I am doing because it seems like my hair is a sticky, gummy, gooey a-- mess:wallbash: The last two times I washed my hair (first time reg wash, today clarify) I have had to poo and rinse approximately 3-4 times to get this crap out of my hair! I looked in the mirror today because it seemed like I keep sticking my hands in gunk and I swear there were big clumps cottage cheese in my hair it was the products I used to baggy:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I have no idea if it's the oil moisturizer alone or the oil moisturizer+castor oil used to seal but I am getting frustrated. I have no idea what to do??? Do I need to change products???

On the flip side I am noticing less breakage with my hair;)

This is what I use to baggy..Please someone help me. Do I need to change products???

I cannot go around with all this in my head day in and day out even though I cowash and poo once weekly I cannot last from week to week. I feel like a nasty mess...

If your hair is fine, that moisturizer is a bit heavy, as is the castor oil. Perhaps a lighter moisturizer would work? Either that, or baggy every other day or every two days! Keep us posted.;)
darkempress said:

I have been baggying for the past 2 weeks with braids, so I am definitely in!!;)
Serenity_Peace said:
If your hair is fine, that moisturizer is a bit heavy, as is the castor oil. Perhaps a lighter moisturizer would work? Either that, or baggy every other day or every two days! Keep us posted.;)

Yes my hair is fine..I have to be quite careful with it. Do you think ORS olive oil is a good fit. I have used it before in moderation and liked it, I just thought I would go with something different this time-but I will throw that in the garbage tonight! I also baggy under my weave as to protect my hair from the net.
autumnbeauty29 said:
I looked in the mirror today because it seemed like I keep sticking my hands in gunk and I swear there were big clumps cottage cheese in my hair it was the products I used to baggy:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I have no idea if it's the oil moisturizer alone or the oil moisturizer+castor oil used to seal but I am getting frustrated.

....I was looking at the ORS line and does anyone think one of these is good? One over the other? Thanks for any tips
ORS Hair Lotion
ORS Hair Creme
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autumnbeauty29 said:
....I was looking at the ORS line and does anyone think one of these is good? One over the other? Thanks for any tips
ORS Hair Lotion
ORS Hair Creme

Well, I really love the shea butter moisturizer by Cantu! (oil based) Also like the leave in mixed with a lil castor oil. (water based)

Check 'em out!
First I want to say I starting using the ORS lotion and I love it! It works great with my hair.

I wanted to get a generic 'poll' on those of you who baggy the whole head at night. How do you do this (wrap, braids, twists, etc..)?
I'm baggying with lacio lacio, castor oil on edges,profective heathy ends on my ends with my hair either in a wrap, or in two braids to keep it un-tangled.
autumnbeauty29 said:
First I want to say I starting using the ORS lotion and I love it! It works great with my hair.

I wanted to get a generic 'poll' on those of you who baggy the whole head at night. How do you do this (wrap, braids, twists, etc..)?
