2015 Christian Random Thoughts - Stand Strong - 11:58 is Not Too Late

Happy Monday ladies, have a blessed week!

I felt moved to come into this forum today, I really haven't been spending enough time here as I aught :)
How do you know you're open to it What do you do? Is it a motion, an attitude? Tis question was posed to believers, not those who do not know/recognize G-d. How exactly do you receive it?
How do you know you're open to it What do you do? Is it a motion, an attitude? Tis question was posed to believers, not those who do not know/recognize G-d. How exactly do you receive it?

When you accept the fact that God loves just because, you are indeed open to receiving his love. There is no "how" because you don't have to earn God's love. It's always available. If you live in bondage to perfectionism, then the answer to "how" is just finding contentment in the fact that God's grace covers our imperfections. We don't have to be perfect. We just have to live upright and according to God's word. And if we fall short, repent, ask for strength, and try it again.
Well, let me try that question this way. Aside from non-believers and perfectionists, in which tangible way (or intangible) do His followers accept His love? What does His love consist of aside from His sacrifice? His love is grace freely given...but what is its substance? I'm trying to piece together the homily and the meaning behind those very words, "accept G-d's love." If you are a believer, how do you accept it beyond the offer of "salvation?" Thoughts along those lines?

@divine I believe is saying that it is to believe He loves. But if one has accepted Jesus, doesn't that person already accept G-d's love? One example, G-d's providential care is sunshine on all people. Or, He awakens us due to love. You find yourself alive for another day. HIs love is freely given. You received it by default. How would you receive His love as in an act within yourself? He didn't say, "say thank you for HIs love" but he said, "receive G-d's love." It was truly like a parable.

Maybe I ought to pose the questions: What is love? What is G-d's love?
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Why did Jesus say to the man in Matthew 8:5-11 that He had never encountered someone with such a great faith? Was it because even though he had people under him he still decided to place himself under Jesus' guidance?
Well, let me try that question this way. Aside from non-believers and perfectionists, in which tangible way (or intangible) do His followers accept His love? What does His love consist of aside from His sacrifice? His love is grace freely given...but what is its substance? I'm trying to piece together the homily and the meaning behind those very words, "accept G-d's love." If you are a believer, how do you accept it beyond the offer of "salvation?" Thoughts along those lines?

@divine I believe is saying that it is to believe He loves. But if one has accepted Jesus, doesn't that person already accept G-d's love? One example, G-d's providential care is sunshine on all people. Or, He awakens us due to love. You find yourself alive for another day. HIs love is freely given. You received it by default. How would you receive His love as in an act within yourself? He didn't say, "say thank you for HIs love" but he said, "receive G-d's love." It was truly like a parable.

Maybe I ought to pose the questions: What is love? What is G-d's love?

The bolded goes back to what I previously stated. An unbeliever accepts God's love when they choose to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Since they already completed the prerequisite of accepting God's invitation, as believers, they are now receiving it. Except now, this act of receiving is no longer passive (one-sided). Giving and receiving is a two-way interaction.

I personally don't think there is anything else I can do (as a believer) to receive God's love because I have already chosen to accept it. Since I don't have win God over, there's nothing else for me to physically do to receive this love. God's love to me is unfailing, enduring, endless. It's not just an emotional response. It's an act of grace, kindness, and mercy. It has no parameters or boundaries.
Why did Jesus say to the man in Matthew 8:5-11 that He had never encountered someone with such a great faith? Was it because even though he had people under him he still decided to place himself under Jesus' guidance?

Maracujá In a literal sense (just by looking in the book), this is first time since Jesus began teaching that he encountered someone with bold faith like the centurion. Earlier in the chapter, Jesus met a man with leprosy. The man said to Jesus, "if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean." He knew that Jesus could heal him, but that "if" makes his request optional.

Contrast that with the centurion: "Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed." He didn't even ask Jesus to heal his servant! He knew that Jesus had the power to say something and it would be done.He knew without a shadow of a doubt that his servant would be healed. In verse 13 Jesus says, Go back home. Because you believed, it has happened.That's type of faith every believer needs to have if they expect their prayers to be answered.

Nobody goes into God's presence and says, "I'm going through some financial problems/an illness/(insert issue here) Lord. If you want to deliver me from this, you can." No, you are going to declare that deliverance and believe that God will come through! You are not going to give him the option to not answer your prayer for healing.

One could say that the man with leprosy may have just felt inadequate or unworthy in the Lord's sight. But any person who ever encounters God will feel that way. Jesus taught this about prayer in the previous chapter: Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. This is the key to effective prayer.

I don't think Jesus' response had anything to do with the centurion's title. I think it had everything to do with how boldly he approached Jesus with his request.
The bolded goes back to what I previously stated. An unbeliever accepts God's love when they choose to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Since they already completed the prerequisite of accepting God's invitation, as believers, they are now receiving it. Except now, this act of receiving is no longer passive (one-sided). Giving and receiving is a two-way interaction.

I personally don't think there is anything else I can do (as a believer) to receive God's love because I have already chosen to accept it. Since I don't have win God over, there's nothing else for me to physically do to receive this love. God's love to me is unfailing, enduring, endless. It's not just an emotional response. It's an act of grace, kindness, and mercy. It has no parameters or boundaries.

He was addressing anxiety as well. I understand your points and thought about the same for the believer but it's not quite fitting what he as getting at which is why I'm still asking folks for their opinion on what G-d's love actually is. We all say it's kindness and mercy...but what does that mean, exactly? I know what it means regarding salvation.

Maybe what he was talking about had to do with accepting whichever comes our way and that it's all in love, whether tragic or not? Cancer is grace and kindness? Tragic train accidents where people die is G-d's love? Not worrying about it is G-d's love? An action to agree to everything that happens? Never heard something put exactly that way. I dunno, I'm going to try and ask him but he was a visiting priest. I wish I had it on a podcast to submit it.
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He was addressing anxiety as well. I understand your points and thought about the same for the believer but it's not quite fitting what he as getting at which is why I'm still asking folks for their opinion on what G-d's love actually is. We all say it's kindness and mercy...but what does that mean, exactly? I know what it means regarding salvation.

Maybe what he was talking about had to do with accepting whichever comes our way and that it's all in love, whether tragic or not? Cancer is grace and kindness? Tragic train accidents where people die is G-d's love? Not worrying about it is G-d's love? An action to agree to everything that happens? Never heard something put exactly that way. I dunno, I'm going to try and ask him but he was a visiting priest. I wish I had it on a podcast to submit it.

Oh ok I understand! It would be helpful to have a better context. In regards to your statement about accepting whichever comes our way, that has nothing to do with love but everything to do with the fact that we live in a fallen world. I don't think it was in God's plan for us to suffer, ever. But he already had a solution before Eve ate of the fruit, which was his son Jesus.
I received this today....:)

"In our daily travels, how often do we depend upon road signs / GPS for direction!?! The signs direct us and keep us out of danger. Likewise, God's word is the same. God provides us with a spiritual map-quest, which is the bible to direct our path daily. Lean not upon your own understanding, but follow God's spiritual map-quest - the bible."
The Bobbi Christina situation is so tragic and upsetting to me... sigh... my heart and prayers are with her father and the rest of her family~
Oh ok I understand! It would be helpful to have a better context. In regards to your statement about accepting whichever comes our way, that has nothing to do with love but everything to do with the fact that we live in a fallen world. I don't think it was in God's plan for us to suffer, ever. But he already had a solution before Eve ate of the fruit, which was his son Jesus.

I know, right? It would seem so...but I get the feeling that this is precisely what he was saying - that all that happens is an act of love. I'd never heard it this way...or, I never paid attention to it this way.
Two weeks in a row! Same visiting priest. Anxiety the topic and this Sunday, "look to Job." There are a LOT of hurting people who are ready to give up. MSG: "don't give up."
One of the most wonderful things about having a relationship with the Lord for me is the awesome sense of hope and peace that comes over me in the middle of the storm. I have been in a very trying situation for about a month which to be quite honest I am ok with because I know it is just for a season. It has an end date, praise God. But something happened when I laid down to sleep last night and this morning, I have such joy. I am walking around with a grin that only my love and my Lord can give me. I am strengthen and courage to go on. Yes, I still check my emails and phone for that much needed job offer....... But my confidence is in my Lord to give me the favor and lead me to the position that I will grow to love. I am thankful for that.
This devotional blessed me...our connection with God is such a wonderful and powerful experience that nobody can take away.

God’s Connection with Us

“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).

We should be in awe of the privilege we have to use the breath of life to speak to our Creator. We were made to communicate with our Maker. Even though we may not start out doing it very well, He still wants to hear us speak to Him.

Just as we are delighted when our babies make their first tiny sounds, so our heavenly Father is delighted when He hears the sound of one of His children speaking words intended for His ears.

Lord, I thank You for the breath of life You have given me. I pray You will breathe new life into me today. Just as You spoke and brought about life in Your magnificent world, help me to speak words that bring life into my own small world as well. How grateful I am to be closely connected to You in every way.

Stormie Omartian
Father Knows Best....


We avoided a horrific tragedy and during all this time of testing, we are alive and well. We are blessed. But during it all, I was angry at Him. He truly was in control. Bring your anxieties under control and be thankful. In the end, you will see, He truly was in control and protected you.
I have no idea how things are going to pan out. But everytime I try to make a plan; I feel like I shouldn't worry about it. That everything will be ok.

I think I'm going to rest in the #dontworry zone. And let God deal with it.
Man's hope has got to be something outside himself - bigger and all-knowing. Otherwise, there is just no way to better this world.
John 14:13 tells us that if we ask for anything in His name, He will give it to us. In John 16:24 He tells us that up until now, we haven't asked for anything in His name.

I thought of this Scripture after watching this video on youtube (link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYewQOjFG1Q). It's a video of a husband whose wife has 13 siblings who come over to visit her and they decide to make a worship video. We have a proverb in my country about all noses being turned in the same direction...can you imagine being blessed with 13 children and have them all worship Him?

Another story that touched me is of an African-American couple that has been married for 82 years, have 14 children, 97 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren. Can you imagine having that type of legacy? God has the ability to lead people (in the right direction), this has inspired me to start asking God for big things concerning my family.
It's important that we act godly and be the change we want to see. No one will want Christ if there's nothing to admire in us:

"Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly. "
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God has me in this trying time to teach me how to pray for my enemies, those that wish to debase and minimize me. He is also teaching me that I do have power, I am not some weakling.

It's so hard though, I have wanted to cry, have cried, wanted to throw stuff. It's so hurtful. It's hard to even speak to them as I think they will see the smile and do something deliberate to try to dim it. It's safer for me to detach myself, so they just won't really know how they are hurting me. In the car, I thank God for allowing me to endure. 4 more days in this sad sad place.
What may be permissible might not be profitable. Be wise to know whether it will negatively affect your circumstances or not.
1 Corinthians 3:19-20Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)

19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written: I will catch the wise in their own craftiness.

20 And again: The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
I really didn't know if I should have posted this on the random thoughts thread or the prayer request thread because I literally had a prayer request and a praise break in same breath, but I'm so thankful for my Pastor for believing in me and my gift of writing.

I've been having a feeling for a few months now that he was going to eventually ask me to work for the church, and even my coworker asked me about a month ago, that if my Pastor asked me to leave my current job to work for the church, would I go. Naturally I said yes, but now I've had a hit wave of feelings of the thought of leaving my current job to where I started crying. I didn't realize how many relationships I've built with my team, but weighing my pros and cons, I don't see myself for growth professionally there. And I'm definitely not making what I should be making at the place I am post higher ed.

I said a quick prayer before I got out of my car before just for a clear answer. I'll be having a meeting on Wednesday, and I'll find out then if I'll be actually working for my church full/part time and if I'll be leaving my job.

I get really attached to people easily, and I know I'll miss my coworkers a lot if I do go, but truth be told, I know there is so much better out there. And the lifestyle of where I work and where I'm trying to go spiritually, I don't agree with wholeheartedly.

Four years ago, you couldn't have told me I'd be where I'm at when it comes to me and church. I'm thankful for the opportunity, while there is so much more to learn and work on in God. I didn't think I would change this much.