2019 Coffee Clay Chebe Onion Rice Tea Ayurv Acv Avj Challenge

Which henna are you using and how do you like it? I used to henna back in the day. Thinking of revisiting bc my grays are outta control.

I bought mine from Amazon in a 500g bag because it seemed the most cost effective. I love it. I used to use Jamila and that left my scalp itching for days after. I've used this one 3 times since March and I didn't get my usual itchies. (sorry for the late response)

MB Herbals Link
Fenugreek spritz + hibiscus oil infusion every other night just in the front of my hair. Babying the sections that thinned out during the hair loss. Still getting tests done to figure out why it was suddenly falling out like that. Thankfully seems to be normalizing now though.

can I get your fenugreek spritz recipe.
I bought some fenugreek seeds and would love to incorporate them.
my first hair oil - hair oil batch#1 - yesterday - smelled like fried rose petal chicken
batch#2 - today - smells wonderfully! - I didn't boil the oil with the herbs this time. Also, I mixed oils and added a bunch of different essential oils that I thought balanced each other in scent
now, its just basically steeping for at least 24 hours idk... i don't have a small enough bottle to filter it into yet.

by the way, i have been oiling my scalp with coconut oil and today, i used the part of this oil that i was trying out. also, i sprayed acv water on my scalp yesterday or the day before since it started to itch. half way to wash day, so i know now to schedule such a rinse in the middle next time
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my first hair oil - hair oil batch#1 - yesterday - smelled like fried rose petal chicken
batch#2 - today - smells wonderfully! - I didn't boil the oil with the herbs this time. Also, I mixed oils and added a bunch of different essential oils that I thought balanced each other in scent
now, its just basically steeping for at least 24 hours idk... i don't have a small enough bottle to filter it into yet.

Someone is going to make a commercial product that smells like this and you'll be kicking yourself for not using yours. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
We'll be seeing it on YouTube lol.. it was sincerely awful. I followed the instructions I was given to boil the oil with the herbs for some time, so other people must be walking around smelling like rose chicken. It supposedly works best made that way, so I tried to stick close to the instructions but ... not that close

Did you use the double boiler method or did you actually boil the oils? The first method is the better way to heat up the oils without compromising their nutrients or burning them.
Did you use the double boiler method or did you actually boil the oils? The first method is the better way to heat up the oils without compromising their nutrients or burning them.

Omg! Of course my bright self just actually tried to fry the herbs in the oil with direct heat. I didn't use a double boiler! Ooh my goodness! Thank you for telling me! I should probably do another one right? I didn't keep it in the heat for too long this time but I'm sure it will be better with a double boiler. Oh goodness! I'm so happy I started early

After initial freakout: I'll try to use this one up since it smells ok. It smells like syrup actually. However, I'll definitely use the double boiling method next time.
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trying to make an herbal leave in spray - basically an acv and aloe vera juice blend with other herbs that I took from a list of ingredients to a sold out natty naturals conditioner I wanted. I have a separate shea butter and oil mix, so I didn't use the oils or butters in my leave in spray.. except for the essential oils. plus i can add my own essential oil mix
trying to make an herbal leave in spray - basically an acv and aloe vera juice blend with other herbs that I took from a list of ingredients to a sold out natty naturals conditioner I wanted. I have a separate shea butter and oil mix, so I didn't use the oils or butters in my leave in spray.. except for the essential oils. plus i can add my own essential oil mix
Other vendors have natty naturals
I saw Brazil nuts at my local market!! I didn't get them, but I'm going to go bavk for them this week. I plan to blend it in my Shea and cocoa butter mix.

Also, I don't like ACV in my herbal spray I made today because it dropped the pH too low. It is basically a replacement of my ACV rinse now instead of being a plain old moisturizer. It should balance out the alkalinity of my oil and I k ow my hair loves ACV spray quite often, so I'm fine with it. I was just thinking it would have been different. It smells really nice thanks to how it took to the essential oils. I also added in rosehip and hibiscus tea bag, that's still in there and I added glycerin. I love glycerin sprays. Now I have an herbal scurl/ACV rinse in one