PJ Rehabilitation Center
A Spritz of: Apoghee Green Tea Restructurizer for bedtime
It's been a long time since I've had to buy powders/herbs and I went on Amazon to look for my shikakai powder and found.
Premixed powders and herbs!!
Has anyone used them? Why am I so late to party??
Mama is tired and any way to cut down on steps in my life is greatly appreciated.
BUT, I'm also nervous bc I don't REALLY know what's in these mixes. I think I'mma brave it though bc I need it.
The ingredients look so yummy.
This one is for my hair oil:
Amazon product ASIN B073S46Q15
And then this one would be for my cleanser:
Amazon product ASIN B081Y1FKRQ
kaolin clay + goat's milk powder, triphala, ashwagandha, cassia, and curry leaves
I have the 1st one (the loose herbs). Been using it for about a year mixed with various oils.
I also have Yogi's loose Herbal Ayurvedic Herbs also on Am/A/Zon