autumnbeauty29 said:
First I want to say I starting using the ORS lotion and I love it! It works great with my hair.

I wanted to get a generic 'poll' on those of you who baggy the whole head at night. How do you do this (wrap, braids, twists, etc..)?

I use S-curl and castor oil on the ends and 2 strand twist. Now tonight I am roller setting my hair after I texlax it, so it will be rolled while I baggy tonight
I had to back out of this challenge :( , I did it a few times, no breakage or anything like that. I just can't commit enough to really truly say I'm a part of it and attribute any difference with my hair to it. Good luck to everyone else though! I'll still be curious to see others results after their 3 month period.
I am dropping out of this challenge too!:perplexed I like the way my hair feels after I baggy but it is too much for my fine strands. After more than twice a week my hair starts looking oily and flat and I start getting more shedding after about the 3rd time baggying between washes.

What I will do is baggy once a week because my head seems to able to tolerate that without any extra shedding.
tarheelgurl said:
I am dropping out of this challenge too!:perplexed I like the way my hair feels after I baggy but it is too much for my fine strands. After more than twice a week my hair starts looking oily and flat and I start getting more shedding after about the 3rd time baggying between washes.

What I will do is baggy once a week because my head seems to able to tolerate that without any extra shedding.

Hate to see you two go:( I backed off some because my hair is fine too and couldn't take everything I was trying to do. I modified the moisturizer, how much I was using and even the number of days I baggyed and I am seeing a difference. If you saw my previous post my hair looked a plum fool at one point. So I just had to find my happy medium. I hope you find what works for you.
Since some females have backed out...Can I join the challenge?:grin: If so, I will baggie my ends for a min 4 days / week. I'm trying to decide which oils to use on my ends (alma, castor or olive) Any suggestions on what oil to use.
I think this Baggy challenge is good for those of us that have thick dry hair and can use the extra Moisture, I know that if I was Relaxed I could do it but I would have to use no extra moistureizer, but being natural and having dry hair it works great for me. I am sorry it didn't work out for the rest of you.
I'm baggying my ends only because after a while the new growth started giving me the finger :lol:

I was lazy and skipped just three days of baggying and my hair paid for it by breaking and getting tangled :( Needless to say I'm back on it lol

Hang in there! Don't be afraid to tweak it! Talk to your hair and listen when it tells you what it doesn't like.
autumnbeauty29 said:
Yes my hair is fine..I have to be quite careful with it. Do you think ORS olive oil is a good fit. I have used it before in moderation and liked it, I just thought I would go with something different this time-but I will throw that in the garbage tonight! I also baggy under my weave as to protect my hair from the net.

ORS is fine as long as it's not too heavy. I use a very light moisturizer, then seal with either Aphogee Fatty Acids or a very light dime size portion of castor oil *only* on the ends. I think the moisturizer is the key. My fine hair hates heavy moisturizers. Keep us posted. :kiss:
So I've been baggying everyday
since I joined this challenge.
I will continue to do so...
BUT the elastic is getting on my nerves.
I was thinking of using
a plastic shopping bag or something.
I like it... its great :lachen:
I've been either doing the whole head baggy or baggying the ends 3-5 days per week with great results! I think the key is to use very little product. If I get heavy handed my hair turns out wet instead of moisturized.
amr501 said:
I've been either doing the whole head baggy or baggying the ends 3-5 days per week with great results! I think the key is to use very little product. If I get heavy handed my hair turns out wet instead of moisturized.

I have to agree. When I first started I couldn't figure out why my hair was soaking wet when I woke up. I started to use very little leave in and a dab of oil - on my ends only - and this has wokred out well!

I'm currently not in the challenge but I'd like to join! :grin:
autumnbeauty29 said:
Hate to see you two go:( I backed off some because my hair is fine too and couldn't take everything I was trying to do. I modified the moisturizer, how much I was using and even the number of days I baggyed and I am seeing a difference. If you saw my previous post my hair looked a plum fool at one point. So I just had to find my happy medium. I hope you find what works for you.

Thanks Autumnbeauty, I hate that it didn't really work out. I am still trying out different moisturizers a month at a time so maybe I will find one that will work with the baggying. Good luck on finding your medium, I hope I can find mine too!
jayjaycurlz said:
I have to agree. When I first started I couldn't figure out why my hair was soaking wet when I woke up. I started to use very little leave in and a dab of oil - on my ends only - and this has wokred out well!

I'm currently not in the challenge but I'd like to join! :grin:

I couldn't agree more I barely use any olive oil and a small amount of oil and my hair is so silky in the morning. I was about to give up one night before I tried this and I jumped back on ship:grin:
I am so loving the Baggy Method! Last night I tried to sleep without it and I just couldn't do it, my head felt "Naked" so I had to put it on LOL!!! I really feel that it is helping me with dryness, plus I sleep with my ceiling fan on. I am using my QB Heavy Cream mixed with S-Curl to make it work better so I can use it up and make room for Ashas products.

And the good thing is that when I wake up I just take my cap off and sprtiz a little water to wake up my hair and my curls are looking good all day long.
I think I am gonna have to drop out of the Baggy Challenge for awhile, because my scalp has become itchy and sore & I have just felt a patch that has broke off, Dammit!!! I really enjoyed doing this, my hair felt so soft and moisturized, But I have to listen to my hair, I will just do my old regular routine and tie it up at night without the baggy. I hope the rest of you ladies have Great Success.
I thought itchy meant growth LOL!! But mine has soreness where it is itching. Thanks Ladies!!
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I so wanted to really nail this challenge & get some eye-popping results like darkempress!:ohwell: But my fine hair is not having it. I keep seeing broken ends everywhere...and that just wont do! It's great for my girls (THICK, MOISTURE-CHALLENGED hair):) I hope you ladies have great success with this....just like darkempress! My 30mn-1hr pre-poo is about all the time my hair will give me in a baggy!:grin: :grin:

I'd like to know how this is working out for more people. I'm not part of the challenge but last night I put a plastic cap on in place of my silk bonnet.. I put peppermint oil mix on my scalp like I normally do and woke up with damp hair!

I had no ieda my head gave off so much heat at night. I didn't ge any breakage as a result- but it got me wondering how everyone else in the challenge is fairing?
I am doing pretty good but I have to back off because my scalp was itching like crazy, but it seems to work good for my dry hair, I also sleep with my ceiling fan on and so the plastic cap helps out alot, my hair has gotten bigger but I won't take anymore photos until I hit my 6 MONTH mark to see how my growth is coming LOL!!! If I take one every month I don't see progress.
So far so good I baggy Sunday night thru Thursday night ...I dont mind the damp hair since I wear my hair up durring the week..one thing for sure I dont need to moisturize durring the week
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HollyGolightly1982 said:
I kinda feel like I have a jheri curl. I can't get use to my bag crumpling.

Me too. I did however start using a scarf every night because before this I NEVER covered my hair at night...so I'm not a complete failure, right:confused: :p